The Queens closet opened incomparable secrets in physick, chyrurgery, preserving, and candying &c. which were presented unto the queen / by the most experienced persons of the times, many whereof were had in esteem when she pleased to descend to private recreations.
- Title
- The Queens closet opened incomparable secrets in physick, chyrurgery, preserving, and candying &c. which were presented unto the queen / by the most experienced persons of the times, many whereof were had in esteem when she pleased to descend to private recreations.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for Nath. Brooke,
- 1659.
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- Recipes.
- Medicine, Popular.
- Cookery -- Early works to 1800.
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"The Queens closet opened incomparable secrets in physick, chyrurgery, preserving, and candying &c. which were presented unto the queen / by the most experienced persons of the times, many whereof were had in esteem when she pleased to descend to private recreations." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.
- frontispiece
- title page
- TO THE Ingenious & Courteous READER.
- The Prescribers, and Approvers of most of these rare Receipts, their following names are in several Pages of this Book inserted and annexed to their own experienced Receipts.
The Pearle of Practice.
- Doctor Butler's Preservative against the Plague.
- Dr. Butlers Cordial Water.
- Dr. Butlers Purging Ale.
- Dr. Giffords Amber Pills for a Consumption.
- To comfort the Heart and Spirits, and to suppress Melancholly.
- A Cordial Electuary for stuffing of the Sto∣mach, or shortness of Breath.
- Mr. Covets Medicine for the Palsie.
- A Receipt to help Digestion.
- A singular Cordial.
- Dr. Bassa an Italian, An approved Receipt to break the Stone in the Kidneys.
- Dr. Basse's Remedy for a bloody Vrine, or to break a Stone in the Bladder.
- Syrup of Turnips.
- Syrup of Citron Peels.
- A Cordial Syrup to cleanse the blood, open Obstructions, prevent a Con∣sumption, &c.
- A Medicine for a Dropsie approved by the Lady Hobby, who was cured her self by it.
- Dr. Adrian Gilberts most Sovereign Cordial Water.
- For a swoln Face.
- Cock water for a Consumption.
- A precious Cordial for a sick body.
- Wormwood Cakes good for a cold Stomach, and to help Digestion.
- To make water of Life.
- Dr. Atkinsons excellent Perfume against the Plague.
- To make Saffron Water.
- Mr. Stepkins Water for the Eyes.
- A precious Water to revive the Spirits.
- The Bishop of Worcesters admirably curing Powder.
- To make Spirit of Castoreum.
- A Water for the Stone.
- To make Dr. Stephens Water.
- For a Tetter.
- A special water for a Consumption.
- Syrup of Pearmains good against Melancholly.
- Tincture of Ambergreece.
Dr. Price, and M
. Fenton the Chyrurgi∣on, their excellent Medicine for the Plague after Infection. - A Drink for the Plague or Pestilent Fea∣ver, proved by the Countess of Arun∣del, in the Year 1603.
- A Syrup for a Cold.
- An excellent Receipt for a precious water.
- To make an excellent Syrup of Citrons or Lemons without fire.
- A Salve for the eyes, made by Sir Edward Spencer.
- For the Small Pox or Measles.
- A very good Glyster for the winde.
- The Kings Medicine for the Plague.
- A Medicine for the Plague that the Lord Major had from the Queen.
- Lord Treasurers Receipt for an Ague.
- For Rheume in the Eyes.
- To break the Stone, and bring away the Gravel.
- A cordial Water in the time of Infection, by Sir Thomas Mayner.
- China broth for a Consumption.
- A comfortable Bag for the Stomach.
- To encrease Womans Milk.
- To expell Winde.
- For the Piles▪
- For a Thrush, or Canker in the Mouth.
- A green Oyntment good for Bruises, Swel∣lings, and Wrenches in Man, Horse, or other Beast.
- An excellent Sear-cloth for a Wound, Bruise, or Ache.
- Dr Reads Perfume to smell against the Plague.
- A Perfume against the Plague.
- Sir Edward Tertiles Salve, called the chief of all Salves.
- The Vertues and use of it.
- A Restorative Broth.
- For the Piles.
- For a sore Throat.
- To void Phlegm from the Head, Lungs, or Stomach.
- The Lady Drury's Medicine for the Cholick, Proved.
- A Medicine for one thick of Hearing. Proved.
- An excellent drink for the Stone.
- To preserve a Woman with Childe from miscarrying.
- To make Childrens Teeth come with∣out Pain. Proved.
- Dr. Mays Juice of Liquorish to stay Rheum and preserve the Lungs.
