Middle English Dictionary Entry
cart n.
Entry Info
Forms | cart n. Also cheart, kert. Pl. cartes, (rare) carten. |
Etymology | OE & ON; cp. WS cræt & OI kartr. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) A cart, a wagon; also fig.; dong ~, [see dong n.(1), 5.]; fare ~, [see fare n. (1), 8.(b)]; iren-bounden ~, shod ~, a cart with wheels which are bound or reinforced with iron bands; taken ~, to commandeer carts in the king's name; (b) in proverbial expressions; his ~ amidde the mire, his plans upset, his hopes dashed, etc.; shouven at the ~, to put one's shoulder to the wheel; slepen (ben cast) in wanhopes ~, to be in despair; the ~ is at the gate, the funeral cart is waiting for the corpse; (c) a cartload.
Associated quotations
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)pref.48 : Þeȝȝ berenn Hælennd Crist, Alls iff þeȝȝ karrte wærenn Off wheless fowwre.
- ?a1300 Jacob & J.(Bod 652)504 : He lette senden in cartes to his fader sake, Cloþes of skarlet & of sabelin.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2362 : He bad cartes and waines nimen, And fechen wiues and childre and men.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)4711 : Seuen hundred cartes al so & fiue hundred waines after go.
- (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)35/20 : Anoþer..leneþ..seruices ulessliche of hors, of carten.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.2022 : The cartere ouerryden with his carte, Vnder the wheel ful lowe he lay adoun.
- c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn)2.154 : Vr Cart he schal drawe And fetten vr vitayles.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)19.327-8 : Grace deuised A Carte, hyȝte cristendome, to carye pieres sheues, And gaf hym caples to his carte.
- c1410(c1350) Gamelyn (Hrl 7334)528 : And hom aȝen þey were ilad in cartes and in waynes.
- (1417) J.Dernell in Nrf.Archaeol.15125 : Yo carte goyng to Eston for a lode Wode, price xij d.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)9b/b : Biga: a wayne or a karte.
- (1425) *Indent.Elyngham (Add Charter 62408) : ij erynbownden cartys, vj hors, vj merys.
- (1429) Will Braybroke in Ess.AST 5304 : I yeue to Sir Richard Valdrian..a shodde cart with ye harneys.
- c1436 Ipswich Domesday(2) (Add 25011)179 : And for every tunne..chargyd on carte [OF sour carette]..ij d. ob.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)62 : Carre, or lytylle cart þat oone hors drawythe: Monocosmus.
- (1444) Will Daubeney in Som.RS 19342 : Item, to John Downam my letel cart and iiij hernes yerto.
- (1450) RParl.5.202b : Diverse Ostillers, Bruers, and other Vitellers..have purchaced Letters Patentz of the Kyng..to take Horsys and Cartys for cariage for the King..by colour of which Letters Patentes, they daily taken Horsys and Cartys where that noo nede is, and theim bringen unto their Hostries.
- a1456 Lydg.St.George (Trin-C R.3.20)128 : He made þe dragoun to be drawe With waynes and cartes fer out of þe towne.
- a1470 Ordin.War Hen.V in RS 55.1 (Lnsd 285)469 : That nomaner man be so hardy to take fro noman gayng to the plough, harrowe or carte, hors, mare, nor oxe.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)215/10 : He grauntyd..fre goynge..thorowe hys woode..for her cartes.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)39/534 : Behald on this greyn nowder cart ne plogh.
- a1300 Serm.Liþer lok (Trin-C B.1.45)105 : Þanne is te carte atte gate.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)2.1974 : Anon I renne unto the welle And caste water in the fyr, So that his carte amidd the Myr..Fulofte sithe I overthrowe.
- (c1422) Hoccl.Dial.(Dur-U Cosin V.3.9)617 : Now, good freend, shoue at the cart, I yow preye.
- c1475(c1450) Idley Instr.(Cmb Ee.4.37)2.B.1258 : He cowde not calle to mercie -- he was cast [vr. but slept] in wanhopis carte.
- a1400 Usages Win.(Win-HRO W/A3/1)p.68 : Euerych cart [OF carecte] y-seld in þe town..shal to þe kynge of custome an halpeny.
- c1436 Ipswich Domesday(2) (Add 25011)181 : For eche carte of trussys of cloythis..iiij d.
