Middle English Dictionary Entry

morgāǧe n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The conveyance of property as security for a loan or agreement; also fig.; leien in(to ~, setten to ~, to mortgage (land, possessions); lien (ben) in ~, be mortgaged; (b) putten lif in ~, to offer (one's) life as security for an agreement; offer trial by combat; (c) a pledge; in ~, as a pledge; leven (yeven) herte in ~, to pledge (one's) heart; taken merci in ~, accept mercy as a pledge, be merciful.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400 PPl.Z (Bod 851)3.95 : The mase for a mene man, thouȝ a mote euere, Wythouten mony or mede or morgage ys landus: Lawe ys so lordlyche ant loth to make hynde.
  • Note: Antedates sense (a)