The tenor mornyng and euenyng prayer and communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and and children wyth dyuers other godly prayers & anthems, of sundry mens doynges.
- Title
- The tenor mornyng and euenyng prayer and communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and and children wyth dyuers other godly prayers & anthems, of sundry mens doynges.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London :: By Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saint Martins. These bookes are to be sold, at hys shop vnderneath the gate,
- 1565.
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"The tenor mornyng and euenyng prayer and communion, set forthe in foure partes, to be song in churches, both for men and and children wyth dyuers other godly prayers & anthems, of sundry mens doynges." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
- title page
- illustration
- Morning prayer.
Te deum laudamus. - Benedictus.
- The Letany.
- The lordes prayer
- The Communion.
- The Crede
- A thankes geuing for the poore
- The Sanctus
- The Communion.
- A Prayer.
- Euening Praier.
- Nunc dimittis
- An other Magnificat
Nunc dimittis. - A godly prayer
- A morning prayer in foure partes.
- Te Deum laudamus
- Benedictus.
- The Communion.
- The Crede
- A thankes geuing for the poore
- The Sanctus
- The Communion.
- A godly prayer
- Euening Praier.
- Nunc dimittis
- Another Magnificat
- Nunc dimittis
- Venite exultemus.
- Te Deum laudamus
- Benedictus.
- The Communion.
- The Communion.
- The Sanctus
- The Communion.
- Euening Praier.
- Nunc dimittis
- A prayer
- A prayer
- A prayer.
- A prayer.
- The Anthem.
- A Prayer.
- chant
- The Anthem
- The Anthem.
- A prayer
- The Anthem.
- A prayer.
- A prayer
- Exaudîat te Dominus
- A prayer
- A Prayer.
- colophon
- title page
- illustration
Secundus Contra tenor
Venite exultemus. -
Morning prayer - Benedictus.
- The Letany.
- The Lords prayer
- The Communion.
- The Communion.
- The Communion.
- A prayer.
- Euening Praier.
Nunc dimittis. - An other Magnificat
- Nunc dimittis
- A godly prayer
- A morning prayer in foure partes.
- Te Deum
- Benedictus.
- The Communion.
- The Communion.
- A thankes geuing for the poore
- The Sanctus
- The Communion.
- A godly prayer
- Euening Praier.
Nunc dimittis. - An other Magnificat
Venite exultemus. - Te Deum laudamus
- Benedictus.
- The Communion.
- The Communion.
- The Sanctus
- The Communion.
- Euening Praier.
- Nunc dimittis
- A Prayer.
- A godly prayer
- A prayer.
- A godly prayer
- The Anthem
- A godly prayer
- chant
- The Anthem
- The Anthem
- The Anthem
- A prayer.
- A prayer.
- A prayer
- Exaudiat te Dominus
- A Prayer.
- A Prayer.
- colophon
- title page
- illustration
- Venite exultemus.
Te deum laudamus. -
Benedictus. - chant
The Letany -
The Lordes prayer. - The Communion.
- The Communion.
- The Communion.
A Prayer. -
Euening Prayer -
Nunc dimittis. -
An other Magnificat. -
Nunc dimittis. -
A godly Prayer. -
A mornyng prayer in foure partes. -
Te Deum laudamus. - Benedictus.
- The Communion.
- The Communion.
An other thankesgeuyng for the poore. - The Sanctus.
- The Communion.
A godly Prayer. -
Euenyng prayer. -
Nunc dimittis. -
An other Magnificat. -
Nunc dimittis. -
Mornyng prayer -
Te Deum laudamus. -
Benedictus. - The Communion.
The Communion. - The Sanctus.
- The Communion.
Euenyng prayer -
Nunc dimittis. - A Prayer.
A Prayer. - A prayer.
- A Praier.
- The Anthem.
- The Anthem.
- The Anthem.
- A Prayer.
- A Prayer.
A Prayer. - A Prayer.
- A Prayer.
- Exaudiat te Dominus.
- A prayer.
- A prayer.
- colophon
- title page
- illustration
Venite exultemus. -
Te deum laudamus. -
Benedictus dominus. -
The Letanie. -
The Lordes praier. -
The Communion. - chant
The crede. -
The Euening praier. -
Nunc dimittis. -
Another Magnificat. -
Another Nunc dimittis. -
A Godly prayer. -
Venite exultemus -
Te deum. -
Benedictus. -
The Communion. -
An Offetorie. -
The Sanctus. - Magnificat.
Nunc dimittis. -
Another Magnificat. -
Nunc dimittis. -
Venite exultemus. -
Te deum laudamus. -
Benedictus. -
The Communion. -
The Communion. -
The Sanctus. - Magnificat
Nunc dimittis. -
A Prayer. -
A Prayer. -
A Prayer. - A Prayer.
The Anthem -
A Prayer. -
The Anthem. -
The Anthem -
The Anthem - A Prayer.
A Prayer. -
A Prayer.
- colophon
- Bassus
- colophon