Middle English Dictionary Entry

sǒnne n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The sun as a heavenly body, regarded as a planet by Ptolemaic astronomy; also, a sunlike heavenly object; sonne(s bodi, the fiery substance of the sun; sonne(s cours, sonnes rine, cercle (cours) of the ~, the orbit of the sun; standinge of the ~, the solstice; the yong ~, the sun in the early stages of its annual path through the zodiac; (b) the sun's course or position in the heavens or on an astronomical instrument; degre of the ~ [see also degre n. 10.(d)]; equacioun of the ~, the anomaly caused by the eccentricity of the sun's orbit [see EPlanets172]; mote of the ~ [see also mote n.(2)]; nadir of the ~ [see nadir n.]; (c) the sun as a source of heat and light felt or seen on the earth; ~ bem, q.v.; ~ gleme; ~ leme, sunlight, radiance of the sun; ~ light, q.v.; ~ shine [see sonne-shine n.(a)]; ~ side, the south side; sonnes bem (bemes, bem-light, stremes), sonnes leme [OE sunnan-lēoma], bemes of the ~; (d) the sun as an element of God's creation; (e) the sun personified; (f) an-under (binethen the) ~, under (the) ~, under the ~ shininge, in the world, anywhere in the world; to the ~, to the heavens; ben biset with se and with ~, to be encompassed by the sea and the heavens; (g) the sun as as marking a cardinal direction, the east [cp. 1b.(b)].
In cpds., combs., & phrases: (a) ~ upgang (uprisinge, uprist, upspring), sonnes risinge, first spring (uprist) of the ~, risinge of ~, the time at which the sun rises, dawn, daybreak; ~ arist (arise), the point on an astrolabe indicating such time; ~ arising [see sonne-arising n. (a)]; ~ rise [see sonne-rise n. (b)]; ~ risinge [see sonne-rising(e n. (b)]; ~ rist [see sonne-rist n. (b)]; ~ shine [see sonne-shine n. (b)]; (b) ~ spring, risinge of the ~, the direction or region in which the sun rises, the east; from ~ spring to setl-gang, from east to west; ~ arising [see sonne-arising n. (b)]; ~ risinge [see sonne-rising(e n. (c)]; ~ rist [see sonne-rist n. (c)]; (c) ~ gate doun, ~ sittinge, the apparent descent of the sun below the horizon; (d) ~ doun goinge, ~ falling, ~ goinge to the reste, ~ reste (setl-gang), ~ set [OE sunn-set], doun ganginge (doun gate, doun goinge) of the ~, goinge doun (set, settinge) of the ~, the time at which the sun sets, dusk, sunset; ~ goinge-doun [see sonne-goinge-doun n. (a)]; ~ settinge [see sonne-setting(e n. (b)]; (e) settinge of the ~, the direction or region in which the sun sets, the west; ~ goinge-doun [see sonne-goinge-doun n. (b)]; (f) sonnes morn, Sunday morning; sonne(s night, the night before Sunday, Saturday night; (g) sonnes spouse, a plant of some kind, variously identified with the heliotrope Heliotropium europæum, pot marigold Calendula officinalis, or chicory Cichorum intybus [see solsequium n.].
(a) Sunlight, the sun's rays; ~ brenninge, sunburn; ~ brent, sunburned; ~ dai, a sunny day; in a warm ~, in warm sunlight; ben ihidde with the ~, to be hidden by the glare of the sun; (b) the heat of the sun; violent sonnes, intense heat; (c) the sun's radiation as a drying agent; ~ driede; at (in, to) the ~; (d) ayen (ayenes, onyen) the ~, the ~ ayen, in the sunlight, in the heat of the sun; loken ayen the ~, to endure bright sunlight.
The time at which the sun rises, dawn, sunrise; also, the time at which the sun sets, sunset [last quot.]; fro ~ to ~, from sunrise to sunset.
The sun as an object of pagan worship; also, the sun personified as, or identified with, a pagan deity: Apollo, Phoebus, Titan, Eos; ~ tre, a fabulous tree associated with the sun; bord of the ~, a table used to set out sacrificial meats [see Herodotus Histories III.17, 18]; hous (sinagoge) of the ~, a temple to the sun god.
(a) Fig. The sun as an image or a symbol of brightness, goodness, truth, virtue; ~ of understandinge (god affecciounes, socour, etc.); (b) the sun as the source of rationality; (c) theol. in phrases translating L sol justitiæ [see Mal.4.2]; ~ of rightfulnesse (right-wisnesse), right-wisnesse ~, the sun of righteousness, Christ [with probable play on sone n.; cp. 8.(b)].
(a) A decorative image of the sun; (b) alch. gold; (c) lapid. ~ ston, sonnes gemme, a bright gem of some kind.
(a) In conventional comparisons involving brightness, clearness, shininess; (b) in conventional comparisons with other celestial objects such as the moon and stars.
(a) As an element in oaths and asseverations; (b) in puns with play on sone n. [cp. 5.(c)]; (c) in proverbs and prov. expressions.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc. (sense 2.(a)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. sunburning.