Middle English Dictionary Entry

hap n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A person's lot (good or bad), luck, fortune, fate; -- also pl.; hard happes; (b) a stroke of good or bad luck, an event affecting one's lot or fate; to (with) sori ~, bad luck to him; (c) good luck, prosperity, happiness; -- also pl.; also, a stroke of good luck; (d) a source of happiness; one of the eight beatitudes; (e) favor, graciousness.
(a) An unforeseen occurrence, chance event; also, any event or happening, adventure; hit fel ~, it happened; wither ~, q.v.; (b) bi (of, on, thurgh) ~, by chance, by accident; bi happes, carelessly, without skill; (c) in (on, up, upon) ~, in (upon) happes, perhaps; (d) in (upon) ~, in happes, in case, in the event (that), on the chance (that).
(a) Chance as the controlling force of events; fortune, also person.; ladi of ~, Dame Fortune; (b) fate, destiny; king of ~, God.
A misfortune, mishap; also, an omen; for happes, to guard against mishaps.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. hap.