- (1442) Acc.St.Mary Thame in BBOAJ 7116 : For caryage of iii carts of stone..x d.
- (1460) Doc.in Gilbert Cal.Dublin 1306 : Carterys and carmen..schall drawe out of the town ii carts of dung for a peny.
- (1463-4) Acc.Howard in RC 57239 : I toke to Roberd Koke to pay for a karte hey, iij s. iiij d.
A chariot, a war chariot, the chariot of the sun; a coach or carriage; four-horsed ~, four-wheled ~.
Associated quotations
- a1150(OE) Vsp.D.Hom.Nicod.(Vsp D.14)87/21 : Helias..wæs on fyrene chearte hider gefered.
- c1225(OE) Wor.Aelfric Gloss.(Wor F.174)551/37 : Currus, uel basterna, uel heseda: kert.
- c1225 Wor.Bod.Gloss.(Hat 115)24 : Cræt: kert.
- c1175 Orm.(Jun 1)8706 : Helyas..þær stah innto þatt karrte.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)11396 : Mid carte he for to Lundene & sette his hustinge.
- c1350 MPPsalter (Add 17376)p.182 : He drunkened in þe Reed See Pharaons cartes.
- (c1385) Chaucer CT.Kn.(Manly-Rickert)A.2041 : The statue of Mars vpon a carte stood, Armed and loked grym as he were wood.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.816 : Of gold glistrende, Spoke and whiel, The Sonne his carte hath faire and wiel.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)6220 : His folk þan gadir pharaon..And cuppel did his cartes all.
- a1425(a1382) WBible(1) (Corp-O 4)3 Kings 10.29 : There was bouȝt a foure whelid cart [L quadriga] of Egipt for sexe hundrid ouncis of siluer.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)5.278 : And Phebus with his rosy carte soone Gan..to dresse hym up to fare.
- a1425(c1395) WBible(2) Prol.Mat.(1) (Roy 1.C.8)2 : The gospelleris..ben as foure wheelis in the foure horsid carte of the Lord.
- c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson)943 : Pheton wolde lede Algate his fader cart.
- (a1464) Capgr.Chron.(Cmb Gg.4.12)33 : Cisara..had a gret hoost, and nyne hundred cartis dith with hokis of yrun.
- a1500(c1340) Rolle Psalter (UC 64)p.503 : Lord as a man feghtere..the kartis of pharao and his oste he kest in the see.
~ hors: (a) a horse that draws a cart or wagon, a cart horse; (b) a chariot horse.
Associated quotations
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)283b/b : And carthors [L Equos aut bigales] were y-halwed to þe moone.
- a1425 Roy.17.C.17 Nominale (Roy 17.C.17)637/35 : Hic caballus: carthors.
- (1432) *Acc.Grantchester : Item, ij c. of horchon' new mad be the same John for rode hors & Cart hors.
- (1440) Visit.Alnwick196 : Thomas Hylle..made ther of a stable for the comune cartehorses.
- (1451) Lin.DDoc.49/9 : I will he haf in Someretby my best carte and j of my best carthors.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)21b : A Carte horse: veredus, Caballus.
- a1500 Henley Husb.(Sln 686)51 : Change those þat be not good to kepe, & þat as wele off your carte hors & oxon as off all oþer catell.
- c1450(c1380) Chaucer HF (Benson-Robinson)944 : Whan the sonnes sone..That highte Pheton wolde lede Algate his fader carte and gye The cartehors.
Associated quotations
- (1259) Doc.Manor in MP 3441 : Cartehous.
- (1311) in Neilson Ramsey Abbeyapp.35 : Granarium..et le cartehous.
- (1348) in Löfvenberg Contrib.Lex.92 : Le Carthous.
- (1355) in Löfvenberg Contrib.Lex.92 : Le Carthous.
- (1374) Inquis.PM Edw.III in BRS 4783 : Cartehous.
- (1444) Paston2.59 : j curtum lignum in le carthows.
- (1458) Visit.St.Paul in Camd.n.s.5575 : Domus prope le Cartehous multum palitur defectum.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)21b : A Cartehowse: Carectaria.
- a1500(?a1400) KEdw.& S.(Cmb Ff.5.48)175 : Into my carthaws þei me dryfe.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)62 : Cartehowse [vr. carfax]: Quadrivium.
