Middle English Dictionary Entry

expē̆riment n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) The action or process of observing, investigating, testing; an observation, test, or trial; also, a discovery; express experiment, direct or actual observation; maken, usen, preven (an) experiment, make a test or examination; finden experiments, discover procedures or tests; (b) an attempt or effort.
A piece of evidence or empirical proof, proof; a sign (of a certain state), an exemplum; evident experiments, demonstrations based on observation or logic (as opposed to faith).
Med. An (approved) treatment or remedy; also, a treatment or remedy used by the 'empiric' school of physicians, an emperic.
A supernatural act or feat: (a) a procedure, feat, or trick of alchemy; (b) a feat of magic or sorcery, magic; (c) a miracle.
bi experiment, by chance or accident.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.36rb (2.3) : If þou wilt weten of hym þat haþ þe pthisik..tak þis for a certeyn experiment and a certeyn reule: do hym spit in a disscheful of water and if it houe, it is tokne þat he schal longe leue þerwiþ or ellis scape.
  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.36rb (2.3) : If þai may noght gendren and þou wilt wete whiche of hem is bareyn, þis experiment techeþ Maistre Bartholome..tak 2 pottes & put bren in bothe pottes and put þe mannes water in þe tone & þe womannes watre in þe toþere pott, & lat stonde..And if it be þe mannes defaute, þou schalt fynde wormes þerin wiþ a foule stynk.
Note: Additional quots., sense 3. Editor's gloss: 'a recipe or set of instructions'.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc., see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. experiment.