Notitia monastica, or, A short history of the religious houses in England and Wales by Thomas Tanner ...
- Title
- Notitia monastica, or, A short history of the religious houses in England and Wales by Thomas Tanner ...
- Author
- Tanner, Thomas, 1674-1735.
- Publication
- Oxford :: Printed at the Theater and are to be sold by A. and J. Churchill ...,
- 1695.
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- Monasteries -- England.
- Monasteries -- Wales.
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"Notitia monastica, or, A short history of the religious houses in England and Wales by Thomas Tanner ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
- title page
- imprimatur
Honourable and Reverend
r . Leopold-William Finch WARDEN OF ALL-SOULS COLLEGE In Oxford. - THE PREFACE.
country - England
- 1. Luffield.
- 2. Newport or Tickford.
- 3. Newinton-Longavile.
- 4. Missenden.
- 5. Wenge.
- 6. Bittlesden.
- 7. Ivingho.
utley or de Parco Crendon. - 9. Ankerwik.
- 10. Mendham or Medmenham.
- 11. Snelshall.
- 12. Chetwood.
- 13. Burnham.
- 14. Ravenston.
- 15. Asserugge or Ashridge.
- 16. Lavenden.
- 17. Bradewell.
- 18. Little-Merlow.
- 19. Eaton.
- 20. Murresley.
- 21. High-Wickham.
- 22. Risburg.
- 1. Exeter.
- 2. Crediton.
- 3. Pilton.
- 4. Tavystock.
- 5. Clive. Qu.
- 6. Plimpton.
- 7. Ottery.
- 8. Hertland.
- 9. Totteness
- 10. Barnstaple.
- 11. Exeter.
- 12. Axmouth.
- 13. Brightley.
- 14. Ford.
- 15. Exeter.
- 16. Buckfastre.
- 17. Torr.
18. Dunkeswe
l. - 19. Otterington.
20. Can
dnleigh. - 21. Frithelstoke.
- 22. Exeter.
- 23. Pollshoo.
- 24. Newenham,
- 25. Modbury, Molerey. Sp.
- 26. Buckland.
- 27. Cowike or Cuich.
- 28. Slapton.
- 29. Sidmouth.
- 30. Dartmouth.
- 31. S. Michael.
- 32. Careswell.
33. Spelep
. - 34. Tunstal.
- 35. Berleston.
- 36. Cornworthy. Lel.
- 37. Exeter.
- 38. Clovely.
- 39. Marsehe.
- 1. Barking.
- 2. Waltham.
- 3. Earles-Colne.
- 4. Thremhale.
- 5. Paunsfield.
- 6. Horsley.
- 7. Colchester
- 8. Dunmow.
- 9. Colchester.
- 10. Chich.
- 11. Hatfield-Peverell.
- 12. Wikes.
- 13. Tackly.
- 14. Stratford-Langthorn.
- 15. Walden parva, or Saffron-Walden.
- 16. Coggeshale.
- 17. Cressing-Temple
- 18. Horkesley.
19. Tiltie or
udeham. - 20. Prittlewell.
- 21. Bileigh or Maldon.
- 22. Hatfield Regis, or Bradoke.
- 23. Heningham.
- 24. Stanesgate.
- 25. Mercy.
- 26. Lighes or Leez.
- 27. Bierdon.
- 28. Blackmore.
- 29. Ginge-Atteston. Qu.
- 30. Thoby.
- 31. Tiptree.
- 32. Sopwikes.
- 33. Plecy.
- 34. Halstede.
- 35. Latton. MS. Dugd.
- 1. Glocester.
- 2. Theokesbury, v. Tewksbury.
- 3. Winchelcomb.
- 4. Derehirst.
- 5. Berkley.
- 6. Glocester.
- 7. Cirencester.
- 8. Boxwel.
- 9. Newent, Niwetton, Speed.
- 10. Lanthony.
- 11. Kingswood.
- 12. Flexely.
- 13. Stanley.
- 14. Bekeford.
- 15. Brimsfield or Bromfield..
- 16. Hales.
- 17. Queinington.
- 18. Lechlade.
- 19. Magnotsfield.
- 20. Minchin-Hampton.
- 21. Westbury.
edbridge. - 2. Winchester.
- 3. Winchester.
- 4. Winchester.
- 5. Hide.
- 6. Rumsey.
- 7. Wherwell.
- 8. Christ-Church or Twinham.
- 9. Andover.
- 10. Carisbrook. Wight.
- 11. Winteney.
- 12. Shirburn.
- 13. Southampton juxta.
- 14. Quarrer. Wight.
- 15. Bromere.
