Middle English Dictionary Entry

falling ppl.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Falling, dropping; decreasing, degenerating; (b) the fallinge, those who fall or transgress; (c) transitory; (d) astron. declining; (e) med. falling ayain, recurring.
Combs.: (a) falling bord, a drop leaf; (b) ~ disese, ~ ivel, epilepsy; also fig.; (c) ~ dore, a trap door; (d) ~ goute, epilepsy [see du Cange: gutta cadiva, gutta caduca]; ?also, a kind of dropsy; (e) ~ hous, any one of the four zodiacal 'houses' Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces; (f) ~ turn, a fall to the ground made by a wrestler in an attempt to trick his antagonist.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.103va (3.16) : 'Gutta'..bredeth..moste in þe ioyntoures..it is callede 'gutta,' for also mykel os it is causede of wickede humores guttand, i. seweand and faileand, litil & litle into þo places and þo parties in þe body.
Note: New spelling: faileand. Regarding seweand and faileand, Harvey & Tavormina note: Glossing guttand, this doublet must have the general sense of 'dripping, falling in drops.' More narrowly, seweand is probably a form of seuen 'to follow,' in the sense of following a path (through the body), and faileand is likely to be a variant spelling for falland 'falling.' Alpha variants..offer a fuller and clearer version of the gloss: guttyng i. (var. and) droppynge & sewyng & fallyng.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1275 Louerd asse þu ard (Trin-C B.14.39)237 : To rome eft he was brout; he was in perlesie þe vallinde & spitil uuel feme & dropesie Abroken & def & blint ginke & sqinancie Scabbede on þe menison fur of helle deuerie mo uueles he hede þen i conne tellen.
  • Note: New spelling