Middle English Dictionary Entry

fervent adj.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Hot, burning, fiery; ~ hete, burning heat; (b) ~ oil, hot oil; ~ water, scalding water; (c) ~ ground (lond).
Of the sea or its motions, of storms: turbulent, violent, raging; fig. of pestilence: raging.
Of persons: (a) ardent, passionate, zealous, earnest; ~ in desir (hope, ire), ~ in knighthod (vertu), etc.; -- also of animals; (b) stirred up, excited, enraged; (c) eager (to do something); -- also of serpents.
(a) Of emotions or desires: ardent, powerful, fierce, keen, poignant; of devotion, prayer, etc.: ardent, earnest; (b) ~ hete, ardor.
Med. & surg. (a) Of humors: hot; esp., pathologically hot, feverish, violent; ~ hete, fever; (b) of sores, diseases: pathologically hot, virulent, violent; (c) of a medicine: strong in effect; (d) ~ vertu, power to induce heat in the body.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • 1448 Fox Brut in Camd.64 (Woburn 181)116 : Hit was a fervent coolde weder.
  • c1475 GLeg.Suppl.Dorothy (Add 11565)232/132 : He seid..he glorified the God of Dorathe for that gret myracle þat was schewid there of rosys and applys in that tyme of the yere that was so feruent colde, for al the grounde was then coueryd with frost and snowe and no grene aperyng in no place.
  • ?1484 Warkworth Chron.(Peterh 190)3 : In the thyrde yere of the reyngne of Kynge Edwarde and anno Domini [1463] ther was ane fervent froste thrugh Englonde, and snowe, that menne myght goo overe the yise, and a fervent colde.
Note: New sense, 'severe(ly), extreme(ly),' applied to cold or frost. Cp. OED fervent adj., sense 1.(c) 'Of cold: Intense, severe.' Note to GLeg. quot.: "feruent: severe." L. Matheson's gloss to the Warkworth quot.: "bitter, keen."
Note: Note that the word in the first two of these three quots. may be construed as an adverb ('bitterly, severely (cold)").

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1500 Dc.45 Artist.Recipes (Dc 45) 150/29,31 : Forto know whan þe cyse ys to feruent, wryte yn parchement wyth þe cyse hwat þu wylt and let hyt drye; ȝyf hyt chappe hit ys to feruent.
  • Note: Glossary: "fervent adj. 'strong'."
    Note: New sense.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.10rb (1.3) : If swyche materes maken duellyng in þe body and wickede aire or colde takyng, and greuance or myskepyng, or swyche oþer poynts comyng, þo helpen, conforten, and strenghen þose wickede humores, and þan ar þai more feruent and more perilouse.
Note: Additional quot., sense 5.(a). Editor's gloss: 'hot, intense'.