- 16. Southwyke.
- 17. De Bello-Loco or Beaulieu.
- 18. Motisfont.
- 19. Tychfield.
- 20. Seleburn.
- 21. Lettely or de Loco Sancti Edwardi.
- 22. Hamele.
- 23. Badeisley.
- 24. Andewell.
- 25. Apple-Durcomb. Wight.
- 26. Ellingham.
- 27. Hailing.
- 28. S Cross. Wight.
- 29. S. Helen. Wight.
- 30. Burton. Wight.
- 31. Winchester.
- 32. Stratfield-say.
- 33. Winchester.
- 34. College juxta UUinton.
- 1. S. Albans.
- 2. Hertford.
- 3. Flamsted or De Bosco juxta Flamsted.
- 4. Sopewell.
- 5. Rowney ol. Mundene.
- 6. Royston.
- 7. S. Mary de Pre.
- 8. Wymondley.
- 9. Chesthunt.
- 10. Ware.
- 11. Thele.
- 12. New-bigging, or Hichin.
- 13. Burton Sp. Barden Lel.
- 14. Chille. Qu.
15. Chil
tree. Qu. - 16. Mirdiall. Qu.
- 17. Redburg.
- 1. Canterbury
- 2. Rochester.
- 3. Canterbury.
- 4. Folkstone.
- 5. Liming.
6. Re
ulver. - 7. Thanet.
- 8. Elflet. Sp.
- 9. Dover.
- 10. Shepey.
- 11. Malling.
- 12. Lewesham.
- 13. Canterbury.
- 14. Herbaldown.
- 15. Canterbury.
- 16. Leedes.
- 17. Tunbridge.
- 18. Boxley.
- 19. Feversham.
- 20. Bradsole, or St. Radegund's juxta Dover.
- 21. Heyham.
. - 23. Otteham and 24. Beigham
- 25. Horton.
- 26. Cumbwell.
- 27. Newington.
- 28. Lesnes or Westwood.
- 29. Langdon.
- 30. Patricksborn.
- 31. Daunton.
- 32. Ulcomb.
- 33. Mottinden.
reweleigh. -
35. Li
Cherche. -
ilsington. -
umney. - 38. Wingham.
- 39. Ospring.
- 40. Swingfield.
- 41. Badlesmere.
- 42. Cobham.
- 43. Dertford.
- 44. Bredgare.
- 45. Maidstone.
- 46. West-Peccam.
- 47. Waye.
- 48. Ashford.
- 1. Belvoir.
- 2. Leicester.
- 3. S. Mary de Pratis, juxta Leicester.
- 4. Launda.
- 5. Bredon.
- 6. Hinkley.
- 7. Gerondon or Garradon, Gerewerdon, Werewordon, Speed.
- 8. Dalby, 9. Hether, 10. Rodely.
- 11. Croxton.
- 12. Olveston or Osulveston.
- 13. Charley.
- 14. Bradley.
- 15. Langley.
- 16. Grace-Dieu
- 17. Ulvescroft.
- 18. Stave Speed. Stane MS. Bodl. Qu.
- 19. Melton-Moubray.
20. No
sley. - 21. Kirkby-Beller.
- 22. Leicester.
- 23. Sapcote.
- 1. Bardney.
- 2. Crowland.
- 3. Stow.
- 4. Spalding.
- 5. Covenham.
- 6. Lincoln.
7. Bru
me. - 8. Frisetun or Freston.
- 9. Grimesby or Welhove.
- 10. Swineshed.
- 11. Deping.
- 12. Minting.
- 13. Hyrst.
- 14. Willesford.
- 15. Thornholm.
- 16. Sempringham.
- 17. Haverholm.
- 18. Thorneton.
- 19. Parco-Luda or Louth-Park.
- 20. Kirksted.
- 21. Nocton.
- 22. Nun-Ormesby or Newnersby.
- 23. Revesby.
- 24. Aquilae Ballivatus, v. Egle.
- 25. Newhouse or Newsom.
- 26. Stixwould.
- 27. De Valle-Dei ol. Bitham vulgo Uaudey.
- 28. Lincoln.
- 29. Berlings or Dxeney.
- 30. Bolyngton.
- 31. Run-Cotton.
- 32. Greenfield.
- 33. Hagneby.
- 34. Heinings or Heveringes.
- 35. Elsham.
- 36. Newstede in Axholm.
- 37. Stanford.
- 38. Stainfeld.
- 39. Tupholm.
- 40. Urford, Irford or Ixford.
- 41. Santof & Henes.
- 42. Hagh.
- 43. Cameringham.
