Middle English Dictionary Entry
spinace n.
Entry Info
Forms | spinace n. Also spinas, spines, spinnes; pl. spinaces, spines, spinnes, spinnesse. |
Etymology | OF espinace, AF espinas, spinace, vars. of pinace; cp. ML spinachium, AL spinacia, vars. of pinacia. |
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
A small ship capable of carrying 25 men, a pinnace.
Associated quotations
- [ (1342) Close R.Edw.III665 : La Katerine spinace. ]
- (1442) RParl.5.59b : There most be..iiii Spynes, in eche Spynes xxv men.
- (1442) RParl.5.60a : The awners of the Shippes, Barges, Balingers, and Spinaces shall have ii partes, and the chief Capitain and the undre Capitayns the thrid parte.
- (1445) LRed Bk.Bristol2.186 : We wold besech you..thatt..euery maistere of Ship, Barge, Balinger, other Spynace longyng to the seide Porte pay att euery viage thatt he shall make..for euery such viage..of euery ton thatt he receyvyth for hys portage iiij d. sterlinges.
- (1458) Paston (EETS)2.340 : My lord..manned fyve schippis of forecastell and iij carvellis and iiij spynnes, and..we toke vj of her schippis.
- (1460) Let.Warw.in EHR 37545 : Þei mette wt iij ffrench Schippes of ver, and..owr men toke a Spinnes fro þem.
- (1466) Acc.Howard in RC 57205 : My mastyr paid..for a pompe, v polyves, and odre aparaylle for the spynas, xvij d.
- (a1470) Malory Wks.(Win-C)196/5 : They shotte frome the bankes many grete caryckes..and spynnesse full noble with galeyes and galyottys, rowing with many ores.