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101. Praie pyte, þi porter, þat he wolde opene þe ȝate charyte.

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Associated headword
preien v.(1)

102. The porter lete the draught [Add: drawȝthte; Rwl: bryge] doun falle.

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Associated headword
draught n.

103. Dorward or porter, þat chastis wrang wit þair mister..His biscop mai asoille him.

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Associated headword
dor, dore n.(1)

104. Who þat makeþ grucchyng..He schal to þe porter into þe draw-welle.

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105. Þe porter vndede [Hrl: vnded] þe ȝate anon & lete him in-to þe castel gon.

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Associated headword
undon v.

106. The porter answerde ungoodly agayne and sayde, ‘Thou gettyste no lodgynge here.’

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Associated headword
ungodli adv.

107. Þe porter was al bewaped. 'Allas!' queþ he, 'is Beues ascaped?'

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108. The porter said…‘Alas, is Beues ascapud soo?’ Anon the gates he gan vp throwe.

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109. His meyne is vnwelcome…Þe porter haþ comaundement to holde hem widoute þe ȝate.

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Associated headword
unwelcome adj.

110. I was leten in off the porter: Hym lyste to make no daunger.

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Associated headword
daunger n.

111. Is noþer peter þe porter ne paul with his fauchon That wolde defende me heuene dore.

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112. Gwido..knockid at þe ȝate, and þe porter come and askid þe cause of his knockyng.

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113. Somme þer ben þat..comen inne raþer þen somme; & þat is longe on þe porter.

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Associated headword
long adj.(2)

114. Merlin..seide than to the porter, 'Lete oute, for it is tyme.'

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Associated headword
leten v.

115. The porter to the panere went, And the led [vr. lyde] vppe he hentt.

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Associated headword
lid n.

116. Þe porter is proud wiȝalle; Euerich dai he goþ in palle.

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Associated headword
pal n.

117. Þe porter ysei is louerd come..Wuþ god herte he let is louerd in.

Associated headword
lord n.

118. Þe porter..Gef hym God & goud day, þat Gawayn be saue.

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Associated headword
God, god n.(1)

119. He calde, & sone þer com A porter pure plesaunt..& haylsed þe knyȝt erraunt.

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120. At his paleys ȝate he stood And heet þe porter..þe ȝates vp to do.

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Associated headword
palais n.

121. Whan þe peple was plenere [vr. al plenere; C: plener] comen, þe porter vnpynned þe ȝate.

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122. He brouȝtem to þe castel..& spac wiþ þe porter, in þat he hem let.

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Associated headword
porter n.

123. Whane þu comest to þe ȝate, Þe porter þu schalt finde þarate.

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Associated headword
porter n.

124. To this the porter [L ostiarius] openeth, and the scheep heeren his vois.

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Associated headword
porter n.

125. Whan he com to þe gate, To þe porter he ȝaf þe golde.

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Associated headword
porter n.

126. Furth he goos to the porter of the gates of the tovn.

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Associated headword
porter n.

127. Ich moste here porter beo, for non betere wuyrþe ich nere.

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Associated headword
porter n.

128. Sir Cherubin, þe haly angel þat porter [Vsp: yateward] ys, he gretes þe wel.

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Associated headword
porter n.

129. In a prive corner in disport Fond I Venus and hire porter, Richesse.

Associated headword
porter n.

130. Praie pyte þi porter, þat he wolde opene þe ȝate charyte.

Associated bibliographic data
Associated headword
porter n.

131. Pleye [Hnt: the porter vnpynnede þe gate..and leet þe remenant go rome].

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Associated headword
pleien v.(1)

132. Pertly to Porfiri presed þe qwene & prayed hym plese þe porter to se Katereyn.

Associated headword
pertli adv.

133. Prestabelle [Lamb: The porter, prophitable To his lorde, the constable Sone this tale tolde].

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134. Þe porter and his men in haste Kyng Robert in a podel caste.

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podel n.

135. To her' þer wordes al he [the porter] be bayn, And bryng þam Grath answer ogayn.

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Associated headword
greith adj.