- 44. Leyburn or Lekeburn.
- 45. Lorkesey.
- 46. Sixle.
- 47. Welles
- 48. Ravendale.
- 49. Foss.
- 50. Newb.
- 51. Benington.
- 52. Catteley.
- 53. Goykewell.
- 54. Humberston or Umberstane.
- 55. Kyme.
- 56. Markeby or Matersey.
- 57. Stanford. Sp.
- 58. Neustede juxta Stanford.
- 59. Torington.
- 60. Burwell.
- 61. Hagham
- 62. Holland-Brugge.
- 63. Temple-Bruer.
- 64. Willoughton.
- 65. Briggerd. Sp.
- 66. Iffingham.
- 67. Grimesby.
- 68. Alvingham.
- 69. Eppworth.
- 70. Tatteshall.
71. R
veston. Sp.
- 1. S. Pauls.
- 2. Westminster.
- 3. College of St. Martin near Aldgate.
- 4. Clerkenwell.
- 5. S. Iohn of Ierusalem.
- 6. Christ-Church near Aldgate.
- 7. S. Bartholomew's in Smithfield.
- 8. S. Helens near Bishopsgate-street.
- 9. S. Mary de Bethlem without Bishopsgate.
- 10. Nunnery without Aldgate.
lsingspittle by Cripplegate. - 12. Corpus Christi College in Candleweek-street.
- 13. Westminster.
- 14. S. Mary of Grace near the Tower.
- 15. Charter-house.
- 16. S. Michael in Crooked-Lane.
- 17. Barking.
- 18. Whitingdon-College.
- 1. West-Dereham.
- 2. North-Elmham.
- 3. Hulme.
- 4. Thetford.
- 5. UUalsingham.
- 6. UUest-Acre.
- 7. Castel-Acre.
- 8. Norwich.
- 9. Linn.
- 10. Yarmouth.
- 11. Thetford.
- 12. Horseham or Horsford.
13. UUymondham or
Uindham. - 14. Binham.
15. Tofte
. -
16. Bromholm or Ba
etun. - 17. Hempton or Falkinhindon, v. Falkenham.
- 18. Pentney.
- 19. Thetford.
- 20. Buckenham.
- 21. Carow, Cardiou. Speed.
- 22. Carbroke.
- 23. UUaburn.
- 24. Cokesford in Rudeham, Budham. Sp.
- 25. Reinham.
- 26. Shouldeham.
- 27. Langley.
- 28. Dickling.
- 29. Wirmegay.
- 30. Biston or Beeston.
- 31. Blackborough.
- 32. Crabhouse.
- 33. Thetford.
- 34. Weybridge or Wexbridge.
- 35. Wirham.
- 36. Little Ingham.
- 37. Flytcham.
- 38. Marmound.
- 39. Lesingham.
- 40. Wenghale.
- 41. Fildalling.
- 42. Heveringland.
- 43. Malsingham.
- 44. S. Olaves.
- 45. Aldeby.
- 46. UUendlyng.
- 47. Sporley.
- 48. UUells.
- 49. UUrongly.
- 50. Mendham.
- 51. Burnham.
- 52. Slevesholm.
- 53. Marham-Barbara.
- 54. Castre juxta Yarmouth.
- 55. Tomeston or Tomson.
- 56. Raveningham.
- 57. Rushworth.
- 58. Attilburgh.
- 59. Heringby.
- 60. Norwich.
- 1. Castor.
- 2. Peterburgh olim Medeshamsted.
- 3. Peykirk olim Pegelandia.
- 4. Wedon.
- 5. Dorthampton.
- 6. Chacomb.
- 7. Davintre.
- 8. Fodringhey.
- 9. Northampton.
- 10. Northampton.
- 11. Pipewell ol. De Divisis.
- 12. Sulby or UUelleford.
- 13. Finnisheved.
- 14. UUyrthorp or UUigsthorp.
- 15. Catesby.
- 16. Ashby.
- 17. Saint-Davy.
- 18. Gare.
- 19. Rothwell.
- 20. Sewardesly or Sewesly.
- 21. Euerdon.
- 22. Cotherstoke.
- 23. Irtelingburgh.
- 24. Higham-Ferrers.
- 25. Towcester.
- 26. Brackley.
- 1. Lindisfarn or Holy Island.
- 2. Henham.
- 3. Tynmonth.
- 4. Brekenburn or Brinkburn.
- 5. Newminster near Morpeth.
- 6. Alnewick.
- 7. Blanca-Landa or Alba-Landa.
- 8. Lambley.
- 9. Ovingham.
