The reformed school by John Dury.

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The reformed school by John Dury.
Dury, John, 1596-1680.
London :: Printed by R.D. for Richard Wodnothe ...,

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Education -- Early works to 1800.
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"The reformed school by John Dury." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


Concerning the End of Learning.

The true End of all Humane Learning to supply in our selves and others the defect which proceed from our Ignorance of the n••••ture and use of the Creatures, and the diso••••derliness of our naturall faculties in usi them and reflecting upon them.

From this Truth follow these Rules Teaching.

1. That nothing is to be counted a Mat of true Learning amongst men, which is n directly serviceable unto Mankind towar

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he supply of some of these defects, which de∣rive us of some part of our naturall Hap∣iness.

2. That if any doth Teach or Learne any cience for any other end but this; he doth by the false end, which he proposeth to him∣••••lf in Teaching or Learning) pervert the Truth either of the Science, or of the Method ereof, or of both: by which meanes, the emedie of our disease being spoiled; he ma∣eth so farre as in him lyeth our sickness in∣rable.

3. That none ought to be taught any atter of science, before he doth understand e true end, wherefore he is to learne it, and ow he ought to use it▪ towards that end: for he be ignorant of these two, he will not nly lose his labour; but may become hurt∣ll to himself and others by his knowledge. or as a thorne goeth up into the hand of a unkard; so is a parable in the mouth of fools. rov. 26.9. And at the best he will be un∣rviceable and disproportionat to others in s walking therby: For as the legs of the me are not equall, so will a parable be in the outh of a foole Prov. 16.7. Now, he is a ole who knoweth not the end and use of e things which he hath.

4. That to marshall sciences rightly, that they ay be taught orderly and profitably; The

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subordination of their severall ends to eac other (as they jointly relate unto man to supply his defects) and the way of teaching th same (as it is sutable to the Capacity of thos that are to be taught) must be observed: so if these things be not observed; either th sciences will be made useless to each other, o all of them, to him that is taught. For, ho can he, that teacheth them, benefit his Scholars therby? For the Encyclopedia of Scienc must answer the whel of humane facultie and this wheel must answer the Circle of th Creatures whence man is to supply his d••••fects. As then in a watch, one wheel right set, doth with its teeth take hold of anothe and sets that a work towards a third; and all move one by another, when they are 〈◊〉〈◊〉 their right places for the end for which 〈◊〉〈◊〉 watch is made: so is it with the Faculties 〈◊〉〈◊〉 the humane nature, being rightly ordered 〈◊〉〈◊〉 the ends for which God hath created the but, contrarywise, if the wheels be not right set, or the watch duly wound up; it is useless him that hath it; and so it is with the Facult of Man; if his wheels be not rightly order and wound up by the ends of Sciences in th subordination; leading him to employ same, according to his Capacity, to make of the Creatures for that wherunto 〈◊〉〈◊〉 hath made them; he becomes not only usele••••

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ut even a burthen, and hurtfull unto him∣elf and others by the misusing of them.

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