Middle English Dictionary Entry

anker n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A ship's anchor; casten, laien, senden out ~; drauen up, halen, highen, pullen up, taken up, weien (up) ~; riden at, bi, on ~; (b) a weight; (c) a fastening device, a mooring.
Combs.: (a) anker hok, the fluke of an anchor; (b) ~ man, a sailor in charge of the anchors (stationed in the prow); (c) ~ smith, anchor maker; (d) ~ stok, the crossbar of an anchor.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • (1417) *For.Acc.(PRO) 8 Hen.V D/1 dorso [OD col.] : Expensis super factura del Rodyr j pompe ij Anker Stokkys.
  • Note: Antedates 3.(d)--per MJW