10. Fa
, by Mr. Speed corruptly call'd Frame∣land, Ferne-Eland and Flaneland. - 11. Newcastle.
- 12. Halyston or Holiscomb.
- 13. Warmington.
- 1. Dorchester.
- 2. St. Frideswide's now Christ Church in Oxford.
ynsham. - 4. Oxford.
rgges. - 6. Osney.
- 7. Godstow.
- 8. Tame.
- 9. Bruern.
- 10. Cold-Norton.
11. Stod
ley. - 12. Burcester.
- 13. Wroxton.
- 14. Rewley or De Regali loco.
- 15. Burford.
- 16. Clattercote.
- 17. Goring.
- 18. Saucomb .
- 19. Minster Lovel.
- 20. Oxford.
- 21. Oxford.
- 22. Littlemore near Sandford .
- 23. Milton.
- 24. Sandford.
- 25. Oxford.
- 26. Oxford.
- 27. Oxford.
28. D
ford. - 29. Banbury.
- 1. Glastonbury.
- 2. Congresbury.
- 3. Bath.
- 4. Wells.
- 5. Banwell.
- 6. Athelncy.
- 7. Michelney .
- 8. Bruton.
- 9. Dunster.
- 10. Montacute.
- 11. Taunton.
- 12. Bristoll.
- 13. Canington.
- 14. Bristoll.
- 15. Keynsham.
- 16. Witham
- 17. Stoke-Curcy.
- 18. Haselburg.
- 19. Buckland.
- 20. Clive.
- 21. Worspring.
- 22. Henton .
- 23. Berliz, Barlynch, Speed.
- 24. Bearwe, Sp. Minchin-barow, Dugd. v. Barrow-Gurney.
- 25. Linton.
- 26. Staverdale.
- 27. Temple-Combe.
- 28. North-Cadbury.
- 29. Moundroy.
- 30. Stoke under Hamden.
- 1. Litchfield.
- 2. Stone .
- 3. Tamworth.
- 4. Wolverhampton.
- 5. Burton upon Trent.
- 6. Lappele.
- 7. Iutbury.
- 8. Canwell.
- 9. Blythbury.
- 10. Penkridge.
- 11. Trentham.
- 12. Roucester.
- 13. Fairweld.
- 14. Radmore.
- 15. Sandwell.
- 16. Dudley.
- 17. Stafford.
- 18. Croxton.
- 19. Raunton.
- 20. Calwich.
- 21. Delacres.
- 22. Hulton.
- 23. Brewood.
- 24. Catune.
- 25. Briuerne.
- 26. Tetnall.
- 27. Stafford.
- 1. Burgh-Castle or Cnobbersburgh.
- 2. Stoke-Clare.
- 3. Fdmundsbury.
- 4. Eye.
- 5. Blakenham.
- 6. Creting.
- 7. Ixworth.
- 8. Brisete.
- 9. Bliburgh.
- 10. Fdwardestow.
- 11. Redlingfield.
- 12. Romburgh.
- 13. Sibton.
- 14. Snapes.
- 15. Butley.
- 16. Leiston.
- 17. Ipswich.
- 18. Bungey.
- 19. Campess.
- 20. Ipswich.
- 21. Dodnash.
- 22. Flixton.
- 23. Herinflete.
- 24. Trem.
- 25. Kersey.
- 26. Wangford.
- 27. Woodbridge.
- 28. Letheringham.
- 29. Liteburch. Sp.
- 30. Rafford. Sp.
- 31. Walton.
- 32. Burshyard.
- 33. Mettingham.
- 34. Suthbury.
- 35. Denston.
- 1. Selsey.
- 2. South-Malling.
- 3. Bosenham,
- 4. Battell.
- 5. Chichester.
- 6. Sele, Acceseale, Sp.
- 7. Lewes.
- 8. Stayning.
- 9. Wilmington.
- 10. Boxgrabe.
- 11. Robertsbridge.
- 12. Pynham or De Calceto juxta Arundell.
- 13. Dareford.
- 14. Michelham.
- 15. Arundel.
- 16. Eastburn.
- 17. Hastings.
- 18. Ruspur Dugd. Rupperar Sp.
- 19. Shulbred.
- 20. Tortington.
21. Hardham or
eringham. - 22. Hoo.
- 23. Leominster, Levenestre or Leveminstre.
- 24. Remsted. Sp.
- 25. Lullmenster.
1. Polle
worth. - 2. Coventry.
- 3. Monks-Kirkby.
- 4. Warwick.
- 5. Kenelworth.
- 6. Pynely.
- 7. Bretford.
- 8. Warwick.
- 9. Warmington.
