The daily practice of devotion, or, The hours of prayer fitted to the main uses of a Christian life also lamentations and prayers for the peaceful re-settlement of this church and state / by the late pious and reverend H.H., D.D.

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The daily practice of devotion, or, The hours of prayer fitted to the main uses of a Christian life also lamentations and prayers for the peaceful re-settlement of this church and state / by the late pious and reverend H.H., D.D.
Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660.
London :: Printed for R. Royston ...,

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Devotional exercises.
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"The daily practice of devotion, or, The hours of prayer fitted to the main uses of a Christian life also lamentations and prayers for the peaceful re-settlement of this church and state / by the late pious and reverend H.H., D.D." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


Of Preparation.

THE best Preparation to this holy Duty is a continued habit of holy living, and frequent meditation upon Heaven and Heavenly things; particularly the great mercies of God in the Bloud of Jesus Christ.

But because the minds of men cannot be always so intent and circumspect, but that they need some more solemn Excitations

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and Exercises, it will be requisite to set apart some few days before to be imployed more particularly in this business.

I. Therefore Examine your self, and inquire strictly into the state of your Soul, and take a view of your whole Life, especially since the time of your last Recieving.

Observe and consider how you have performed this duty former∣ly, whether worthily or unwor∣thily, and what good or ill effect it hath wrought in you; what progress you have made in Grace and Goodness, or whether you grow worse and worse in sin; and what are the Causes and Oc∣casions of either.

II. Confess and humble your self be∣fore God, and earnestly intreat and contend for his mercy, and pardon, and reconciliation, and grace and favour in the Merits of

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Jesus Christ; that he will wash you from all your Pollutions in his Bloud, and cloath you in the White robe of his Righteousness, that so having on a Wedding garment,* 1.1 you may be a welcom Guest to his Table.

And here solemnly renew that Promise and vow which you for∣merly made in that other Sacra∣ment of Baptism, and repeated since every time you have recei∣ved this. That you will forsake Sin and Satan, and cleave to the Lord your God with all your heart, and by the assistance of his gracious Spirit walk before him uprightly, and serve him in holi∣ness and righteousness all the days of your Life.

III. Consider, that you are now to communicate not only with God, but also with the congregation of your fellow Christians; and that

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the Rule and Essential Character, by which you are to know and de∣clare that you love God is, that you love your brother also, I John 4. 21.

Therefore take care to recon∣cile your self with the World; by freely forgiving and meekly desiring forgiveness, and endea∣vouring to restore and establish peace and charity, and brotherly kindness, aud right understand∣ing between your self and all with whom you have had any kind of difference.

IV. Recollect and raise up your thoughts from the earth and worldly things, and devoutly meditate on heavenly and spiri∣tual matters; such as,

1. The Creation and Fall of Mankind, and the great Miseries which we were thereby engaged in.

2. The inestimable Mercy and

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Goodness of God in bestowing his own only Son for our redemption, and restoring us again to a capa∣city and hope of his heavenly good things.

3. The incomparable love of Christ, in that he vouchsafed to be born meanly, to live in pover∣ty and contempt, to die in shame and torment, and endure those pains which were due to us for our sins, that he might redeem and rescue us from both.

These and such like are to be remembred, and considered with joy, and thanks, and praise.


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