Doctor Lamb revived, or, VVitchcraft condemn'd in Anne Bodenham a servant of his, who was arraigned and executed the lent assizes last at Salisbury, before the right honourable the Lord Chief Baron Wild, judge of the assise. Wherein is set forth her strange and wonderful diabolical usage of a maid, servant to Mr. Goddard, as also her attempt against his daughters, but by providence delivered. Being necessary for all good Christians to read, as a caveat to look to themselves, that they be not seduced by such inticements. By Edmond Bower an eye and ear witness of her examination and confession.

Doctor Lamb revived, or, VVitchcraft condemn'd in Anne Bodenham a servant of his, who was arraigned and executed the lent assizes last at Salisbury, before the right honourable the Lord Chief Baron Wild, judge of the assise. Wherein is set forth her strange and wonderful diabolical usage of a maid, servant to Mr. Goddard, as also her attempt against his daughters, but by providence delivered. Being necessary for all good Christians to read, as a caveat to look to themselves, that they be not seduced by such inticements. By Edmond Bower an eye and ear witness of her examination and confession.
Bower, Edmund.
London, :: Printed by T.W. for Richard Best, and John Place, and are to be Sold at their Shops in Grays-Inn-Gate and Furnivals-Inn-Gate in Holburn.,

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Subject terms
Witchcraft -- England -- Salisbury -- Early works to 1800.
Trials (Witchcraft) -- England -- Salisbury -- Early works to 1800.
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"Doctor Lamb revived, or, VVitchcraft condemn'd in Anne Bodenham a servant of his, who was arraigned and executed the lent assizes last at Salisbury, before the right honourable the Lord Chief Baron Wild, judge of the assise. Wherein is set forth her strange and wonderful diabolical usage of a maid, servant to Mr. Goddard, as also her attempt against his daughters, but by providence delivered. Being necessary for all good Christians to read, as a caveat to look to themselves, that they be not seduced by such inticements. By Edmond Bower an eye and ear witness of her examination and confession." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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