That the Arminians make fore-seene faith the cause of the election of particular persons.
I. THe Arminian conferrers at the Hage, and as many as are their sectaries, in ma∣ny places doe professe, that they doe not make faith the cause of Election, but one∣ly a precedent condition, and some thing pre-requi∣red before Election. These things they say onely in word: For the same men, with very great diligence, doe heape vp arguments, whereby it may be proued, that faith is the cause of the election of particular per∣sons. But oftentimes, there fals from them, either vn∣willing or vnawares, that which they indeauour to presse downe, and as Rats, they are catched by be∣wraying themselues.
II. Nicholas Greuinchouius. pag. 103. doth confesse, that Arminius was of opinion, that election * 1.1 did rest