The Queens closet opened incomparable secrets in physick, chyrurgery, preserving, and candying &c. which were presented unto the queen
W. M.
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Touching VVine.

To make Hypocras.

TAke four gallons of Claret Wine, eight ounces of Cinnamon, three Oranges, of Ginger, Cloves, and Nutmegs a small quantity, Sugar six pound, three sprigs of Rosemary, bruise all the spices somewhat small, and so put them into the Wine, and keep them close stopped, and often shaked together a day or two, then let it run through a gelly bag twice or thrice with a quart of new milk.

The Lady Thornburghs Syrup of Elders.

Take Elder-berries when they be red, bruise them in a stone Mortar, strain the juyce, and boil it to a consumption of almost half, scum it very clear, take it Page  268 off the fire whilest it is hot, put in sugar to the thickness of a Syrup; put it no more on the fire, when it is cold, put it into Glasses, not filling them to the top, for it will work like Beer.

This cleanseth the stomach and spleen, and taketh away all obstructions of the Liver, by taking the quantity of a spoon∣ful in a morning, and fasting a short time after it.

To make Gelly of Raspis the best way.

Take the Raspis, and set them over the fire in a Posnet, and gather out the thin Juyce, the bottom of the skillet being cooled with fair water, and strain it with a fine strainer, and when you have as much as you will, then weight it with Sugar, and boil them till they come to a Gelly, which you may perceive by drawing your finger on the back of the spoon.

To dry Fox Skins.

Take your shee Fox Skins, nail them upon a board as strait as you can, then brush them as clean as you can, Page  269 then take Aqua Fortis, and put into it a six pence, and still put in more as long as it will dissolve it, then wash your skin over with this water, and set it to dry in the Sun; and when it is dry, wash it over with the spirits of wine; this must be done in hottest time of summer.