136. In a prive corner in disport Fond I Venus and hire porter Richesse.

Associated headword

137. Þe porter is culuart & felun; He wule him sette a reisun.

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Associated headword
resoun n.(2)

138. Merlyn, that wele resembled to [F resambloit] bretel, cleped the porter.

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Associated headword
resemblen v.(1)

139. Priueli he tok þe gate Bi-twene þe porter and þe gate.

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Associated headword
taken v.

140. Þe he com to þe gate, þe porter he fond anon þerate.

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Associated headword
the conj.

141. Sont accustumez de doner pur chascun tonnelode, que le vesseau purra porter..douze deniers.

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Associated headword
tonne n.

142. Þe he com to þe gate, þe porter he fond anon þerate, Sittinde one a marbelston.

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143. For cariage þe porter hors schalle hyre, Foure pens a pece.

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pece n.

144. He range at the doyr and oure porter opynde to hym.

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Associated headword
ringen v.(2)

145. Þe porter of þe abbay..dede his ofice in þe clos.

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Associated headword
office n.

146. Merlin com to þe gate And bad þe porter him out late.

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147. I must ben at Norwyche on stoppe the oughtlawrye of John Porter.

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148. Cherubyn was porter ther ate, which heeld in his hand a foorbushed swerd.

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149. Þe porter asked..Of what hous he was, and him þhouȝt ferli.

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Associated headword
ferli adj.

150. Jamys porter tenement þat to hym is left by þis seyd Abbot William.

Associated headword
leven v.(1)

151. Þe porter of þe abbay aros, & dede his ofice in þe clos.

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Associated headword
clos n.

152. Cherubyn, Which at the gate was cheff porter, Holdynge that swerd.

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153. Conscience..made pees porter to pynne þe yates Of alle taletelleris and titeleris.

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154. Thelagonys..þe proude porter hent be þe berde, And with his fyste roof his chawle boon.

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berd n.(1)

155. The porter..foryat nouht to smyte me. Swich a strok he yaf me that he made me quaake.

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quaken v.

156. Wanne þay come to þe castel ȝate..þe porter alredi was þer-ate & let hym in an haste.

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157. He wold be my good Lord, amyttyng me for hese chapeleyn and Jhankyn Porter for hese servaunt.

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158. Crist is dore, and he is porter and wiþ oute his lefe…mai þer noman comen in.

Associated headword
withouten prep.

159. Who þat makeþ grucchyng þat we here dwelle, He schal to þe porter into the draw-welle.

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Associated headword
shulen v.(1)

160. One..groome porter..setteth up the sises in the Kings chambre without any waste or giftes or taking of fees.

Associated headword
sis n.

161. The groome porter of to be sette and served by the assewer of the chamber.

Associated headword

162. He..Þe proude porter hent[e] be þe berde, And with his fyste brast his chawle boon.

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Associated headword
chavel n.

163. In A preuy corner..ffond I Venus and her porter Rychesse, That was full nobull and hawte of her part.

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Associated headword
haut adj.

164. Þe porter..Him smot aȝeyn..þat neose and mouþ barst a-blood; Þenne he semed almost wod.

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Associated headword
ablod, ablode adv. & predicate adj.

165. Pray þe porter, as he is fre, Þat he let þe speke with me, Soo faire hym mot befalle.

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Associated headword
moten v.(2)

166. The porter wente in-to the halle, Alsone his lord he metes with-alle, He sailles him as he conne.

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Associated headword
sailen v.(1)

167. The porter wold haue putt hym oute, bot Ponthus shote hym so fro hym that he made hym fall.

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Associated headword
sheten v.

168. Provided..that this..Acte..extende not..unto..Sergeant of oure Seler..Sergeant of our Saucerye..Sergeant porter of our Gate.

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169. Nat was foryeten the porter ydelnesse, Ne Narcisus the faire of yore agon, Ne yet the folie of kyng Salomon.

Associated headword
yet adv.

170. Iohannes Porter..arrestauit vnum rete quod vocatur le Flu de Margareta et catalla ad valenciam viij s.

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Associated headword
flue n.(1)

171. The porter vnpynnede þe gate And plyghte [B: plukked] in pauci pryueliche, and leet þe remenant go rome.

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172. The þe Eorl..can call, 'Her is comen to þus wall, Y-armed apon a sted, Sir Degreuuant.'