- To kill a Felon quickly.
- A Remedy for the pain in the Stomach.
- To cure Diseases without taking any thing at the Mouth.
- To break the Stone.
- To help Vlceration in the Kidneys.
- A Special Medicine for one that cannot swallow, although no inward Medi∣cine can be taken for it.
- To draw up the Vvula.
- A Purge for Children or Old men.
- For a Noli me tangere.
- To make the Face fair, and for a stinking Breath.
- For heat in the Face, redness and shining of the Nose.
- An excellent Oyl to take away the Heat and Shining of the Nose.
- For Heat or Pimples in the Face
- To take away Hair.
- Dr. Friers Receipt for sweating in the face.
- An approved Medicine taught by Dr. Blacksmith for the Cough.
- An approved Medicine for the same, by Doctor Blacksmith.
- For the Kidneys swlon with cold, or other Accident.
- A Vomit for an Ague.
- A restorative Bag for a cold or windy Stomach.
- A Drink for cold Rhumes or Phlegms.
- For Rhume in the Throat.
- A Remedy for the Stone.
- A Broth for the Cough of the Lungs devi∣sed by Dr. Brasdale, Dr. Atkinson, and Dr. Fryer for the Lord Treasurer.
- For a Burning or Scalding.
To P
cure Sleep. - To sharpen a sick mans Appetite, and to restore his Taste.
- A comfortable Juleb for a Feaver.
- A Receipt of the Right Honourable the Lord Sheffield, for the Cough of the Lungs.
- For a Cough or stuffing in the Stomach.
- A Plaister for the Cholick.
- For the Rising of the Mother.
- A Drink for the Dropsie.
- For a Tympany or Water in ones Body, and for the fulness of the Stomach.
- For a Stich in the Side, proved.
- A Receipt of Herbs that are to be boiled in Broth, according to Dr. Atkins opinion.
- Another by Mr. Francis Cox.
- A Preservative against the Plague.
- Oxymel Compositum,
- A Purging Dyet-drink, the Proportion for four Gallons.
- The Countess of Worcesters Medicine for the Green Sickness. Approved.
- A Diet Drink for a Fistula, or for a Body full of gross Humors.
- For one that hath no speech in Sickness.
- A Water good for Lightness of the Head, and the aforesaid.
- Sir Edward Boustwards precious Oyntment for Aches in the Bones or Sinews that come of cold Causes.
- Dr. Atkins. An excellent Medicine for the Jaundies.
- Dr. Atkins. Powder.
- An approved Medicine for the Yel∣low Jaundies.
- To make Oyl of Excester.
- A Medicine for the Worms.
- A Powder for the winde in the Body.
- To make Oyl of Eggs.
- To make Oyl of Mustard seed.
- To make Oyl of Fennel.
- To make Oyl of Rue.
- To make Oyl of Cammomile.
- A Sovereign Medicine for a Fistula.
- The Powder.
- The Water.
- A special Medicine for a Looseness.
- For an Vncomb, or sore Finger.
- For the same in young Children, or any other in the beginning.
- A Medicine for the Purples proved.
- Dr. Twines Almond Milk.
- Dr. Blacksmiths Almond Milk.
Dr. Atkins excellen
t Receipt of Almond Milk to cool and cleanse the Kidneys. - A Receipt for the Stone.
- For the green sickness.
- For any sore Breasts or Paps.
- A Syrrup lasting many years, good for Swounding and Faintness of Heart, it comforteth the weak Brain and Sinews, it may be used as much as half a nut at once at your pleasure.
- An approved Medicine for a woman in La∣bor to make, come, & prove safe deliverance
- To know how much Bezar Stone must be taken when one is heart sick.
- Doctor Stevens excellent water, wherewith he cured many Diseases following.
- For the Falling Sickness.
- A Pultess to break a Bile or Imposthume.
- A Remedy for Worms in Children.
- For Worms. Dr. Wetherborn.
- An Oyntment to heal any Bruise or Wound.
- For a Bruise in a Womans Breast that is hard swoln.
- A Medicine for a childe that cannot hold his or her Water.
- A. R. C.
- An Electuary for the Liver.
- A Purging Ale for the Liver.
- A Medicine for the Stone.
- For the Whites and Heats in the Back.
- Syrup of Ale for the same Disease.
- An excellent artificial Balsam.
- The Vertues and Operations of this Balsam are.
- To make the Green Oyntment.
- An Electuary for the passion of the Heart.
- A Drink for a hot Feaver.
- For the Cholick.