(a) ~ sadel, a small saddle on the back of a cart horse, to which the tongue or shafts are attached; (b) ~ sadel tre, the wooden framework of a cart saddle.
Associated quotations
- (1267-8) Acc.Wellingborough in North.RS 85 : In xij cartesadel' missis Croyl', xviij d.
- (c1330) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.100518 : In 6 Coleris pro equis del Wodecartes, 1 Cartesadle.
- (1381) Doc.in Morsbach Origurk.5 : Jtem a semsadel, a cartsadel.
- (1394) Invent.Monk-Wear.in Sur.Soc.29183 : In curia..j cartsadyl.
- (1403) Will York in Sur.Soc.4524 : Item, ij cartsadles, viij d.
- (1407-8) Rec.Norwich 255 : Trayes, carte-sadels, haltres.
- (1408-9) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103607 : Unum Cropell pro le Cartesadyll cum apparatu ferreo, 20 s.
- a1425 Roy.17.C.17 Nominale (Roy 17.C.17)665/33 : Hoc dorsilollum: cartsadylle.
- c1450 Trin-C.LEDict.(Trin-C O.5.4)593/29 : Lolidodium: a kartsadell.
- a1475(a1450) Tourn.Tott.(Hrl 5396)163 : Þer was clynkyng of cart-sadellys.
- (1418-9) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103615 : In cartsadiltrees et ladesadiltrees empt., 2 s. 8 d.
~ whele: (a) a cart wheel; (b) ?as a measure of land: a carucate, a plowland.
Associated quotations
- (c1392) ?Westwyk EPlanets (Peterh 75)18/9 : The circumference shal be bownde with a plate of yren in maner of a karte whel.
- (c1395) Chaucer CT.Sum.(Manly-Rickert)D.2257 : Twelue spokes hath a cartwheel comunly.
- a1425 PPl.C (Lond-U V.88)16.162 : In þe corner of a cart-whel wiþ a crowe croune.
- (1429) Will York in Sur.Soc.4417 : A pare of cart wheles new bonden.
- c1436 Ipswich Domesday(2) (Add 25011)201 : Of eche peyre of cartewhelys, j d.
- (1444-6) Acc.St.Michael Oxf.in OAST 7843 : Item, rec' for a carte wele v d.
- c1450 Jacob's W.(Sal 103)260/26 : As a carte-qweel, drye & vngrecyd, cryeth lowdest of oþere qwelys.
- a1500 Feast Tott.(Cmb Ff.5.48)298 : Alle the cart wheles of Kent, With stonys of the payment, Ful wel were thei tried.
- a1475(a1447) Bokenham MAngl.(Hrl 4011)20/43 : Þe which alle Willelmus conquestor made to be discryuyd & motyne by hides & carte-whelis [L per hydas seu carucatas].
In various cpds. and combs.: (a) ~ man, a carter; ~ reve, manorial official in charge of vehicles; ~ takere, an officer in charge of commandeering carts or wagons for the king; ~ wrighte, one who makes or repairs carts or wagons; (b) ~ ful, a cartload; also, a large number, many; ~ lode, a cartload; also, as a measure: 2000 pounds; (c) ~ bote, an allowance of timber which a tenant has the right to cut and to use for making or repairing carts; ~ gate, a gate for the passage of carts; ~ hired, a collection of chariots [cp. OE hīrēd n.]; ~ mere, a mare that draws a cart; ~ plough, a wheeled plow; ~ silver, a money rent paid in lieu of carting services for the lord of the manor; ~ spore, a cart track, the track made by a cart-wheel; ~ wei, a road for carts and wagons; commune as the ~ wei, public, common, cheap; (d) ~ wise, as a cart.
Associated quotations
- (1269) Close R.Hen.III25 : Henricus filius Henrici le Carteworghte.
- (1269) Close R.Hen.III76 : Willelmus le Cartman.
- (1272-3) Doc.Manor in MP 3442 : Cartereve.
- (1275) in Fransson Surn.161 : Joh. le Cartwereste.
- (1292) in Fransson Surn.161 : Ric. le Cartewrychgte.
- (1294) in Fransson Surn.161 : Rad. le Cartwreute.
- (1308) in Fransson Surn.161 : Rich. le Cartewricht.
- (1317) in Fransson Surn.161 : Elias the Cartwriht.
