Middle English Dictionary Entry

crẹ̄de n.(2)
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A confession of faith, a creed; esp., the Apostles' Creed; commune ~, the Apostles' Creed; ~ of Attanasi, the Athanasian Creed; ~ of the chirche, messe ~, the longer form of the Nicene Creed (or Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed); (b) in fig. and proverbial expressions: as long as a man mai sei two credes; bi crois and bi ~; siker as ~; connen more than the ~, to know more than the fundamentals, be an expert; kennen ~, teach (sb. his) Creed, teach (sb.) a lesson, punish; out of the ~, faithless, unprincipled; singen a ~, recite the Creed; fig. make a (nagging or quarrelsome) speech.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1475(c1441) Lament Duch.Glo.(Cmb Hh.4.12)54 : To gef credence to any clerk…so did I and…I wrowght agayne all course of kynd And lost my crede for cruelte.
  • Note: New phrase
    Note: Belongs to sense (b).
    Note: Gloss: lesen ~, to lose the ability or desire to practice (one's) religion, become unable to follow (one's) faith.--notes per MLL