- 10. Olbury.
- 11. Wotton-wamen.
- 12. Alneceaster or Alcetur, ol. S. Maria de Insula.
- 13. Merivall.
- 14. Combe, ol. Smite.
- 15. Studley.
- 16. Wroxall.
- 17. Aucot.
- 18. Erdbury.
- 19. Henwood.
- 20. Nun Eaton.
- 21. Stonely.
- 22. Wolfricheston v. Wolston.
- 23. Thelesford.
- 24. Stratford.
- 25. Maxstock.
- 26. Astley.
- 27. Coventre.
- 28. Knoll.
1. Polle
- 1. Malmesbury.
- 2. Wilton.
and 4. Ram bury. - 5. Ambresbury.
- 6. Salisbury.
- 7. Farley.
- 8. Charleton.
- 9. Bradenstoke.
- 10. Mayden-Bradley.
- 11. Stanley.
- 12. Okeburn.
- 13. Tvy-Church or Ederose.
- 14. Cosham.
- 15. Chippenham.
16. Au
bury. - 17. Ansty.
- 18. Lacock.
- 19. Salisbury.
- 20. Pulton.
- 21. Marleburg.
- 22. Uphaven.
- 23. Brioptune. Qu.
- 24. Clatford.
- 25. Longleat.
- 26. Eston.
- 27. Keinton.
- 28. Eddington.
- 1. York.
- 2. Lestinghan.
- 3. UUhitby ol. Strenshall.
- 4. Rippon.
- 5. Beverley.
- 6. York.
- 7. Selby.
- 8. York.
- 9. York.
- 10. Hakeness.
- 11. Richmond.
- 12. Bridlington.
- 13. Birstall.
- 14. Gisborn.
- 15. Kirkham.
- 16. Nostell.
- 17. Emmesey.
- 18. Scoke-kirk.
- 19. York.
- 20. Nun-Monketon.
- 21. Fountains.
- 22. Rivaulx.
- 23. Warter.
- 24. Newburgh.
- 25. Hode.
- 26. Bella-Launda, v. Bilaund.
- 27. Watton.
- 28. Malton.
- 29. Fors.
- 30. Roch.
- 31. Salley.
- 32. Nun-Appleton.
- 33. Middlesburgh.
- 34. Kirkstall.
- 35. Arden.
- 36. Keling.
- 37. Melsa or Meaux.
- 38. Bolton.
- 39. Richmond juxta.
- 40. Ierball.
- 41. Woodkirk.
- 42. Wilberfoss.
- 43. Yedingham or Littlemareis.
- 44. York.
- 45. North-Allerton.
- 46. Hoton.
- 47. Mount S. Iohn.
- 48. Drax.
- 49. Keldon or Keldeholm.
- 50. Rosedale.
- 51. Senningthwait.
- 52. Pontfract.
- 53. Hampoll.
- 54. Ribleston.
- 55. Marton.
- 56. Monks-Bretton.
- 57. Molesby.
- 58. Swainby.
- 59. Coverham.
- 60. York.
- 61. Ellerton.
- 62. Grosmunt.
- 63. Thirkehead.
- 64. Wyckham.
- 65. Helagh-Park.
- 66. Knaresburgh.
- 67. Newland.
- 68. Hedley.
- 69. Gilling.
- 70. Maryke.
- 71. Beverley.
- 72. Arthington.
- 73. Basedale,
- 74. Esseholt.
- 75. Ferreby.
- 76. Handale or Grundale.
- 77. Kirkley.
- 78. Ecclesfield.
- 79. Scarburgh.
- 80. Nun-Burnham, Dugd. Nunvertholm Sp.
- 81. Swinhey.
- 82. Scarthe.
- 83. Cotingham.
- 84. Haltemprice.
- 85. Hull.
- 86. Pontfract.
- 87. Bolton.
- 88. Wenslow
- 89. Hull.
- 90. Hemyngburgh.
- 91. Mountgrace.
- 92. Middleham.
- 93. Roderham.
- 94. Aulcaster.
- 95. Sutton.
- 96. Hoveden.
- 97. Pontfract.
- The Names of the Monasteries that were dissolv'd by a Bull of Pope Cle∣ment VII. A. D. 1524. and granted by King Henry VIII. to Cardinal Wolsey Arch-bishop of York, toward the erecting of two Collges, one at Ipswich, and the other at Oxford.
- Before the Dissolution the following Abbats and Priors sat in the Upper House of Parliament, as Barons of this Kingdom.
- index
- An Index of the Sirnames of all Foun∣ders of Monasteries and other per∣sons, that occurr in this Book.