Three sermons concerning the sacred Trinity by John Wallis.

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Three sermons concerning the sacred Trinity by John Wallis.
Wallis, John, 1616-1703.
London :: Printed for Tho. Parkhurst ...,

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Subject terms
Trinity -- Sermons.
Sermons, English -- 17th century.
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"Three sermons concerning the sacred Trinity by John Wallis." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.



LEt. I. p. 12. l. 6. for Divisions read Dimensions. p. 13. l 6. dele Three. p 18. l. 7. for Meaning read Memory.

Let. II. p. . l. 21. for that read shall.

Let. III. p. 30. l. 11. as a separate Existence. p 32 l. 7. as to be. p. 37. l. ult. for Those read These. p. 41. l. 18 known p. 57. l. 7. for sure read save.

Let. IV. p. 7. l. 20. for toil read talk. p. 11. l. 2. as well as.

Let. V. p. 6. l. 22. dele of. p. 7. l. 19. for any read my. p. 11. l. 10. read 1 Joh. 5.20. p. 12. l. 18. for Israel read Jacob. p. 18. l. 13. doth not well p. 21. l. 14. said so much.

Let. VI. p. 4. l. 1. for Nor read Now. p. 9. l. 28. for then read tere. p. 10. l. 28. for London read Leyden. p. 11. l. 19. at least. p. 13. l. 30. for This read Thus. p. 14. l. 33. for as read in l. 34. thee only, the. p. 17. l. 6. for Railing read Ranting. p. 18. l. 2. was not then. l. 13. be∣side that in.

Let. VII. p. 6. l 28. Possibility. p. 7. l. 27. for fourt read fault. p. 10. l. pen. All-comprehen∣sive. p. 12. l. 20. Father. p. 13. l. 5. afte Notion, add further than they are revealed. l. pen. Words. p. 14. l. 13. Hands. p. 17. l. 13. to Answer. l. 23. for one read me.

Serm. p. 15. l. 14. exegerical. p. 19 l. 7. God. p. 22. l. 19. for for read or. l. 21. for er read fer. P. 61. l. 9. read Author. P. 73. l. 3. read were framed.

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