- For stopping of the Vrine.
- For the Stone in the Kidneys.
- To make Hair grow thick.
- For the Rhume, or Cough in the Stomach.
- For the Sciatica.
- For the Piles.
- To Procure sleep.
- A good Purge.
- For a Fellon in a Joynt.
- To heal a fresh Wound with speed.
- For the pricking of a Needle or Thorn.
- For to kill a Corn.
- For Bruises, Swellings, broken Bones.
- For Burning or Scalding.
- To help Deafness.
- For the Cholick.
- For the yellow Jaundies.
- For the Bloody Flux.
- A Drink to drive the Plague from the Heart.
- The onely Receipt against the Plague.
- A good Almond Milk for the bloody Flux.
- To take Fish by Angling.
- For an Ache or Swelling.
- For a Childes Navil that comes out with much crying.
- For Womens sore Paps or Breasts.
- For an Ague in Womens Breasts.
- To draw Rhume from the Eyes back into the Neck▪
- For a Canker in the mouth.
- To make a sweet Breath.
- For an old sore Leg.
- For a Stitch in the Side.
- A most excellent Salve for a Wound.
- A Pultess to ripen any Bile or Impostume.
- To encrease Womens Milk.
- To keep Iron from Rusting.
- To make Golden Colour without Gold.
- To make Golden Letters without Gold.
- To make Silver Letters without Silver.
- To make the Face Fair.
- A wound Drink.
- For Worms in Children.
- A Green Salve.
- A Receipt for the Kings Evil, Fistula, sore Breasts, Legs, or other sores.
- To ease Womens Childe-bed throws that are taken with cold a week or two after their Delivery.
- For Womens swounding fits after delivery of Childe.
- An approved Medicine to speed a Womans Delivery in difficult Travel, and to send out the after-burthen safely.
- An approved Medicine for the Megrum.
- For to ease Head pain.
- To cure a Sheck Dog that hath the Mangie.
- Dr. Goffes Receipt to preserve a Woman with childe from miscarrying, and abortion.
- For any pain in the Stomach.
- For the Winde in the Veins.
- An excellent Sear-cloth for a Bruise, Strain, or Wound.
- Mr. Lumley, Chyrurgeon. His Pippin drink for a Consumption.
- An approved Medicine for the Spleen.
- A rare Balsam.
- The Vertues of it.
- To cure the Rickets in Children. Approved.
- An Vnguent to anoint the Ricketted Childes Breast.
- To anoint the Ricketted Childes Limbs, and to recover it in a short time, though the Childe be so lame, as to go upon Crutches.
- A Plaister for an Ague.
- A dainty cecling Drink for a hot Feaver.
- To clear the Stomach, and comfort it.
- A Plaister for the same.
- For a Rupture.
- To procure speedy Deliverance to a Woman in Labour with Childe.
- To cure a great Flux or Looseness of the Belly.
- For to strengthen weak Eyes. Mr. Stepkins
- A rare Oyl, or St. Johns-wort.
- A Glyster for a hot Feaver.
- An excellent Drink to keeps ones Mouth moist.
- To stay Vomiting.
- An excellent Receipt for Swounding, and bringing quickly to Life.
- Against Fainting.
- Dr. Lukeners Medicine to strengthen the Back.
- To hold Vrine.
- To stay Looseness.
- A singular Medicine that the marks of the Small Pocks be not seen.
- To dry up the Small Pocks.
- Dr. Eaglestones Cure for the Small Pocks or Measles.
- The Countess of Mounteagles excellent Medicine for the Cramp. Proved
- A Posset-drink for one that is Heart sick to remove it thence, though it be the Plague.
- Remedies against the Falling-sickness.
- To avoid Phlegm.
- A very good means to stay a Looseness that happeneth in Childe-bed.
- For a Knock or Bruise in the Face.
- For a Wen.
- Mr. Potter Chyrurgeon. His Cure for a man that is bursten.
- A medicine to destroy Warts.
- To take away Corns.
- To take away Freckles or Morphew.
- For an Ague congealed, or fallen into a Womans Breast.
- An approved Medicine by the Lady Bray for the Ague falling into any part of the Body.
- The Lady Arundels especial Remedy for the Stone, Back, or Stomach, or to make a Woman Conceive.
- The Lady Dacres Medicine proved, for the Stone and Stranguary.
- The Drink.
- Mr. Eldertons Medicine for the extremi∣ty of the Chollick and Stone.
- For a Pin or Web in the Eye far gone.
- A Medicine for the Eye Aching, or Redness thereof.
