uncontroulably, so the Men had him in particular esteem, in that he was more a Rogue than any, and could when he sate as President of their Coursel, in great extremity, direct them best how to secure themselves from Justices, Constables, and other Officers; and find out, and contrive notorious plots how they might ab••se the Country by filch∣ing and stealing, to the further continuance of their loathsome Bestiality; This fellow carries a shor•• Truncheon in his hand, which he calls his Filch∣man; whatsoever is gotten by the whole Society he shares in it.
This Upright man shall sometimes have in com∣pany with him, young and old, males and females, to the number of forty and upwards, and for the ease of some of the women and children, shall have an Ass or two, or some poor Jade which shall car∣ry a pair of Panniers for the women as they grow weary by travail to put their children in them, which smell more rank then stale fish in Summer time coming from Yarmouth to Norwich in a pair of Dossers.
Some of the Gang are very ••dly clad with bells, and long sticks with ribbonds hanging at the end ••angling, with many other mad contrived toyes, meerly to draw the Country people about them wherever they came, and by pretending to tell For∣••unes get some mony of the foolish, by way of gift, and some by pic••ing of pockets.
To be sure wherever they came, the poultry and sucking pigs went to wrack, neither did Lambs, Sheep, and Calves escape their hands, if they had any convenience to effect their purpose; all which they handle more severely than a Malefactor having broke Prison and retaken by the Keeper of New∣gate.