Middle English Dictionary Entry
wāren v.(1)
Entry Info
Forms | wāren v.(1) Also war(e, warre, wari(e, warae, waer, (early SWM) wær, wer; p.ppl. warede, warred. |
Etymology | OE warian to beware & ONF warer (var. of OF garer); the forms wær, wer prob. influenced by ME wā̆r(e adj. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
Note: For sense 4. cp. weren v.(1).
(a) To be mindful, be aware; ~ of, be knowledgeable concerning (sth.), be skilled in; ware him his fal is nexte his honde, let him be mindful his fall is at hand;
(b) to be mindful of (sth.), heed.
Associated quotations
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)62 : Warre hym his fall is nexst his hand.
- ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)4.pr.7.60 : War now and loke wel [L Vide; F Regarde]…lest that we…have…concluded thing that is unable to be wened to the peple.
- a1500 Maysters that (BodAdd A.106)1 : Maysters, þat war of craftes sers, Numbers dayes, monethes, & ȝers.
- a1500(?1388) Syng I wold (Dub 516)p.275 : Ware ȝe the prophecye.
Impv. ware, having the force of an interjection:
(a) here, see, see here, look;—used to draw attention to oneself, the presence of someone or something, etc.;
(b) make way;—used to clear a path through a crowd; also refl.;
(c) chiefly hawk. & hunt. see, attend, mind;—used as an admonitory cry addressed to a hawk or a hound; also, used as a cry addressed to a plowhorse [quots. a1500]; ware oute, watch out.
Associated quotations
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2507,2508 : Loka, her þa tittes…Lou, war, hire þa wifmon…Leo, wær, here þa wombe.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)2720 : Swiðe ham rideð; leou, wer, here ich eow abide.
- c1275(?a1200) Lay.Brut (Clg A.9)6605 : Leo, wær, here is þat ilke child.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2248 : War, Syr Gloton schal makyn a smeke Aȝeyns þis castel, I vowe.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2326 : Ware, war, I delue wyth a spade; Men calle me þe lord Syr Slowe.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Th.(Manly-Rickert)B.1889 : War yow, sires, and lat this man haue place!
- a1425 St.Alex.(2) (LdMisc 463)69/505 : War [St.Alex.(1): ȝiueþ me roum] anon, par charite; Le me go my sone to seo.
- a1450 Castle Persev.(Folg V.a.354)2235 : War, war…I com wyth a company.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)773 : Holde me not! let me go! ware!
- c1400(?c1390) Gawain (Nero A.10)1158 : Þe hindez were halden in, with ‘hay!’ & ‘war!’
- (c1410) York MGame (Vsp B.12)41 : Racches þat rennen to a Cony…hym ouȝt to be astried, sayeng to him lowde, ‘ware, Riot, ware!’ for non oþer wilde best in Engelond is callid ryott sauf þe Conynge alonly.
- (c1410) York MGame (Vsp B.12)84 : If he fynde þerbi þat it is noon hert, he shuld take vp his hounde and say to hym soft…‘ware, rascayle, ware.’
- (c1410) York MGame (Vsp B.12)104 : For to kepe þat non hownde folowe to sheep, ne to oþer beestis…aliȝt and take hem vp and bilaissh hem wel saying lowde, ‘Ware, ware, ha, ha, ware!’
- ?a1450 Poem Hawking (Yale 163)520 : Yf hit happe thei take a tre…Go to a place that is water And crye ‘Ware, ware, ware!’
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)10/25,29 : Io furth, greyn-horne! and war oute, gryme! Drawes on!…What! will ye no forther, mare? War! let me se how down will draw.
(a) To beware, be on guard;—also refl.; ~ biforen, take precautions (for oneself); also, impv. ware, having the force of an interjection: beware, look out; ware arrere (derere), look out behind; ware to the, look to yourself; refl. ware the (you), watch yourself, take warning;
(b) ~ for (from, of, with), to beware of (sb. or sth., a process, an action, etc.), be on guard against, be leery of; seek to avoid (a vice, sin, etc.), shun;—also refl.;
(c) to beware (sb. or sth.), be on guard against, look out for so as to avoid; eschew (a vice, vicious practice, etc.); ware thin coroune, watch your head; ware the lof, naut. ?look out to the windward; ware the rere, look out behind you, watch your back;
(d) ben warede, surg. of a part of the body: to be untouched, be avoided in working.