- For sore Eyes that come from hot humors.
- For the Pin and Web in the Eye, so it be taken before the sight be quite extinct.
- For red Eyes, Pearl, Pin, or Web.
- Dr. Friers excellent Remedy for Heat and Pimples in the Face.
- For Heat or Scurf in the Face.
- A very good Medicine for a Tetter.
- To skin the rawness of a Womans Nipple.
- To dry up Milk in a Womans Breast.
- To make a woman have a nipple that hath none, and would give suck
- To heal the Nipple of a Womans Breast.
- A Medicine for Worms in young Children.
- Dr. Forsters Infusion purging Choller.
- Dr. Fosters Infusion purging Melancholly.
- An opening purging Julip, and cooling for Choller and hot Humors.
- Doctor Mores Powder, or grosly prepared Drug to be taken in mornings, and after Meals, to mend Concoction, comfort the Brain, break Winde, and make sweet Breath.
- Lucatello's Balsam admirable for all Wounds.
- A Purge by Dr. Mayhern.
- An approved Medicine to beautifie the Face, or to take away Pimples or Heat in the Face.
- An excellent water for the Eyes that are red or full of Rhume.
- To cure a Wound though the Patient be never so far off.
- To make Oyl of Swallows.
- To make Lead Plaister.
- The vertues of the Leaden Plaister.
- For the Stone and Gravel.
- A drink to purge the body, being very good for them that have the Scurvey, or are inclined to it.
- Dr. Bates his Medicine against a Consumption.
- To make Gascony Powder.
- Certain Plaisters and their Vses.
- Certain Oyntments, and their use.
- A receipt of the Oyl of St. Johns-wort.
- title page
Conserves, and Preserves, Candy∣ing
and D
stilling Waters. -
- To preserve white Pear-plums or green.
- To preserve Grapes.
- To preserve Quinces white.
To preserve Resp
ss. - To preserve Pippins.
- To preserve Fruits green.
- To preserve Oranges and Lemons the best way.
- An approved conserve for a Cough or Con∣sumption of the Lungs.
- To make a conserve of any of these Frnits.
- To dry any fruits after they are preserved, or Candy them.
- To preserve Artichocks young, green Wal∣nuts and Lemons, and the Elecampane roots, or any bitter thing.
- To Preserve Quinces white or red.
- To Preserve Grapes.
- To preserve Pippins, Apricocks, Pear-plums, and Peaches when they are ripe.
- To preserve Pippins, Apricocks, Pear∣plums, or Peaches green.
- To dry Pippins or Pears without Sugar.
- To make Syrup of Clove gilly-flowers.
- To make Syrup of Hysop for Colds.
- To make Orange water.
- To dry Cherries.
- To make Juyce of Liquorish.
- A perfume for Clothes, Gloves.
- To make Almond Bisket.
- To make Conserve of Roses boiled.
- To make Conserves of Roses unboiled.
- To dry Apricocks.
- To make Quinces for Pies.
- The best way to break sweet Powder.
- To make excellent Perfumes.
- To make a very good Pomatum.
- To make Raisin Wine.
- To make Rasberry Wine.
- The best way to preserve Cherries.
- A Tincture of Ambergreese.
- To make Vsquebath the best way.
- To preserve Cherries with a quarter of their weight in Sugar.
- To make Gelly of Pippins.
- To make Apricock Cakes.
- To Preserve Barberries the best way.
- To make Lozenges of red Roses.
- To make Chips of Quinces.
- To make Sugar of Wormwood, Mint, Anni∣seed, or any other of that kinde.
- To make Syrup of Lemons or Citrons.
- To make Jumbals of Apricocks or Quinces.
- To make Cherry-water.
- To make Orange Cakes.
- To preserve Oranges the French way.
- To preserve green Plum▪
- To dry Plums.
- To preserve Cherries the best way, bigger then they grow naturally, &c.
- To preserve Damsins, red Plums or black.
- To dry Pippins or Pears.
- To dry Pippins or Pears another way.
- To dry Apricocks tender.
- To dry Plums.
- To dry Apricocks.
- Conserves of Violets the Italian manner.
- The Vertue.
- Conserves of red Roses the Italian manner.
- The Vertue.
- Conserve of Borage Flowers after the Italian Manner.
- Conserve of Rosemary flowers after the Italian manner.
- The Vertues.
- Conserve of Betony after the Italian way.
- The Vertues.
- Conserve of Sage.
- The Vertues,
- Conserve of the Flower of Lavander.
- The Vertues.
