Middle English Dictionary Entry

wicche-craft n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: For other forms see wicch(e n. & craft n.(1).
(a) Sorcery, magic, necromancy, etc. as an activity, a body of knowledge, or a subject of study; an occult art, a specific magical art or practice; also, superstitious or pagan practice; a heathen custom; (b) supernatural power; a magical power; a particular exercise or display of supernatural power, a demonstration of magic; also, a specified medium through which supernatural power is displayed, such as an incantation, a spell, charm, etc.; (c) the effects, usu. harmful, of the use of magical powers, enchantment; also, an enchantment; (d) ?a sorceress or an enchantress; ?= (a).