Middle English Dictionary Entry

knẹ̄len v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) To kneel, fall to the knees, genuflect; (b) ~ adoun (doun, dounward), kneel down; -- also refl.; (c) ?to kneel in childbirth.
In phrases: (a) with verbs: comen ~ (knelinge), to come and kneel; ~ and bouen (to, ~ and louten (to, ~ and louten biforen, kneel and pay homage (to, kneel and bow in token of worship or obedience; bouen (louten) other ~, etc.; lien knelinge, kneel; (b) with adverbs: ~ bi, to kneel nearby; ~ biforen, kneel in someone's presence; ~ (doun) therto, kneel down before something; ~ up and doun, ?kneel with the body first upright and then bent forward or resting back on the heels; ~ ther ovenon, kneel upon something; (c) with prepositions: ~ at, to kneel at (sth.), kneel beside; ~ at (to, toforen) fet, ~ at step, kneel at (someone's) feet; ~ aforn (ayen, ayenes, to, toforen, toyenes, doun unto, unto), kneel before (sb. or sth.), kneel in front of, kneel in the presence of; ~ (adoun) biforen, kneel before (sb. or sth.); (d) with prepositions: ~ on (upon), to kneel on (sth.), fall to the knees on; ~ (doun) on (upon) kne(s [see kne lb. (h)]; ~ on erthe, ~ (adoun) on ground, ~ upon ground, ~ (doun) to erthe, ~ (doun) to ground, kneel on the ground, fall on the knees to the ground.