Middle English Dictionary Entry

sūte n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A set of garments or liturgical vestments meant to be worn together, an ensemble; a livery; ~ (of) vestementes, a set of vestments; of his ~, dressed like him; withouten min ~, ?unsuitably dressed for me; clothen of his (ouen) ~, to clothe (sb.) like himself; also fig. [quot. c1400, 2nd]; disgised in the ~ of, attired in the costume of (sb.); (b) a set of matching garments worn by different persons; a matching livery, matching garb; in (a) ~, of (a, o, on) ~, of persons: dressed in matching garb; also, of garments: alike, identical; livere of ~, a uniform garb worn by all members of a guild on certain occasions; clothed in (a, o) ~, clothed of o ~, dressed in matching garb, clothed alike; clothed in o ~ of, dressed in a matched set of (hoods); (c) a matching material or fabric, pattern, color, etc.; in (of) o ~, of matching color; of (folwinge, self, the same) ~, of matching material, color, shade, etc.; (d) garb, raiment, apparel; also fig.; of riche ~, richly dressed; (e) fig. the human flesh; in oure ~, in the flesh.
A matched set of objects; hed ~, ?a set of pillowcases.
A kind, sort; also, the same kind, same sort, a match; in ~ with, of the same kind as (sb.); of (a, on, the same) ~, of the same kind, matching; weren in ~, to wear (sth.) following suit, wear to match; maked al of a ~, made all alike.
(a) A band of followers; a retinue, company; also fig.; in ~, in company, together; in ~ with, together with (sb. or sth.); (b) a row, series; also, a sequence; in ~, in a row; also, in succession [1st quot.]; (c) a set of leashhounds; also, a group of ducks; (d) coll. & pl. offspring, issue.
(a) Pursuit, chase; also fig.; also, a search for game, a hunt for a hive of bees; aftercomen with gret ~, to pursue at a rapid pace; folwen (maken) ~, give chase, make pursuit; maken ani ~ after, look for (food); (b) an assault, attack; also fig.
(a) The pursuit of an action, a belief, matter, etc.; an effort to obtain or secure something; an undertaking, action, or a course of action; hastie ~, too-quick action, rash pursuit; (b) for ~ of, on account of (sth.); for ani ~, on any condition; (c) the wooing of a woman, a suit; maken ~ to, to court (sb.).
(a) The act of formally petitioning a person of high rank; also, a formal petition made to a king, chancellor, etc.; (b) an entreaty, appeal, a petition; also, a plea [last quot.]; maken ~.
Law (a) A lawsuit; a legal action undertaken to redress a wrong; ~ of writ of errour, a suit for a writ to procure a new trial or a reversal of action on the grounds of error; at the ~, as a result of the lawsuit; haven (taken) ~ ayen, taken ~ ayenes, to bring a lawsuit against (sb.); maken (seuen) ~, bring a lawsuit; (b) legal action, litigation [occas. difficult to distinguish from (a)]; ?also, a judgment or decision (by a court); leden (maken) ~.
Law (a) The obligation of a tenant to attend manorial, hundred, or other court, or an instance of such obligation; attendance in such a court or an instance of it; also, in weakened sense, the loyalty and service a subject owes his sovereign [quots. c1450(a1425)]; ~ and servise, servise and ~; ~ of court; don (maken, yelden) ~, to fulfill the obligation of attendance in court, appear in court under obligation; ouen ~, be subject to the obligation of attendance in court; also fig. [quot. c1450(?a1422)]; (b) an obligation of a tenant to bring grain to a mill for grinding; the right to require tenants to grind their grain at the manorial mill; ~ duete; ~ of grindinge; (c) ?the obligation of a priest to appear at a synod; (d) ~ of prisoun, ?a fee extorted from prisoners or persons subject to arrest; ?a charge intended to result in imprisonment.
A situation, predicament.