Middle English Dictionary Entry

dọ̄ing(e ger.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

The performance of an act; ministration (of sacraments); commission (of an offense), etc.: -- often with obj. or of phr.
(a) An action or activity; an act, operation; a deed or feat; gret ~; (b) something that is to be done, a task or duty; (c) pl. actions, activities, acts; feats; maken ~; ~ of apostles, the Acts of the apostles.
Behavior; conduct, deportment.
(a) A process, event, occurrence; also, happenings, history; ben in ~, to be in process, be going on, occur; (b) an affair, business.
Physiol. (a) Function, operation; (b) effect, result; ?also, appearance; (c) efficient cause; factor.
Misc. uses: (a) depositing of refuse; (b) commotion, quaking; (c) bestowal (of wisdom); (d) a literary work; (e) ~ after, acting in accordance with (someone's advice).
Cpds. & combs.: (a) ~ awei, removal, abolition; renunciation; ~ out, putting out, excommunication; ~ wel, benefaction, beneficence; (b) almes ~, harm ~, ivel ~, merci ~, miracle(s ~, penaunce ~, wel ~, wrong ~, q.v.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1425(c1380) Chaucer Bo.(Benson-Robinson)3pr.12.41 : The certein ordre of nature ne schulde not brynge forth so ordene moevynges by places, by tymes, by doynges [L efficientia], by spaces, by qualities.
  • Note: New sense