Middle English Dictionary Entry

witnen v.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) ?To bear witness on behalf of (sb.); (b) to provide legal written documentation (that sth. is so); also, give a legal account of (sth.); (c) to provide evidence of (sth.).
(a) To assert authoritatively, declare;—usu. in as clause; (b) to assert (sth.) authoritatively, declare; confirm (sth.), corroborate; state (that sth. is so).
To entreat (sb. that sth. be the case), beseech.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1500(?a1425) Boeth.Bk.Comfort (BodAuct F.3.5)233/192 : Whille Bois contynues in heuynes and leues spekynge, entres, as he witnes, Wisdom his comforture in..licknes of a womman.
Note: Additional quot., sense 2.(b).