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Associated headword
this adj.

173. Þe porter..yede to themperesse..& told to hir all the prive tokyns þat were ysaid bytwene hem two.

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Associated headword
token n.

174. Tho þou þrewe my porter in þe draw-welle, I swor..That þou schuldest be bounde boþe hand and foot.

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175. One is groome porter, that berith wood, strawe, russhes for the King's chambre, making the King's litters of his bed.

Associated headword

176. Portelle [Lamb: They..axed ther ostell At that fayre castell..The porter faire and wele Lete hym yn full snell].

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Associated headword
portal n.

177. Þe porter of þe abbay aros..rong þe belles & taperes liȝt, leyd forþ bokes, & al redi diȝt.

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Associated headword
porter n.

178. Sir Gareth rode unto the barbycan of the castell and prayed the porter fayre to lette hym into the castell.

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Associated headword
porter n.

179. I dar nouȝt wiþ seie so grete and suche a fissher and porter, leste he close hevene ȝate aȝenst me.

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Associated headword
porter n.

180. Cerberus, the porter of helle, with his thre hevedes, was caught and al abasschid of the newe song.

Associated headword
porter n.

181. Crist is Dore, And He is Porter, and wiþ oute His lefe and His liuere mai þer noman comen in.

Associated headword
porter n.

182. Thexecutour is porter, if heuene yate be stoken, To brynge in the soule of whom he hath the charge.

Associated headword
porter n.

183. Whan þe peple was plenere comen, þe porter..plukked in pauci priueliche and lete þe remenaunt go rowme.

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184. Conscience..made pees porter to pynne þe ȝates Of alle taletellers [C: tale-tellours] and tyterers in ydel.

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185. Ilkane of þam hase sum office in þe emperour courte, for a kyng es porter, anoþer hawler, anoþer chaumberlayne.

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Associated headword
office n.

186. Is noyther peter þe porter, ne poule with his fauchoune, Þa[t] wil defende me þe dore.

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187. Is noyther peter þe porter ne poule with his fauchoune Þa[t] wil defende me þe dore.

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Associated headword
Peter n.

188. Sir Gareth rode unto the barbycan of the castell, and prayed the porter fayre to lette hym into the castell.

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189. A kyng es porter..anoþer buteler, anoþer sewer, anoþer marschall, and so furth of all oþer officez þat langes till his courte.

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190. Ne vnto the it is no myster That thou to Serebrus, the porter Of helle, besie the his cheynes to breke.

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Associated headword
mister n.

191. What schal I do I woot not, but if þi greet grace, þat is, þi messanger, praie pyte þi porter þat he wolde opene þe ȝate charyte.

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192. All their officers..have free entree..withoute any arrestyng disturbaunce, lettyng, or agaynsayng of the constable lieutenant or of the porter.

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193. Tho þou þrewe my porter in þe draw-welle, I swor in þat wraþþe, and in þat grete moot, That þou schuldest be bounde.

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Associated headword
mot n.(3)

194. Ther durste no maner of man wor [?read: wer; F porter] no suche iwelles…but only they that had wonned by their manhoode.

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Associated headword
weren v.(2)

195. All other to the hall, except one messe of groomes waytors, etyng in a pryvate place, as with the groome porter of chamber.

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196. The Porter toke all his wordes in scorne; neverthelesse, scornyngly he went to the Emperesse and prively rowned in her ere.

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scorningli adv.

197. On a day sho come vnto þe nonrie yate & askid þe porter if he knew evur a non in þat place þat hight Betres.

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198. Þe porter in scorne toke hede to his wordis [vr. toke all his wordes in scorne] & with scorne yede to themperesse & rownyd with her.

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Associated headword
scorn n.

199. Ȝif the porter or officere of eny grete man..happyn to hurte eny clerke, as mencion is made in the same chapter.

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200. The ministre and the norice vn to vices, Which that men clepe in Englissh ydelnesse, That porter of the gate is of delices.

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