ï~~abstract base behaviour class and implementing its "act" function. This function is called once during a simulation step for each instance of the behaviour and is supposed to provide the necessary functionality to read and write an agent's parameters. 4.2. Examples Swarm s("demo swarm"); // create and set parameters s.addParameter("pos", 3); //position s.addParameter("vel", 3); //velocity s.addParameter("force", 3); //force s.addParameter("acc", 3); //acceleration s.addParameter("mass", 1); //mass s.set("mass",1.0); //set parameter value // create behaviours and set their internal parameters s.addBehavior("reset",ResetBehavior( "", "force")); s.addBehavior("rand",RandomizeBehavior( "", "force")); s.set("rand_range", 0.1); s.addBehavior( "damp",DampingBehavior("vel", "force")); s.set("damp_prefVelocity", 0.20); s.set("damp_amount", 0.5); s.addBehavior( "acc", AccelerationBehavior( "mass vel force", "acc" )); s.set("acc_maxAngularAcceleration", 0.1); s.addBehavior( "integration", EulerlIntegration( "pos vel acc", "pos vel")); s.set("integrationtimestep", 0.1); // create swarm agents s.addAgents(200); Example 1. Creation of a Swarm // create parameter space space::SpaceManager::get( ).addSpace( new space::PointSpace("pos_space", 3)); // create neighbour group for parameter s.assignNeighbors( "pos", "pos_space", true, new space::NeighborGroupAlg( 1.7, 4, true ) ); // create BOIDS behaviors s.addBehavior( "cohesion", CohesionBehavior( "pos:pos_space", "force")); s.set("cohesion_minDist", 0.0); s.set("cohesionmaxDist", 1.7); s.set("cohesion_amount", 0.1); s. addBehavior("alignment",AlignmentBehavior( "pos:pos_space vel", "force") ); s.set("alignment_minDist", 0.0); s.set("alignment_maxDist", 1.7); s.set("alignment amount", 0.5); s.addBehavior( "evasion",EvasionBehavior( "pos:pos_space", " force")); s.set("evasion_maxDist", 1.0); s.set("evasion amount", 0.5); Example 2. Extension of Example 1 That Deals With Neighborhood Calculations. class AverageBehavior: public Behavior { Parameter* mParInl; //input parameter 1 Parameter* mParIn2; //input parameter 2 Parameter* mParOut; //output parameter //... CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK The ISO software libraries have reached a state of functionality and stability that allows the project to transition from its prior stage of pure software development into a phase that balances engineering and musical experimentation more evenly. On the musical application side, we are currently collaborating with the Tanz Akademie Zuirich (http://www.tanzakademie.ch) to realise performances that employ ISO software for linking dance movements to acoustical feedback. We are also currently constructing a dodecahedral scaffold for 3D soundprojection, which will serve as a flexible and mobile space for ISO-based sound installations. Concerning further software development, we plan to quickly reach the following goals: porting of ISO libraries to Linux and Windows, implementing an OSC layer within the ISO COM library, transfer of camera tracking functionality into a dedicated library (instead of a fixed application as is currently the case). In the long term, we would like to develop a visualisation library that is highly customisable and can be easily integrated with ISO Flock and ISO Synth. And last but not least, we are looking forward to connect the ISO project to research in gestural musical interfaces in order to explore and possibly develop hardware devices that support more adequate and intuitive forms of interaction with swarm based environments than camera tracking solutions are able to. REFERENCES [1] Sommerer, C. and Mignonneau, L. "Modeling Complex Systems for Interactive Art", Applied Complexity - From Neural Nets to Managed Landscapes, Institute for Crop & Food Research, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2000. [2] Martinoli, A. "Swarm intelligence: emergence and self-organization in natural and artificial systems." Course notes, EPFL, 2005. [3] Eberhart, R., Shi, Y. and Kennedy, J. Swarm Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. [4] Bisig, D., Neukom, M. and Flury, J. "Interactive Swarm Orchestra", Proceedings of the Generative Art Conference, Milano, Italy, 2007. [5] Bisig, D., Neukom, M. and Flury, J. "Interactive Swarm Orchestra, an Artificial Life Approach to Computer Music", International Computer Music Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 2008. [6] ISO project website: http://www.i-s-o.ch [7] Dodge, C. and Jerse, T. A. Computer Music, Schirmer Books, New York, USA, 1985. [8] Malham, D. G. and Anthony, M., "3-D Sound Spatialization using Ambisonic Techniques", Computer Music Journal 19(4), 1995. [9] Jack, htt;/ackaudio.org/ void act(){ math::Vector<real>& valInl = math::Vector<real>& valIn2 = math::Vector<real>& valOut = mParOut->backupValues(); mParInl->values(); mParIn2->values(); valOut = (valInl + valIn2 ) / 2.0; } Example 3. Creation of a Custom Behaviour 0
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