- (1327) in Fransson Surn.161 : Will. le Cart Wrygthe. Thom. le Cartwrigte. Hugo le Cartewrighte. Galfr. Cartwryth. Alan. Cartwhryt.
- (1348) in Fransson Surn.161 : Constance Cartewryght.
- (1363) Reg.Edw.Blk.Pr.4.491 : John Cartewryght.
- a1425 Roy.17.C.17 Nominale (Roy 17.C.17)650/21 : Carpentarius: kartwryght.
- (1454) Proc.Privy C.6.233 : Carte takeres, Richard Rede, James Bateman.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)21b : A Carte wryght: Carectarius.
- (c1300) Havelok (LdMisc 108)895 : He bar up wel a carte lode Of segges, laxes, of playces brode.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)5181 : Sarsyns schal y so cloute, þat a cartful y schal sle me-self.
- (a1399) Oath Bk.Colchester10 : Trowys a cartelode, ij d.; and horslode, ob.
- (1423) Doc.Brewer in Bk.Lond.E.168 : For iij Cartfull of ston, pris þe lode ij s. viij d.
- (1424) Let.Bk.Lond.I (Gldh LetBk I)288 : Purveours of hey..assesseden cartfull of hey and litere at lesse price than they were worth.
- ?a1425 Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982)125/5 : He schall hafe at þat tyme three score cartefulles and ma of gold and siluer.
- (1434-5) Acc.St.Michael Oxf.in OAST 7832 : Item, in expenses for ii carte lode of sclate stone, pris v s. vi d.; item, for i carte lode of lyme pris iiii s. xi d.
- (a1438) MKempe A (Add 61823)28/30 : Her is a cartful of thornys redy for þe.
- (1448) in Willis & C.Cambridge 1400 : Cariage of CCC cartlodes of Tymbre at iij s. the lode.
- c1450 Trin-C.LEDict.(Trin-C O.5.4)568/16 : Bigata: a kartlode.
- (1453) Paston2.287 : I have had inne ij cartfull of hey.
- (1465) Acc.Howard in RC 57316 : My mastyr payd for a cartfolle of charcolle, vj s.
- (1474) Acc.St.John Peterb.in Antiq.51468 : Payd for caryyng of j carthfull of wode.
- a1475 Godstow Reg.(Rwl B.408)85/2 : Raaf harange yaf..j cartlode of roddis in his wode.
- c1475(c1399) Mum & S.(1) (Cmb Ll.4.14)2.158 : Thus foulyd þis faukyn on fyldis abouȝte, And cauȝte of the kuyttis a cartffull at ones.
- a1500 *Vsp.Weights (Vsp E.9)87a : xiiij lb. make a stone..and ij Ml. make a Tunne, is a cart loede.
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)3215 : Sex hundred carte-hird i-wrogt vt of egipte he haued brogt.
- (1353) Doc.Manor in MP 3457 : Cartplow.
- (c1384) Doc.in Bk.Lond.E.231/37 : And the remenaunt of the soyle, Accept the Cartway..to do bylde Chambrys And Hovses.
- (a1387) Trev.Higd.(StJ-C H.1)1.63 : Þe hilles of Caspi..haueþ in lengþe seuen þowsand paas, and in brede vnneþe þe space of a cart wey.
- c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn)3.127 : Heo is Tikel of hire Tayl..As Comuyn as þe Cart-wei to knaues and to alle.
- c1390 PPl.A(1) (Vrn)7.274 : I haue..a Cou and a Calf and a Cart-Mare, To drawe a-feld my donge.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)3.2074 : He..rente out..Hire Pappes bothe and caste aweie Amiddes in the carte weie.
- (1401) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.100299 : De 24 s. rec. de Billyngham..pro cartsilver.
- (1402) Topias (Dgb 41)p.110 : The presciouse perlis ȝe strowun to hogges..and maken hem als comoun as the cart weye.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)46a/b : Orbita: a carte spore or a paþe.
- (1425) in Madox Form.Angl.(1702)145 : Et prædictus Ricardus & assignati sui habebunt racionabilia Plowbote, Cartbote, & Fyrebote.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)21b : A Carte spore [Monson: Carte spurre]: Orbita.
- a1500(?a1400) Firumb.(2) (Fil)1412 : They broken A pese oute of the walle of a kart-gate.
