The ruine of the authors and fomentors of civill vvarres. As it was deliver'd in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons in Margarets-Church Westminster, Sept. 24. being the monethly fast day, set apart for publick humiliation. / By Sam: Gibson, pastor of Burleigh in Rutland; now minister of Gods Word at Margarets Westminster, pro tempore; and one of the Assembly of Divines.

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The ruine of the authors and fomentors of civill vvarres. As it was deliver'd in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons in Margarets-Church Westminster, Sept. 24. being the monethly fast day, set apart for publick humiliation. / By Sam: Gibson, pastor of Burleigh in Rutland; now minister of Gods Word at Margarets Westminster, pro tempore; and one of the Assembly of Divines.
Gibson, Samuel.
London, :: Printed by M.S. for John Hancock, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley.,

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Bible. -- O.T. -- Samuel, 2nd XVII, 14 -- Sermons.
Sermons, English -- 17th century.
Fast-day sermons -- 17th century.
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"The ruine of the authors and fomentors of civill vvarres. As it was deliver'd in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons in Margarets-Church Westminster, Sept. 24. being the monethly fast day, set apart for publick humiliation. / By Sam: Gibson, pastor of Burleigh in Rutland; now minister of Gods Word at Margarets Westminster, pro tempore; and one of the Assembly of Divines." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


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As it was deliver'd in a Sermon be∣fore the Honourable House of Commons in Margarets-Church Westminster, Sept. 24. being the Monethly Fast day, set apart for publick Humiliation.

By SAM: GIBSON, Pastor of Bur∣leigh in Rutland; now Minister of Gods Word at Margarets Westminster, Pro tempore; and one of the Assembly of Divines.

DEUT. 32. 35.

To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence, I will repay; their foote shall slide in due time; for the day of their ca∣lamity is at hand, & the things that shall come upon them, make haste.

LONDON, Printed by M. S. for John Hancock, and are to be sold at his Shop in Popes-head Alley. 1645.

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