Middle English Dictionary Entry

lōrdship(e n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The household of a lord; (b) the control or power of a master over his servants; also fig.; (c) ownership (of lands, wealth, etc.), possession; (d) pl. & coll. property, possessions; (e) pl. masters of servants.
(a) A kingdom, a country; also fig.; (b) the land or territory belonging to a king or ruler [often indistinguishable from (a)]; (c) a district or province in a country.
(a) Rule of a country, land, or people; government; dominion; haven ~, to hold sway, reign; haven ~ on (over, upon), have power over (persons, a nation, etc.), rule; (b) the power or authority of a king or his representative, kingly status; -- sometimes pl.; (c) the position or office of a king or leader; also, the reign of a ruler; (d) ?sovereignty of a people, ?independence; (e) the person or presence of a king or prince.
(a) A feudal estate or an aggregate of such estates; manor; demesne land; an estate held by the sovereign; ~ royal; ~ of Irlond, Ireland considered as the holding of the English kings; also fig.; (b) the power, authority, or rule of a feudal lord; also fig.; (c) pl. manorial or feudal rights and privileges; also, the rights and privileges derived from high office or social status; -- sometimes coll.
(a) The honor, power, or authority of a person of high rank; exalted status; (b) a high social position or office; (c) the person of a high official or man of high social status; -- usually in direct address; (d) coll. men of position or rank; also, warriors.
The patronage, protection, or favor bestowed by a king, prince, or person of high office; god ~ [see also god adj. 1. (e)].
(a) The dignity or power of God or Christ; divine rule or authority; also, the power of the Devil; (b) the kingdom of God or Christ; also, the domain of Lucifer, hell; (c) one of the orders of angels.
(a) Power, rule; power (over sth.), control (of sth.); haven ~ of (in, on, over, to, up), to dominate (sb.), have mastery or control of (a person, his beliefs, desires, etc.); (b) med. the predominance of a bodily humor or quality; ?also, the 'seat' or domain of a bodily humor; (c) astrol. the power or influence of a pagan god or a planet over persons, things, places, events, etc.; also, the dominance of zodiacal signs over bodily parts or organs; (d) ?a source of power.
Excellence in quality, preeminence; exalted quality.
?A class or company of persons.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1375(1335-1361) WPal.(KC 13)3955 : Nai, sire…I sette ȝou for no soudiour, but for soverayn lord to lede al þis lorldschip as ȝou likes ever.
  • Note: New spelling (since derived from OE)
  • (c1390) Chaucer CT.Pars.(Manly-Rickert)I.561 : Ire…bynymeth eek goddes due lordshipe, and that is mannes soule.
  • Note: Chaucer ex. for 2.(a) or 2.(b).--per MP
    Note: The 'lordshipe' seems to be man's soul here, and the soul is commonly thought of as God's property or kingdom.--per MP