- 1543(1464) Hardyng Chron.B (Grafton)p.175 : Lechery and aduoutry..was common as [the] carte waye.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)3629 : Ane instrument all of iren..Was compast on carte wise & cursoures þaim dreȝe.
In names of parts or appurtenances of a cart: (a) ~ bodi, the superstructure of a cart, the part that holds the load; ~ bond, an iron rim or tire of a cart wheel; ~ clout, an iron plate on the axle of a cart (to prevent wearing); ~ gadde, ?a goad used by a carter; (b) ~ harneis, harness of a cart horse; ~ hirdel, a hurdle attached to the sides of a cart; ~ kipe, ?some part of a cart; ?a basket acting as a tip on a cart; ~ laddere, a removable framework attached to the body of a cart; ~ nail, a nail for a cart; ~ nave (~ nathe), the hub of a cart wheel; ~ pin, a tholepin for attaching shafts or tongue to a cart; ?also, a linchpin; ~ rop, a rope for a cart; (c) ~ scrile, some part of a cart or something used in repairing a cart; ~ sole, a wooden bar supporting the bottom of a cart; ~ spoke, a spoke of a cart wheel; ~ staf, a tongue or a shaft of a cart; ~ stoure, one of the upright pieces of wood in the sides of a cart to which the boards are nailed to form the sides; ~ strake (stroke), one of the separate iron plates together forming a band used to secure the felloes of a cartwheel to each other; ~ thille, a shaft or a tongue of a cart; (paire of ) ~ traises, the (pair of) ropes by which an animal is attached to a cart, the tugs or traces of a cart harness.
Associated quotations
- (1272-3) Doc.Manor in MP 3453 : Carteclute.
- (1311) Doc.Manor in MP 3453 : Carteband.
- (1322-3) Acc.Wellingborough in North.RS 8124 : Item in quattuor duodenis carteclout' emptis ij sol. iiij d.
- a1325 Gloss.Bibbesw.(Cmb Gg.1.1)847 : Sur les esseiles gist le chartil [glossed:] cartbody.
- a1325 Gloss.Bibbesw.(Arun 220)167 : Les bendes de les roes: the carte-bondes [vrr. cartbondes, bandes or iren].
- (c1330) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.100518 : In 16 carteclutis, 2 lynpinnes, 2 Haxnailles.
- c1350 Cmb.Ee.4.20.Nominale (Cmb Ee.4.20)868,872 : Bende de fer, iauntes, et ray: Cartebonde, felies, and spokes..Cartil, essel, et sauners: Cartebodi, axultre, cloutes.
- (1351) Acc.Chester in LCRS 59197 : 1 cartbond.
- (1356) Doc.in Riley Mem.Lond.284 : [And 12] cartecloutes.
- (1362) Invent.Jarrow in Sur.Soc.2944 : j cartbod novum.
- (1370) Invent.Jarrow in Sur.Soc.2953 : ij cartbodys novi.
- (1371) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.99129 : xij cartcloutes veteres.
- (1417) J.Dernell in Nrf.Archaeol.15129 : Item, a carte gad j d.
- (1446) Will Durham in Sur.Soc.295 : viij cartecloutez.
- ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562)21b : A Carte Clowte: Crusta, Crustula.
- 1483 Cath.Angl.(Monson 168)54 : A Carte band: crusta, crustula diminutiuum.
- ?a1500 Lndsb.Nominale (Lndsb)811/32 : Hoc epuscium: a cartclowte.
- (c1320) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.100514 : In duobus Carterapis empt., 9 d.
- (1322-3) Acc.Wellingborough in North.RS 8124 : In vno cartekypo ij d.
- a1325 Gloss.Bibbesw.(Arun 220)168 : Si unt le charettes lour escheles: carte-ladderis.
- (1346-8) Doc.Manor in MP 3453 : Carterop.
- (1352-3) Doc.Manor in MP 3453 : Cartnailis.
- (1362) Invent.Jarrow in Sur.Soc.2944 : In stabulo..j cartrayp.
- (1371) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.99129 : ij cartrapes, ij waynraps novi.
- (1394) Invent.Monk-Wear.in Sur.Soc.29183 : In curia..j kartrape, j waynerape.
- (1407-8) Rec.Norwich 255 : [For a new cart with..] carte-ledder, spittes, 2 hirdles..cart-rope.
