Middle English Dictionary Entry

shāme n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The feeling of having offended against propriety or decency; the feeling of having done something disgraceful; an instance of such feeling; embarrassment or revulsion caused by awareness of one's own behavior; remorse, contrition; ~ worthi, causing embarrassment; for (a) ~, for sorwe and ~, for drede or ~, etc.; (b) don ~, to cause (oneself) to feel shame; haven ~, feel shame; also, be ashamed (that one has done sth.); haven ~ of, be ashamed of (sth.); taken ~, feel shame; thinken ~ of, be ashamed of (sth., oneself); (c) in multiple negative constructions: not (nought, ne)..for no ~, ne..for non ~; (d) the feeling of embarrassment, revulsion, etc. caused by someone else's behavior; also, fear of reproach; haven ~ of, to be ashamed of (sb. or sth.); thinken ~ of (for), feel shame because of (sth.); (e) remorse of conscience personified.
(a) Regard for propriety or decency; modesty; shyness, bashfulness; an instance of such feeling; for ~ of his degre, out of regard for his rank or position; for (no) ~; putten awei ~, to disregard propriety, cease to be shy or timid; (b) reluctance, hesitation, unwillingness; haven ~, to be reluctant or embarrassed (to do sth.); (c) modesty personified.
(a) The state of being in disgrace; ignominy, humiliation; the disgrace of physical harm or injury; the disgrace of sin or punishment in hell; destruction, ruin; also, physical damage [quot.: c1450(?a1400)]; ~ and shendshipe, shendshipe and ~; ~ craft, skill in matters of a shameful nature, midwifery; mid ~, in disgrace; under shames drede, in fear of disgrace; upon ~ wise, in an ignominious way; with ~, disgracefully; (b) geten (turnen to) ~, to incur disgrace; gon to ~, be destroyed or ruined; also, fall into sin [quot.: a1400(c1303)]; also, of a voice: weaken, become harsh; haven ~, endure tribulations or torment; also, be disgraced; haven ~ of (for), incur disgrace or harm because of (sb. or sth.); (c) bringen to ~, to bring disgrace upon (sb. or sth.); destroy (sth.); kill (sb.); putten to ~, turnen unto ~, bring disgrace upon (sb.); sheden to ~, single (sb.) out for disgrace; (d) for (on) ~, to the dishonor (of sb.); to ~, to the dishonor (of sb. or sth.), as a disgrace (to sb. or sth.); also, for the purpose of dishonoring (sb.); (e) shame(s deth, a shameful or ignominious death; also, dying in a state of sin [quot.: c1440(?a1400)]; (f) disapproval of one's behavior, reproach; also, an instance of such disapproval; ~ of the world, worldes (worldli) ~, public disapproval of one's behavior; ~ worthi, deserving of reproach.
(a) Disgraceful conduct, immoral behavior; with ~, with ill-will, with malicious intent; (b) a disgraceful act, an injury; something disgraceful or humiliating; also, disgraceful things [last quot.]; (c) hit) is ~, hit is a ~, ~ hit is, etc.: it is a disgraceful act or thing; also, it is a blameworthy act or thing; me (him, etc.) thinketh ~, it seems to me (him, etc.) a disgraceful act or thing; (d) evil knowledge; (e) nakedness, the genitals; hiden (shriden) ~.
In verb phrases: (a) don ~, to act disgracefully, behave basely; commit disgraceful acts against someone; don (muchel) ~, disgrace (sb., a land, etc.); do harm (to sb.), injure (sb.); annoy (sb.), harass; violate (a woman); also, betray (a lord); -- also refl.; don ~ to, bring dishonor on (sb.), do harm to (a body); (b) don a ~, to commit a disgraceful or humiliating act; don a (ani, this, etc.) ~, commit a shameful act (against sb.); do an injury (to sb.); also, disgrace (oneself); don a ~ to (unto), don that ~ unto, commit a disgraceful act against (sb.); (c) beden ~, to attempt to harm (sb.); haven a ~, be the victim of a disgraceful act; lose one's virginity; haven a ~ of bodi, be seduced; purchasen ~ to, endeavor to dishonor (sb.); taken (a) ~, endure a disgraceful act; (d) biheden (shapen, willen) ~, to intend to harm or disgrace (sb.); taken ~, consider (sth.) a disgraceful act; thinken ~, think a malicious thought; also, consider (sth.) a disgraceful act [quot.: a1470]; (e) crien his ~, greden a ~, to make public someone's disgraceful act; iseien ~, denounce disgraceful behavior; seien (talken) ~, reveal a disgraceful act or thing.
(a) A verbal insult; an abusive or disgraceful remark; also, ?a blasphemous statement; ~ speche; seien a ~, tellen ani ~; (b) seien (speken) ~, to say disgraceful or indecent things, talk in a shameful manner; say disgraceful things (to or about sb. or sth.); slander (sb.); insult (sb. or sth.); seien ~ of (to), seien (speken) ~ bi, say disgraceful things about or to (sb.); (c) reisen ~, to argue, dispute with others.
(a) As a rebuke or an expression of contempt: for ~; (b) in imprecations: ~ bitide, may disgrace befall (sb.); god yeve him ~, may God cause him to be disgraced; etc.
In proverbs and prov. expressions.