Middle English Dictionary Entry

ēgre adj.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Sour, bitter, sharp (to the taste); egre win, sour wine or vinegar; (b) of medicines: sharp, stinging, strong.
(a) Of pain: sharp, severe; (b) of words: biting, sharp.
Of persons and animals: (a) fierce, impetuous, grim (in battle); enraged, angry, irritable; bold, spirited; (b) impatient, eager.
Of warlike actions: fierce, bitter.
Of the emotions and the will: fierce, impetuous; with egre mod, impetuously, angrily.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1475 *Hrl.Bk.Hawking (Hrl 2340)27b : Lat hyr flye Also hye as sche may syt, ffor wit mych beryng, castyng and batyng þu mast kepe hir Ekyr I now.
  • Note: New form: Also..ekir.
    Note: Belongs to sense 3.(a).
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section may be incomplete and / or may need revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. Revised form section: Also egrē, eger, egir, egor, egur, ekir; sup. egrest.--notes per MLL