Middle English Dictionary Entry

cǒmpaignīe n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

A group of persons having a common interest, purpose, faith, status, occupation, function, etc.: (a) a host (of angels, saints, the saved); holi ~; the ~ of heven, the heavenly host; also, an order (of angels); lord of compainies, Lord of Hosts; (b) a body of followers, attendants, retainers; retinue, entourage; the Cristen ~, the Christians; (c) a group of warriors; an army or host; ~ of knightes; ~ of hors, a troop of cavalry; also, a fleet or squadron; (d) a subdivision of Roman century, a battalion; (e) a professional group, such as a trade guild or an ecclesiastical body; also, an organization of Roman citizens.
(a) Any group of persons gathered casually or on a particular occasion; a group of visitors or guests; a social gathering; (b) a multitude.
(a) Intimate association with another or with others; companionship, fellowship, company; withoute ~, without a companion; (b) beren ~, don ~, haven ~, holden ~, maken ~, to associate with (sb.); accompany, escort; befriend (sb.), be friends (with sb.); folwen ~, seek (someone's) companionship or friendship; shonen ~, shun (someone's) company; departen ~, part company; (c) comen into ~, to enter into (good) company; dwellen nigh ~, live intimately with (sb.); haven in ~, have (sb.) as a companion or mate; putten into ~, make (sb.) a companion; don, sheten out of ~, exclude (sb.) from (one's) company, cast out; (d) gon in ~, to go in one body or together; per ~, in a body; in accompaniment.
Companionship or intimacy between the sexes; sexual union, intercourse; ~ of man.
Sociability, courtesy, amiability; friendship; poverte brekes ~, poverty breaks up friendship; don after ~, be courteous.
Of animals: (a) a herd (of beasts), a flock (of birds), a swarm (of bees), etc.; (b) liven in ~, to live in (their) midst; taken in ~, adopt into (one's) company; comen in ~, live or mate with (the male).
Of things: (a) a collection or mass; (b) association, connection; combination; conjunction; (c) kinship; ~ of kinde, natural kinship; (d) proximity, contact.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1450 Terms Assoc.(2) (Cmb Ll.1.18)232 : A company or a bablyng off women.
  • c1450 Terms Assoc.(2) (Cmb Ll.1.18)231 : An hoste of men or a companye.
  • c1450 Terms Assoc.(2) (Cmb Ll.1.18)231 : A bevy of ladyes or a company.
  • Note: New sense
    Note: Add subsense (c) to sense 2.
    Note: Gloss: (c) as term of association: a company or group (of ladies, men).
Note: Addition: add to gloss in sense 6.(a): "--also as term of association;".--notes per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.37rb (2.3) : Þai suffer grete straythede and dryhede & disese at þe brest. Company of woman distroyeþ him moste.
  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.41vb (2.3) : Þis bifalleth mykel in wydowes þat were wont biforne for to haue company of man & haue noȝt as þai were wont.
Note: Additional quots., sense 4., ?modify gloss, adding ~ of woman. Editor's gloss: company, n. ~ of woman, ~ of man 'sexual intercourse'.