Middle English Dictionary Entry

treu(e n.(1)
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A pledge to cease hostilities for a lengthy or an indefinite period of time, usu. as a preliminary to further negotiation or the formal establishment of a peace; also, the peace established through such a truce; (b) a pledge to suspend hostilities for a limited period of time, often for a specific humanitarian purpose; also, the lull in combat resulting from such a truce; (c) a promise of temporary relief from attack, usu. to allow the weaker combatant to assess the viability of further resistance; also, the promised respite from attack; (d) a period during which a truce is in effect; (e) in cpds. and combs.: ~ brekere, one who violates a truce; ~ brekinge, the action of violating a truce; ~ takinge, the act of negotiating a truce; ~ time, time (dai) of ~, a period (day) during which a truce is in effect.
(a) A renewable agreement on terms governing the unmolested passage of commercial vessels and other traffic between nonallied states, a treaty; ?also, a limited treaty permitting foreign troops as mercenaries [quot. a1460]; ~ general, a general agreement establishing friendly relations between states; ~ particuler, a treaty affecting only specific aspects of relations between states; ~ takinge, treaty negotiations; wardein ~, a monitored treaty, prob. overseen by the wardens of the Marches; (b) a guarantee of unmolested passage for an enemy, safe-conduct.
(a) An agreement to suspend hostilities between individual disputants pending adjudication of the dispute, abstention from private vengeance; also, a cessation of combat against an individual, relief from personal attack; also in fig. context; (b) as interjection: peace!; crien ~, to call an end to an individual's attack;—used in fig. context.
Deferral, pause, delay.
Good faith; also, a pledge of good faith.
Peace, amity, accord;—used esp. of relations between God and man; a covenant; an accommodation, a settlement; also, a reconciliation; taken (maken) ~.
An end to affliction, respite; yeven no (litel) ~, of a disease: to give no (little) respite, be unrelenting.
Belief, trust, faith, confidence; also, overconfidence.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1200(?OE) Cmb.Hom.(Cmb Ii.1.33)103/90 : Winne he wiþ me on þisum ȝewinne nu, and he wið me feohte on his feondlicum truwan, and he ȝesyhð soðlice þat ic swyþor mæg.
  • Note: Needed for date in sense 8.. (Place after 1st quot.)--per REL