Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English.

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Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English.
Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?
[Cologne :: N. Bohmberg,

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"Exhortatio. I.: The first exhortation of H.N. to his children, and to the famelye of loue. by him newlye perused, and more distinctlye declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A72941.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed April 30, 2024.


The XVII. Chap.

The Sonne.

OH {reversed ;}my Father; [ A] my Heart trem∣bleth / when-as I heare thee speake of the manifolde false Freedomes / which becom now so vsed / traded / and set-fourth / in all the Worlde! Oh! Whether shall then the Children of Men gett them / that they moughta escape all these deceltfull Snares?

2. O Lorde God / heauenlie Father / What a spe∣tiall cause haue I / to laude and thanke thee for all this / that thou hast graunted me little Youngone {reversed ;}through the Seruice of thy Loue; to knowe all these secreat Treasures of the godlie Wisedom also manifested such an heauenlie Trueth / in mee and brought and eenen mee all this / for to enioye.

3. [ B] O My beloued Father in the Loue (of whom I {reversed ;}through Godsb Grace haue hearde all these groundlie Instructions and godlie Declarati∣ons and {reversed ;}through the Illumination which God hath ••••nen in myc Heart; well vnderstanded thosesame)d

Page [unnumbered]

blessed art thou to the Lorde ؛the lyuinge God{punctel} which {reversed ;}out of the aboundant Liberalitie of his God∣head; hath geeuen thee all this / for to be declared / To thende that thou shouldest accordinglie {reversed ;}in these last perrelous tymes; declare-fourth the same againe / among vs the Children of Men.

4. All thissame cometh vnto vs / out of the mer∣cifull Grace of God / and out of his heartie Loue / e which hee hath to our Saluation / To chentent that wee should take the same {reversed ;}that becometh expressed and set-fourth before vs / out of hys Loue; to heart / and applye vs {reversed ;}through the truef Light; to the louelie Beeing of the Loue / and so becom saued: and that wee. should not all perish with the wicked Worlde / as Godomg and Gomor: to whom this Light of Grace / nor this louelie Life of Righteousnes / hath not bene proffered / h like as It becometh presentlie de∣clared vnto vs and proffered to the Worlde / to their Amendement / and Preseruation in the Godlynes.

5. [ C] GEeinge now that I {reversed ;}my Father; stude∣out in the Deede and Trueth / that the Lord ؛the Mosthighest{punctel} hath reuealed hisi Mercie∣seace ؛the Possession of his most-excellent Maiestie{punctel} with all his Sainctes and heauenlie Riches / in thee and {reversed ;}with the same Beeinge of the perfect Godhead; made a godliek Dwellinge with thee / So were it therfore very right and meete {reversed ;}yea / and also very ex∣pedient; that all the Generations of the Earth / l sub∣mitted and whollie gaue-ouer themselues / vnder that same Mercie-seate ؛the godlie Maiestie{punctel} / and assembled them thervnto: and that they in like-ma∣ner / with repentaunt Heartes {reversed ;}m to the Amendement of their Life and Beeinge / and to the Inheritingen

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of their Blessinge of the Promises; harkened-vnto and beleened the Woordes of Life / and the Instruc∣tions proceedinge from the Godlynes of the true and louely Beeinge / To thende that they all / through the godlie Wisedom (which is {reversed ;}O my Father in the Loue; com and reuealed vnto thee / out of the Most∣holie of the true Tabernacle of God / for to minister the same {reversed ;}accordinge to the Trueth of the naked ando vncouered Face of Christ; amonge the Children of Men) mought becom taught and instructed. chified in all Loue. and notp feduced nor begyled any lenger / by thēselues / nor by the Imaginatiō of the Knowledg.

6. [ D] THat sameq Heart {reversed ;}to becom eauen so mind∣ed; graunt vs all / O Lorde God heauenlie Father / To thende that wee may lyue peaceablie and vprightly {reversed ;}vnder the Obedience of thy Loue; in thy most-holie Seruice of the Loue / and in thy vpright andr louelie Wayes. all Kingdomes on the Earth / stand bowed and obedients to thissame One Peace∣able-kingdom of the Loue. and all People obtaine {reversed ;}to an eternall Peace; the Concorde in all Loue / t accord∣inge to the Promises.

O yea: That com-to-passe eauen so.


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