- (1408-9) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103607 : It., in Carteharnas, vz 8 Colers, 4 panell', 47 belybandes et Rygbandes nova, 6 paria de Trayse nova.
- (1409-10) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103608 : Pro lez Colers et cartharneyse.
- (1417) J.Dernell in Nrf.Archaeol.15130 : Item, for a payr of carte hyrdylys, iiij ob.
- (1417) J.Dernell in Nrf.Archaeol.15133 : Item, hopyng of a payr carte nawes, ij d.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)40b/a : Meditullium: a cart naþe.
- (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221)492 : Tholle, carte pynne: Cavilla.
- c1450 Trin-C.LEDict.(Trin-C O.5.4)611/6 : Selabicalis [?read: scala bigalis]: a kartladdere.
- (c1450) The Rote is ded (CotR 2.23)p.222 : The Carte nathe is spokeles.
- (1467) Acc.All Sts.Tilney33 : Item, pro j Anglice Kartrope..v d.
- a1500 Hrl.1002 Gloss.(Hrl 1002)628 : Timpana: cartenave.
- (1322-3) Acc.Wellingborough in North.RS 8124 : In ij paribus cartescriles.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)2198 : Ȝe beþ men bet iteiȝt..To cartstaf & to ploustaf..Þan wiþ suerd oþer hauberc eny bataile to do.
- c1350 Cmb.Ee.4.20.Nominale (Cmb Ee.4.20)878 : A coustes, claies, et roulouns: Be sydes, hirdeles, and cartesoulis.
- (1356) Doc.in Riley Mem.Lond.283 : [And 4] cartstrokes, 3 s. 8 d.
- (1367) Doc.Finchale in Sur.Soc.6p.lxxix : iiij paria de naves, iij axhil-triss, ij cartrachez.
- (a1382) Doc.Hatfield in Sur.Soc.32254 : In j gang de cartstoures empt., 1 d.
- c1410(c1350) Gamelyn (Hrl 7334)590 : A good cart staf in his hand he hente.
- (1412-3) Acc.R.Dur.in Sur.Soc.103609 : Pro di. gange de Cartstrakes.
- (1417) J.Dernell in Nrf.Archaeol.15126 : Item, a payre of carte trayce.
- (1417) J.Dernell in Nrf.Archaeol.15138 : Item, a mendyng of yo carte Thyll, a bonde of hyryn & nayle yer to, iij d.
- a1425 *Medulla (Stnh A.1.10)68a/a : Vadum: a ford or a cart spoke.
- a1500 Mayer Nominale (Mayer)724/25 : Hic vino: a cartstaffe.
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- (1390) Doc.Beverley in Seld.Soc.1433 : Ordinatum est..quod quilibet artifices ville Beverlaci, viz. mercers et drapers, tannatores, masons, skynners..cutlers, latoners, brochemakers, horners, sponers, ladilers..cartwrightes, coupars..and workmen habeant suos ludos et pagentes paratos amodo qualibet die in festo Corporis Christi.
Note: Quot. needed for date in sense 7.(a).
- (1344-5) Acc.R.Priory HTrin.Dub.(DubPRO)59 : Item in duobus cartebaas emptis per visum Johannis Comyn, xii d.
Note: New combination: ~ base, a cloth or pad put under a cart-horse's collar.
Note: Quot. belongs to sense 8.(a).
Note: Editor's glossary: 'Cartebasses' probably the same as 'bass,' which is defined as 'a collar for cart horses.'
Note: MED bās(e n., sense 2. Miscel. uses [prob. in part from adj. bas low] (a): a cloth or pad put under a horse's collar.
- (1454) Plea & Mem.R.Lond.Gildh.140 : [3 new] carte bodyes, 12 s.
Note: Quot. needed for date in sense 8.(a).
Supplemental Materials (draft)
- c1480 *Medulla (Pep 2002) : Tartspalre [read: Cartspore][Stnh: Vadum: a ford or a cart spoke [read: spore]].
Note: New form: Also..(error) (in cpd.) tart-.
Note: Quot. belongs to sense 7.(c).
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section is incomplete and needs revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Provisional revised form seciton: Also carte, chearte, kert, (early) (Orm.) carrte; pl. cartes, etc. & (rare) carten.--all notes per MLL