Middle English Dictionary Entry

sak n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: See also sak-clōth n.
(a) A sack, bag; also fig.; ~ and ston, completely; (b) a sack for grain or flour; (c) a sack for money or valuables; also, a purse; (d) cook. a sack or bag used in kneading dough; pl. a culinary dish made in and shaped like sacks [cp. sacheus n.]; (e) a receptacle for food on a journey, scrip; (f) a sack used as part of execution by drowning; (g) in proverbs.
(a) A full sack, a sack with its contents; -- freq. in similes; ~ ful, a filled sack; ?also, the measure of a full sack [quot.: a1325]; (b) a filled sack used as a mattress and as a defense against projectiles; (c) used fig.: man's body; also, man's skin; ~ ful of dong (drit, filth, etc.).
A full sack taken as an amount or standard measure [see Zupko DE Weights]: (a) of lime; (b) of wool, usu. equal to 364 lbs.; ~ weght; marke of the ~, a subsidy on wool levied by the sack.
A sack-like part of the human body: (a) the belly, stomach; (b) the caecum; (c) the gall bladder.
(a) A sack-like sheath surrounding a morbid lump or knot of flesh, a follicle; (b) a geographical formation thought to be in the shape of a sack.
(a) A sack used as a piece of clothing; sackcloth; a piece or garment of sackcloth; -- freq. used as a sign of mourning or penitence; ~ frere, = sakked frere, s.v. sakken v.2.; (b) a sack or piece of sackcloth used as a blanket or cover; (c) ~ of (an) here, a piece of sackcloth made of hair; a garment of haircloth; (d) a kind of garment.
In cpds. & combs.: (a) ~ bond, a band or string used to tie a sack closed; (b) busshel ~, a sack of bushel measure; (c) cloth ~, a sack for clothes, linens, or other goods; a kind of baggage; sho ~, ?a sack for shoes.
A customary service, or its monetary value, involving the transport of the lord's goods; ~ et prike [cp. prik(e n.4.(b)]; ~ fe.
(a) In surnames; (b) in place names.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1150(OE) Vsp.D.Hom.(Vsp D.14)5/5 : Gyf þu wið hwan saca hæfdest, & gyt þonne gesemed wæron, ne ætwit þu eft þa ealde saca, bute he heo eft geneowed habbe.
  • Note: New spelling
  • 1790(1471-1472) Ordin.Househ.Edw.IV(2) (Topham)43 : Doctoure of Physyque…havyng…carryage for one clothe sacke.
  • Note: Additional quote(s)

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. sack.