Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English.

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Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English.
Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?
[Cologne :: N. Bohmberg,

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"Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A72941.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The XVIII. Chap.

A Morning-prayer / to be sayde vnto the Lorde / when wee ryse.

My beloued Children / and thou Famelie of Loue: All the Dayes of your Life / see that yee pray euerya Morninge vnto the Lorde / that hee will vouchsake to keepe and preserue you. And let eueryone pray eauen∣thus:

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O Lorde God heauenlye Father / [ A] thou which art my God. and a God of all the Worlde: I thy Creature ؛b the Woorke of thy Handes{punctel} praye and make-supplicati∣on before thee / and before thyne excellent Maiestie / that thou wilt keepe mee this Daye and at all tymes / vnder thec Wynges of thy Loue / d illuminate mee with thy Wisedom / e instruct mee with thy Trueth / f nurtour and sustaine mee with thy Feare / andg guyde mee with thy holie Spirit / that I in any-case {reversed ;}O my God; enterprise not in any of all my Dealinge and Walking / the dooing of any euell orh vncomly thing: conceaue nor pretend anyi wicked-thing in my Heart: speake nok vnlawfull nor vndecent Woordes with my Mouth: marke nothinge with mynel Eyes to de∣ceitfulnes: heare nothinge with myne Eares / that should seduce mee from thy most-holie Seruice of the Loue: occupye or doo nothinge with myne Handes / that is vniust: nor walke with my Feete / m in any vnlawfull or vnright Wayes / To thende that I {reversed ;}O mostholie God; enterprise not / nor-yet deale-in any∣thing / that is against thine Honour / or the Louen of my Neighbour: nether-yet take anythinge in-hande / wherthrough I mought becom tourninge-awaye / from the godlie Doctrine of thyo holye Woorde and Seruice vnder the Obedience of thy Loue: but chastise and teach meep with the Lawe of thy Com∣maundementes.

2. [ B] Eauen-thus {reversed ;}O my God; humble my Heart {reversed ;}with thy Chastisement and Information; vnder thy Righteousnes / To thende that I may walke {reversed ;}vn∣der the Obedience of thy Loue; in thy Wayes / all the Dayes of my Life. honour thyne holye Name / in thy

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peaceable Pathes. laude and praise the. shew-fourthq all Good towardes my Neighbour. deale and be∣haue myself with all Men / r peaceablie and vpright∣lie. keepe my Mouth / from speaking of alls vnnurte∣red, vnedifying, and vnaduised Woordes. and order and vse all my Doinges and Leauinges / to a good Exercise andt Edifyinge of my Neighbour.

3. O Most-gratious Father: Let my Pray∣er in all This / v becom hearde of thee. and my Supplication / enter into thyne Eares: and holde alwayes thy mercifullx Eyes ouer mee: and teach mee without ceassinge {reversed ;}O Lorde; with the Rod ofy thy Discipline / To thende that I turne mee not asyde into any Bywayes / z from thee / and that my Heart thelyne hym not to thea Lightmindedons / and so forget thee.

4. KEepe mee {reversed ;}O my God; [ C] from all Gynnes and subtillb Suares of the Wicked / from all Bloud-thirstyonsc / and Violent-oppressours / and from all Workers-of-mischeef: that I becomd not destroyed nor swallowed-vp by the Vngodlie.

5. O louinge Lorde / preserue mee also from all the deceitfulle Contrary-spirites vnto thy mostholie Seruice of Loue / To thend that I becomf not {reversed ;}at any tyme; seduced or lead-away from thy Woorde and Seruice of Loue / nor from thy louelie Beeinge.

6. O Lorde / Lorde / my God {reversed ;}thou which art an vn∣thaungeableg Light / a most-constant Wisedom / and an eternall, true, and lyuinge God; Bee thou thyself {reversed ;}I beseech thee;h my Light / in these perreious tymes / to-thende that I malke not ini Darknes.

7. Be likewise {reversed ;}O God; [ D] my Knowledge / k Wysdom / and Vnderstanding / To thend that I {reversed ;}through any∣maner

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of Ignoraunce / or through myne ownel Self-wisedom; seduce or begile not myself / nor-yet become arrogante or prowde: but delyuerm mee from the wicked Nature: and keepe mee vnder thy Night-haud / That I perish not in the Plages of then Vngodlye.

8. Sustaine and succour my Minde {reversed ;}in allo Pa∣cience; against all wicked and vnchristen or lyinge Men / and against all falsep Spirites / by whom I chaunce {reversed ;}at any-tyme; to becom tempted and as∣saulted: and leade mee {reversed ;}through thy Seruice of Loue; in allq Trueth. Amen.


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