Middle English Dictionary Entry

matī̆n n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Pl. (a) Matins, the first canonical hour (usually comprising matins and lauds), recited at midnight or in the early morning; ?also, matins transferred to the previous evening; also fig.; (b) matins, the morning service which preceded the mass of the day [sometimes difficult to distinguish from (a), to which some quots. here may belong]; matines messe, the mass before which matins are recited; (c) matins from the office of the Blessed Virgin; matines of oure ladi, oure ladies matines; matines of the cros (passioun), matins from the Hours or Office of the Cross; (d) a service book, ?Breviary, ?Primer; a paire matines bokes.
In cpds.: ~ time (tide, whil), the time set for the recitation of matins; period of time during which matins are recited.