Middle English Dictionary Entry

parlement(e n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Discourse, communication, conversation; holden ~, to speak, carry on a conversation; setten ~, determine (one's) speech, plan a remark; holden ~ with, have a conversation with (sb.); maken ~ of, discuss (sb.); (b) a parley; (c) a decree.
(a) Consultation; a formal conference, an assembly; holden (maken, setten) ~, nimen ~, to hold a consultation, convene a conference; taken a ~, arrange a consultation, hold a conference; holden ~ of, hold a consultation about (sb. or sth.); (b) a conference of the secular and/or ecclesiastical aristocracy summoned by their monarch, a representative assembly [sometimes difficult to distinguish from 3. (a) and (b), to which some of the following quots. may belong]; a council of nobles sitting as court of law; also fig.; callen (gaderen, holden, nimen, etc.) ~, to convene such an assembly; setten ~ on, convene an assembly to discuss or judge (sb.); commun (ful, general, open, plein) ~, etc., an open or broadly attended assembly; prive ~, the private council of a monarch; (c) the decision reached by a conference or consultation.
(a) The Parliament of England or Ireland; members of Parliament; heigh) court of ~, Parliament, esp. when sitting as a court to try cases of treason; prive ~, a closed or packed Parliament; privilege of ~, the right to immunity from arrest granted to members of Parliament; putten into ~, to introduce (a bill) in Parliament; clerk of the ~, act of ~; (b) the English or Irish Parliament as constituted for a specific time or occasion, a session of Parliament; in time of ~, during a session of Parliament.
(a) A parliament, governing body; (b) the Roman senate.
In cpds. and combs.: (a) ~ chaumbre (hous), the chamber (building) in which Parliament or a parliament or council meets; ~ robe, a robe worn in Parliament or in council; ~ rolle, the record of Parliament; ~ speche, a Parliamentary address; ~ time, the period during which a Parliament is in session; (b) ~ tre, error for permain tre [see permain].