These are
in the Divine Brightnesse of his Immortall Person, as in a Flame;
Consumed in the Heat of a Grea∣ter Glory: yet stil
Conspicuous and Transparent through the Light of it.
Therefore in this Kingdome, our Lord raignes with this Title, He That
2. The Kingdome of the Mediatour. This is the
Vni∣on or Marriage of the Two other Kingdoms, of Nature, and the
Father; Time and Eternity. This is, as a Flou∣rishing
Picture, which consists of Light and Shadow, making of Both, One Beauty. God is
the Light, the Creature the Shadow, which here are
interwoven, and shine mutually; The Creature By God, God In
the Creature: so Both make but One Appearance, One Kingdome.
This is the Middle-state of things: Thorow this, God first
Descends into Nature: Thorow this, All Things Ascend and return again out of
Nature unto God. Therefore this is cal'd Regnum Mediatorium: This is
properly the Kingdome of Christ, as he is the Me∣diator: In this our
Lord Jesus is according to his Pro∣per State and Person, known by This name,
He That Is.
3. The Kingdome of the Father. Here the God-head
reignes in the Fulnesse of an Unmixt, the Freedome
of an Unlimited Glory. The Kingdome of Christ is ever in Motion, till
at last it roul it selfe into this sea, where it Perfectly
loseth, and yet more Perfectly then ever, keeps its own
Distinct State. This is the First De∣scription.
A Distinction
of Things in the Person of Christ: And from the seven Spirits, which are before
His Throne, ver. 4.