Associated quotations
- ?c1200(?1173-4) Wm.Cant.VT in RS 67.1128 : Patria voce exclamavit ad præeuntem virum, ‘Huge de Morvile, ware, ware, ware, Lithulf heth his swerd adrage.’
- a1325(c1250) Gen.& Ex.(Corp-C 444)2154 : Ðe vii fulsum geres faren, Iosep cuðe him bi-foren waren.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.13.16 : War to þee [L Cave tibi]…for with þi turnyng vpsodoun þou gost.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.797 : Ware yow, questemongeres and notaries! Certes, for fals witnessyng was Susanna in ful greet sorwe and peyne.
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.Rv.(Manly-Rickert)A.4101 : Thise sely clerkes rennen vp and doun With ‘keep, keep, stand, stand, Iossa, warderere [vrr. ware derere, war arrere].’
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)3.1113 : Bot war hem wel in other place, Where every man behoveth grace.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)7.1137 : Scorpio…harmeth Venus…Bot Mars unto his hous repeireth, Bot war whan thei togedre duellen!
- c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14)5.216 : Vigilate…criede…‘war þe, for wanhope wile þe betraye.’
- a1425 KAlex.(LinI 150)4049 : Þey…bad him he scholde warye [Ld: hym wardie] For Alisaundre comeþ wiþ his pray.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)1.530 : Dong of gees…is an aduersary To euery seed; Now euery brid hem wary!
- a1450(a1338) Mannyng Chron.Pt.1 (Lamb 131)7286 : Men hym telde Þat whan þe childre were of elde, Þey scholde venge Constant her broþer; War hym wel, & hope non oþer.
- c1450(?a1400) Wars Alex.(Ashm 44)2830 : Þou…etils to ser Alexander eft to assaill; Wete þou wele it is noȝt worthe, ware þe be tyme.
- a1450 I herde a carpyng (Sln 2593)p.43 : He saw…Wrennok of Doune, A good bowe in his hond…And fowre and xx goode arwys trusyd in a thrumme: ‘Be war the, war the, Gandeleyn, herof thu xalt han summe.’
- a1500 How GMan(1) (Cmb Ff.2.38)114 : I wyll neyther glose ne paynte, But warre [vr. waran] the…Yf thy wyfe come to make a playnte On thy servauntys…Do not to hasty them to chyde.
- a1350 In may hit murgeþ (Hrl 2253)25 : Wymmon, war þe wiþ þe swyke þat feir ant freoly ys to fyke.
- c1330(?a1300) Arth.& M.(Auch)13 : Childer þat ben to boke ysett…mo witen…Miche…Hem to kepe and to ware Fram sinne.
- c1330(?a1300) KAlex.(Auch)226 : Olimpias…sendeþ to Alisaunder bihas Þat he him war [Ld: warie; LinI: werye] in al wise Fram Antipater his justise.
- c1380 Firumb.(1) (Ashm 33)1592 : Sarazyn…War now of me, ich þe diffie.
- (a1382) WBible(1) (Bod 959)Ecclus.9.21 : War þe fro þi nexte or neiȝbore [WB(2) Gloss.: that may speke aȝenus thee to a tiraunt].
- (c1387-95) Chaucer CT.Prol.(Manly-Rickert)A.662 : Of cursyng oghte ech gilty man drede…And also war hym of a significauit.
- a1400(c1303) Mannyng HS (Hrl 1701)7677 : Ware þe fro þys Foly, a womman for to kys.
- a1400 Cato(3) (Frf 14)132 : Sin þou art doutande…nedderres for venim, mare mai þou be agast of anli man vn-wrast and warre þe for him.
- c1400(c1378) PPl.B (LdMisc 581)18.273 : Wai [C vr. waer] hym of þe periles: If he reue me my riȝte, he robbeth me by maistrye.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)1143 : War þe þenne for þe wrake; his wrath is achaufed.
- c1400(?a1387) PPl.C (Hnt HM 137)8.59 : War fro wanhope þat wol þe by-traye.
- (1415) Hoccl.Oldcastle (Hnt HM 111)88 : Waar of the swerd of god, for it is keene!
- a1425(c1333-52) Minot Poems (Glb E.9)4/6 : War ȝit with þe Skottes, for þai er ful of gile.
- a1425(c1385) Chaucer TC (Benson-Robinson)2.868 : Who that hath an hed of verre Fro cast of stones war hym in the werre!
- c1450(c1440) Scrope Othea (StJ-C H.5)103/14 : Whan þou hast killid Patraclus, Ware of Achilles…for þei be al oone.