- Conserve of Marjoram.
- The Vertues.
- Conserve of Piony after the Italian way.
- The Vertues.
Touching Candies, as
- To Candy Rosemary flowers in the Sun.
- To make Sugar of Roses.
- To Candy Pippins, Pears, Apri∣cocks, or Plums.
- To Candy or Clear Rockandy flowers.
- To Candy Spanish flowers.
- To Candy Grapes, Cherries or Barberries.
- To Candy Suckets of Oranges, Lemons, Citrons, and Angelica.
- To Candy the Orange roots
- Candy Orange Peels after the Italian way.
- The Vertues,
- To Candy Citrons after the Spanish way.
- The Vertues.
- Candied Cherries the Italian wy.
- Chicory Roots candied the Italian way.
- Touching Marmalets, and Quiddony, as followeth.
Touching Pastrey and
- To make Sugar Cakes.
- To make clear Cakes of Plums.
- To make Paste of Oranges and Lemons.
- To make Rasberry Cakes.
- To make Paste of Genoa Citrons.
- To make a French Tart.
- To make Cakes of Pear-plums.
- To make Cakes, viz.
- To make a Cake the way of the Royal Prin∣cess, the Lady Elizabeth, daughter to King CHARLES the first.
- To make Paste of Apricocks.
- To make Paste of Pippins like leaves, and some like Plums, with their stones and Stalks in them.
- To make Paste of Elecampane roots, an ex∣cellent remedy for the Cough of the Lungs.
- To make Paste of flowers of the colour of Marble, tasting of natural flowers.
- To make Paste of Rasberries or English Currans.
- To make Naples Bisket.
- To make Italian Biskets.
- To make Prince Biskets.
- To make Marchpane to Ice and Gild, and garnish it according to Art.
- Lorenges.
- To make Walnuts artificial.
- To make Collops like Bacon of Marchpane.
- To make artificiall Fruits.
- Touching Preserves and Pomanders.
- Touching VVine.
Choice Secrets made
- To make true Majestery of Pearl.
- How to make Hair grow.
- To write Letters of secrets, that they cannot be read without the directions following.
- How to keep Wine from sowering.
- To take out spots of Greese or Oyl.
- To make hair grow black, though any color.
- King Edwards Perfume.
- Queen Elizabeths Perfume.
- Mr. Ferene of the New Exchange, Perfu∣mer to the Queen, his rare Dentifrice, so much approved of at Court.
- To make the said Powder into Paste.
- The Receipt of the Lady Kents powder, pre∣sented by her Ladyship to the Queen.
- A Cordial Water of Sir Walter Raleigh.
- The Lady Malets Cordial Water.
- A Sovereign Water of Dr. Stephens, which he long times used, wherewith he did many Cures; he kept it secretly till a little before his Death, and then he gave it to the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury in writing, being as fol∣loweth, viz.
- The Vertues of this Water.
- A Plague Water to be taken one spoonful e∣very four hours with one sweat every time.
- Poppy Water.
A Water for a Cons
mption, or for a Brain that is weak. - Another for the same.
- A good Stomach Water.
- A Bag of Purging Ale.
The Ale of Health and Strength, by
unt St. Albans. - A water excellent good against the Plague.
- A Cordial Cherry-water.
- The Lord Spencers Cherry-water.
- The Herbs to be distilled for Vsquebath.
- Dr. Kings way to make Mead.
- To make Syrup of Rasberries.
- To make Lemon Water.
- To make Gilly-flower Wine.
- The Lady Spotswood Stomach water.
- Water of Time for the passion of the heart.
- A Receipt to make damnable Hum.
- An admirable Water for sore Eyes.
- A Snail Water for weak Children, and old People.
- Clary water for the Back, Stomach, &c.
- Dr. Montfords Cordial Water.
- Aqua mirabilis, Sir Kenelm Digby's way.
- The Vertues of the precedent water.
- A Water for fainting of the Heart.
- A Surfeit Water.
- D. Butlers Cordial Water against Melan∣cholly, &c. Most approved.
- The admirable and most famous Snail Water.
- A singular Mint Water.
- A most excellent Aqua Coelestis taught by Mr. Philips Apothecary.
- Hypocras taught by Dr. Twine for Winde in the Stomach.
- Marigold flowers distilled, good for the pain of the Head.
- A water good for Sun-burning.
- The Lady Giffords Cordial Water.
- A Water for one pensive and very sick, to comfort the Heart very excellent.
- To perfume Water.
- The Table to a QUEENS DELIGHT.