Middle English Dictionary Entry

dēclīnen v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Of motion in space: to turn, turn away, go away; ~ aside, turn aside, go out of the direct path; ~ dounward, of the sun: begin to set; ~ fro, turn or go away from (sb.); ~ to, ~ unto, turn or go to or toward (sth.); (b) astron. of a planet: to move away (from the ecliptic), turn or go (out of the belt of the zodiac); ?decrease in influence [1st quot.]; of a star: move from its position; of the zodiac: diverge (from the equinoctial).
(a) Of position or direction: to bend, turn, twist, bow; ~ from, of a field: slope away from (the north); ~ on (to) side, turn to the side; ~ to the nether side, bend down, hang down; declining, ppl., hanging, low; declined, p.ppl., bent, bowed; (b) to bend or turn (sth.); refl. bow; ~ doun, of the sun: direct (its rays) downward; ~ from, turn (sth.) away from (sth.); decline to the centre, ?turn toward the center, ?turned toward the center [quot.: Metham].
(a) To turn aside morally or spiritually; ~ awei fro (from), desert (sb.), be false to; ~ fro, degenerate from (one's nature by birth); ~ fro (from), forsake (vices, worldly thoughts, etc.), shun: ~ fro (from), depart from (sb.), avoid (company, temptation, the eye of sb.); ~ from, be disobedient to (a commandment, someone's will); ~ to, turn to (sth.), resort to; (b) ~ into accord, to come to an agreement; (c) to turn (sb. from the Christian faith), alienate; (d) to avoid (sth.), refuse, shun; stay away from (a place), ward off (malice), escape; ~ of, ward off (heat).
(a) To decline in well-being, decrease in power or prosperity; of day: give way (to night); of a disease: reach the final stage; of greenness: fade; (b) to reduce (sth.), bring down, destroy, weaken; (c) to ameliorate (pain, disease).
(a) To incline, tend; ~ fro, differ from (sth.), deviate from; ~ to, resemble (sth.), incline toward (hotness, moistness), tend to (be hot, moist); ~ to, of a color: contain an admixture of (another color), be tinged with (a color); (b) to make (sth.) incline (to certain qualities); make (sth.) similar (to sth. else); (c) to be inclined (to do sth.), have an inclination (toward sin, etc.); -- with in, to, unto; (d) ~ in, ?to intend (evil) to (sb.), have wicked intentions toward.
Gram. To give the inflectional forms of (a word), decline; construe (Latin).

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?c1400(1379) Daniel *Treat.Uroscopy (Roy 17.D.1)f.71vb (2.10) : Þe pacient feleþ grete colde in his extremites, and þis colde comuly bigynneþ ageyn euen, or elles þe sone declynond.
Note: Antedates sense 1.(a). New spelling (pr. ppl.) declinond.