- a1450 Hrl.Cook.Bk.(1) (Hrl 279)42 : Putte hem in þe panne, an so frye hem vppe, but ware of cleuyng to the panne.
- a1450 Who þat wole knowe (Dgb 102)103 : War, for dronkenesse…Fro glotry of metes of grete daynte.
- c1430 Chaucer CT.Rv.(Cmb Gg.4.27)A.4101 : These sely clerkys rennen vp & doun Wyth ‘kep, kep…Iossa, ware þe rere!’
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)1.213 : War arrogaunce in taking thyng on honde.
- (?1440) Palladius (DukeH d.2)4.782 : War [vr. warre] the horn and heelis lest they flinge A flappe to thee.
- a1450(1400) Eche man be war (Dgb 102)71 : War wordes of dowble entendement.
- a1450 Who þat liste loke (Stw 951)49/378 : Waare auoutier vntrewe; Suche loue was neuer goode ne may be trewe.
- c1475 A philosophre (Hrl 372)p.28 : Or thou have mariage, Be avised on Justynes counsail…War placebo, leave hym.
- c1475 Wisd.(Folg V.a.354)604 : ‘Ware þat!’ quod Ser Wyly.
- a1500(c1410) Dives & P.(Htrn 270)1.293 : War þe souereyn þat compellyth his seruant to trauaylyn in þe Sonday.
- a1500(a1460) Towneley Pl.(Hnt HM 1)265/227 : A felow, war thi crowne!
- a1500 PFulham (Jas 43)263 : The takelynge bygyneth to crake, the gere to folde…that [vr. what that] worde for to sey he ys yn dowt: eyther ‘war [vr. warae] the looff!’ or ‘fall!’ or ‘bye!’
- ?a1425 *Chauliac(1) (NY 12)140b/b : Vuula…be it warred or eschewed [L Caueatur], as…þat if it be blac or…hard & wiþoute felyng, þat it be not touched wiþ yren.
- ?c1425 Chauliac(2) (Paris angl.25)86/16 : Hit byhoueþ þat 7 condiciouns be loked in openynge…Þe fourþe is þat þe synowes and veynes be warede als mykel as it is possible.
To protect (sb.); protect (sb. from sth.); also, refl. protect or guard oneself [1st quot.].
Associated quotations
- a1325 SLeg.(Corp-C 145)124/70 : Þe deuel…þat work uelde up þe doun, hi ne miȝte noȝt hom so ware.
- c1325(c1300) Glo.Chron.A (Clg A.11)2483 : It bicome to me Vor to abbe som gret cite oþer castel me to ware [B: were].
- c1475(?c1425) Avow.Arth.(Tay 9)212 : Þe king…prays to Sayn Margarete Fro wathes him ware [rime: spere].
To be diligent, take pains, take heed, take care:
(a) with clause, usu. introduced by that: to see to it (that sth. happens, that sth. is the case, etc.), take care (lest sth. happen, that one does not do sth., etc.);—also refl.;
(b) with noun clause: to take care (how one does sth., what one does);—also refl.
Associated quotations
- (c1390) Chaucer CT.NP.(Manly-Rickert)B.4146 : Ware [vr. war that] the sonne…Ne fynde yow nat replet of humours hote.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)3.968 : War thee wel that thou ne lieve Al that thou sest tofore thin yhe.
- (a1398) *Trev.Barth.(Add 27944)90a/b : War [L precaueat] þe phisician þat it [fever] turne nouȝt in to quartane oþir in to Etike.
- a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3)17210 : Warr þe [Göt: þu] þou namar thrald be.
- c1400(?c1380) Cleanness (Nero A.10)165 : War þe wel…þy wedez ben clene And honest.
- (a1402) Trev.DCur.(Hrl 1900)61/3 : Voide & war þat þou be noȝt herberwed from hous to hous.
- ?a1450 Poem Hawking (Yale 163)69 : War the welle That she no thyng of the nothyng may see.
- c1450 Alph.Tales (Add 25719)333/23 : Þis fend wolde byd hym war at he tuchyd not hym.
- a1475 Bk.Courtesy (Sln 1986)240 : Þou that stondys so sure on sete, Ware lest þy hede falle to þy fete.
- a1500 Chartier Treat.Hope (Rwl A.338)80/10 : Ware thou take not the staff instede of the potence.
- (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3)5.7606 : War the wel in holi place What thou to love do or speke.
- ?a1525(?a1475) Play Sacr.(Dub 652)598 : Here master, master, ware how ye tugg!