Middle English Dictionary Entry

dẹ̄de, dēde n.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) An action, a deed; god ~, ivel ~, etc.; see also almes ~, est ~, man ~, mis ~; (b) a marvelous act, miracle; also, a feat of magic; (c) a favor, kindness, service; (d) ?an expenditure, ?an administrative act.
(a) A heroic deed, military achievement; ~ of armes, a feat of arms; doughti of (in) ~, valiant in war or combat; (b) a military action, battle, encounter, fight, tournament; ~ of armes, a passage of arms, a fight, combat; haven a ~ on, to fight (sb.).
An act of copulation, sexual intercourse.
(a) Way of acting, behavior, conduct; (b) activity; ~ of conning, ~ of the thought, mental activity; in ~, actively; in ~ of light, through the action of light; (c) the doing (of sth.), commission (of a sin), performing (of a surgical operation).
(a) A task, work, office; thre daies ~, a three days' task (or journey); (b) function, use; (c) ability, prowess; of a medicine: efficacy; (d) physiol. process; ~ of brething, the respiratory process; ~ of odoracioun (sight), process of smelling (seeing).
(a) Effect, result, outcome; (b) that which is made, product; ale brewed; mannes ~, something made from man; (c) an event, a happening; (d) a fact, reality; bi ~, from actual cases; bringen into ~, to bring (sth.) to reality, actualize; comen to ~, come true; ~ of being (sight), the fact of existing (seeing); evidence of ~, factual evidence.
(a) An account of deeds, a story; (b) the Biblical book of Acts; apostles dedes, dedes of apostles, dedes of the apostel; (c) written evidence of a transaction, a document, charter, deed; also, a letter in which promises are made, a contract, a promissory note.
Gram. The action indicated by a verb.
Proverbs and proverbial expressions; cosin to the ~, in accordance with the action.
In phrases: (a) action, conduct, deeds (as opposed to speech, words, thought, body, mind, heart, soul, etc.); a ~, bi ~, i ~, in ~, mid ~, of ~, on ~, with ~; after wit or dedes, in mind or actions; for word ne ~, for word nor deed, in any way at all; (b) ido ~, in fact, actually; ?therefore; (c) with the ~, in the act, red-handed; also, immediately; at ~, in ~, in the act.
In phrases: in ~: (a) in fact, in reality, really; seien (techen) in ~, to say (teach) in effect; (b) assuredly, truly, indeed; (c) law in ~ and not of right, de facto non de jure.
(a) ~ doer, one who performs an act; ~ doing, action, performance, execution of an act; (b) dern ~, a dark deed, secret act; esp., a secret sin; ivel ~, a kind of impotence.
In fact, actually; -- rendering the L abl. actu.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1475 *Sidrak & B.(Lnsd 793)6908 : But in alle oo delite men fynde, Whan it comeþ to dede of kynde.
  • Note: New phrase: belongs to sense 1c. Add the bold-faced phrase ~ of kinde after the glosses for this sense.--per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: Med., etc. (sense 9.(b)), see further J.Norri, Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary, s.v. evil deed.