The everlasting covenant, a sweet cordial for a drooping soul, or, The excellent nature of the covenant of grace opened in a sermon preached January the 29th, at the funeral of Mr. Henry Forty, late pastor of a Church of Christ, at Abingdon, in the county of Berks, who departed this life Jan. 25th 1692/3 and was interr'd at Southwark ... : to which is added, An elegy on the death of the said minister / by Benjamine Keach ...

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The everlasting covenant, a sweet cordial for a drooping soul, or, The excellent nature of the covenant of grace opened in a sermon preached January the 29th, at the funeral of Mr. Henry Forty, late pastor of a Church of Christ, at Abingdon, in the county of Berks, who departed this life Jan. 25th 1692/3 and was interr'd at Southwark ... : to which is added, An elegy on the death of the said minister / by Benjamine Keach ...
Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.
London :: Printed for H. Barnard ...,

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Funeral sermons.
Sermons, English -- 17th century.
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"The everlasting covenant, a sweet cordial for a drooping soul, or, The excellent nature of the covenant of grace opened in a sermon preached January the 29th, at the funeral of Mr. Henry Forty, late pastor of a Church of Christ, at Abingdon, in the county of Berks, who departed this life Jan. 25th 1692/3 and was interr'd at Southwark ... : to which is added, An elegy on the death of the said minister / by Benjamine Keach ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


Page [unnumbered]

To the Congregation at Horsly-down, who were the Audi∣tors of this Sermon, the Author wishes all the Blessings of the Everlasting Covenant, even the sure Mercies of David.


THE Subject treated on, in this ensuing Discourse, is of the highest Con∣cernment; and tho' the Substance of what is herein contained, you have heard from the Pulpit, yet I am persuaded, it will not be unpleasing to you, to see those great Truths presented to your view from the Press. Some of you know, that I had not time to go through the Whole of my Work the first time, therefore I insisted again on it, the Lord's Day following; and yet some Things I have added, which was at neither of those seasons delivered, the better to perfect the Work. I told you, the Text was left me by our honoured Brother deceas'd, on his Death-Bed; this Covenant being all his Support, Salvation, and Consolation, (as it was David's) both in his Life, and at his Death. Nothing like Experience, no Doctrine like to this to die in, (as some of the Papists themselves have confessed.) Men may talk of their own Righteousness, and Gospel-Holiness; yet I am persuaded, they will not dare to plead, in Point of Justification, on their Death-Beds, nor in the Judgment-Day: No, no, 'tis nothing but Christ, and his Righteousness, his Merits, can give Relief to a wounded, and distressed Conscience. I have endeavoured to shew, That the Distinction some Men make between the Covenant of Redemp∣tion, and the Covenant of Grace, is without Ground, being but one and the same Co∣venant; and, That the Covenant of Grace, comprehendeth that between God, and Christ for us, as Mediator about our Redemption, which was as full of Grace, in the first making of it, as in the Revelation, and Application thereof, according to what was promised thereupon, 2 Tim. 1.9. Tit. 1, 2. its Rise, and Constitution, was from Eternity, tho' the Revelation, and Publication, was in Time: Christ did not (as one observes) purchase a Covenant of Grace for us, to enter into with God; for the Covenant it self, Christ, and all the Grace, and Glory thereof, lay in the eternal Counsel of God's Will, and accordingly transacted with Christ, as the Representative of all the Elect.

This Covenant is the only City of Refuge, for a distressed Soul, to fly to for Sanctuary, when all the the billows and waves of Temptations run over him, or Satan doth furiously assault him: If We fly to this Armory, We can ne∣ver want Weapons to resist the Devil, nor doubt of Success against him. And now that it may be of Use to you all who shall read it, shall be the Prayers of your un∣worthy Servant, in the Gospel,


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