when he hath good children, he ought to admire the worke of God in them: For these are they of whom Saint Iohn saith, Chap. 1. who are not borne of bloud, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
V. The second Canon of the Mileuitan counsell is expresly to this thing. It pleaseth vs, that whosoeuer doth deny little ones that are new borne, to be Baptised, or doth say that indeede they are Baptised for the remission of their sinnes, but yet they drew no originall sinne from A∣dam, which is to be taken away by the lauar of regenerati∣on; whence it followeth, that the forme of Baptisme in them is to be vnderstood not to be true, but false, be an Ana∣thema.
VI. Christ alone was free from this blot, he deri∣ued not Originall sinne from his Mother. Saint Paul indeede, Rom. 5.10. saith, that all men sinned in Adam; neither is it any doubt but that Christ was in Adam, as being one of his posterity; but that sentence of the Apostle doth not concerne Christ, because the per∣son of Christ was not in Adam, but onely his hu∣maine nature: neither is he from Adam, as from the agent principle, and from the seminating power, but thence he tooke that matter, which by the ouer-sha∣dowing of the holy Ghost, was freed from the com∣mon contagion.
VII. Now if you should aske me, whether Origi∣nall sinne is done away by Baptisme, or whether that blot doth yet remaine in those that are regenerated by the holy Ghost; it is readily answered out of the Scripture, and experience, which is so certaine here, that there is no place left for doubting. Dauid was