Middle English Dictionary Entry

clōsen v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. enclosen.
(a) To obstruct a passageway; block entrance to (a place); ~ up; ~ from, bar or block (someone's) entry; shut or lock (a door); ~ to; of a trap: to shut; (b) to close an opening or gap; ~ eies, shut the eyelids, shut the eyes, go to sleep, die; ~ eres, refuse to listen; ~ mouth, shut the mouth or keep it shut; refrain from speaking; of the knees: ?knock together, ?buckle; (c) to stop or fill up an aperture; ~ wound, close or heal a wound; ~ cheste, caulk (the cracks in) the Ark; (d) of a gap: to close up; ~ togeder; of a wound: close, heal; (e) ppl. clos as adj.: of a container: provided with a lid or stopper; (f) of a woman's uterus: to close up.
Of something that is spread out or unfolded: to shut, fold up, close; ~ in (togeder).
(a) Of two or more things: to come close together, join; ~ togeder; ppl. closing, connecting; close-fitting; ppl. clos, of a bird's foot: webbed; (b) to join or connect (things); ppl. clos: fastened or framed firmly; (c) ~ ther-to (unto), to adjoin (sth.).
(a) To fortify (a city, castle, etc.) by surrounding it with a wall and/or a moat; ~ in; clos toun, walled city; (b) to put a wall, hedge, or ditch around (a garden, yard, or dwelling); closed with, surrounded by; clos temple; maken clos, ?fence (a vineyard); (c) of a wall, hedge, ditch: to surround (a plot of ground); ~ in; ~ in compas; (d) law to fence in or bound (waste or common land) by way of appropriation to private use; appropriate to private use; clos pasture; closed park.
Of the sea, mountains: to surround (a city, a country).
To encircle (an adversary), hem in; besiege (a stronghold); ~ abouten (in, enviroun).
(a) To confine (sb.), shut up (in a place); the closed, the prisoners; (b) fig. to confine (Christianity to buildings); the closed dai, light engulfed in darkness; ~ in argumentes, to embarrass (sb.) by arguments, refute.
(a) To entomb or bury (sb.); (b) to enshrine (relics).
(a) To seclude (oneself); seek refuge, retire; holden (kepen) clos, remain in seclusion; clos nonnes, nuns who live in the seclusion of a convent; (b) to offer seclusion; (c) to commit (sb.) to seclusion.
(a) To put (sth.) into a container; ppl. contained, enclosed; (b) to put (sth.) into or under a cover, cover up; obscure (the sun); ~ with sheld; ppl. enclosed, encased; sheathed (in armor); wrapped (in skins); bound (in parchment); of a document: ~ in wax, folded and/or sealed; (c) to put (sth.) into a surrounding medium, shut in; (d) to put (sth.) into a setting; set (a jewel); frame (an object); (e) ppl. situated.
Fig. uses: (a)to get possession of (sth.); ~ in hond; ~ in care, involve in trouble; (b) ppl. clos(ed in fiste, held in (one's) power; closed in herte, contained or lodged in (one's) heart; closed in frendshipe, included among (one's) friends; closed in clennesse, immersed in purity of spirit; closed in pride, engrossed in pride.
(a) To contain (sth.); -- with in, within phr.; (b) to include (sth. in a treatise).
~ oute, to shut out, exclude (sth.); ~ from, to keep (an eventuality) from (sb.); clos from, shut off from (sth.), deprived of, free from.
Of persons: (a) holden clos, to hide (oneself); stay hidden; -- refl.; (b) clos, secretive; kepen clos, to stay under cover, operate secretly.
To conceal (sth.); keep secret; hold in confidence; clos(ed, concealed; clos wordes, confidential words; kepen clos, keep (sth.) secret; hold in confidence.
(a) To restrain (oneself); holden clos, restrain (the tongue), be discreet; (b) ppl. restrained, discreet.
(a) To conclude (a statement or description); end (a tune); (b) to come to an end, end.
Phrases & cpds: clos bedde, a curtained bed; ~ brest, ?a woman's garment; ~ chaiere, ~ stol, an enclosed seat (with chamber pot); ~ hosen, a close-fitting garment resembling tights worn by men and boys, joined hose; ~ librarie, an archive; ~ table, some kind of table or bench; ~ werk [see quot.].

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1500 Mantic Alph.(2) (Ryl Lat 228)480 : Halde þe sawter in þi riȝt hande closed.
  • Note: Additional quot. for the sense 2.,'to close (a book).'
  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.59vb (2.7) : Þe stomac..haþ 'epar' euen vnder him, in so mykel þat he is nyh closed in him os a pot ouer þe fire, and þat geueþ him hete fro beneþe.
  • Note: ?New phrase. Editor's gloss: nyh ~ in 'closely adjoining, abutting.'
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense 2.(a).
    Note: Gloss: "neigh closed in, of a bodily organ: closely adjoing (another organ), abutting."
  • a1500 Agnus Castus (LdMisc 553)201/11 : If a man..anoynte þe wounde with þe water of þis herbe destilled, þat wounde schal closy with[inne] a short time.
  • Note: Quot. postdates sense 1.(c).
  • a1500 Galawnt pride (RwlPoet 34)2 : Theyr hosyn of red, ful close þei be, With a whytte bulwerk abowtt þe kne.
  • Note: Quot. postdates sense 15.
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section is incomplete and needs revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED.--all notes per MLL