A faithful account, of the present state of affairs, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, or, The remarkable transactions and proceedings that have happened in these kingdoms, since the discovery of the horrid Popish Plot, anno 1678 to this present year, 1689/90 plainly shewing the state of affairs, from time to time, in peace and war : but more particularly what has happened under the government and reign of their present Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, and of our wonderful deliverance from popery and slavery, &c. / by E.C.

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A faithful account, of the present state of affairs, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, or, The remarkable transactions and proceedings that have happened in these kingdoms, since the discovery of the horrid Popish Plot, anno 1678 to this present year, 1689/90 plainly shewing the state of affairs, from time to time, in peace and war : but more particularly what has happened under the government and reign of their present Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, and of our wonderful deliverance from popery and slavery, &c. / by E.C.
E. C.
London :: Printed for Tho. Bever ...,

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Great Britain -- History -- William and Mary, 1689-1702.
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"A faithful account, of the present state of affairs, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, or, The remarkable transactions and proceedings that have happened in these kingdoms, since the discovery of the horrid Popish Plot, anno 1678 to this present year, 1689/90 plainly shewing the state of affairs, from time to time, in peace and war : but more particularly what has happened under the government and reign of their present Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, and of our wonderful deliverance from popery and slavery, &c. / by E.C." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A31852.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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A Faithful Account of the Remark∣able Transactions and Proceed∣ings, that have happened in the Kingdoms of England, Scot∣land, and Ireland.

VVHen the Nations seemed to be in a Calm, as having Peace abroad, and Plen∣ty at home; and every one promised him elf a large Portion of Felicity, Trading being in its height; all on a suddain, Mens Minds were strange∣ly amused and disturbed, upon the Disco∣very of a Horrid Plot, designed against the Life of King Charles the Second: As like∣wise, all his Protestant Subjects, by way of Massacre, to the utter Subversion of the Protestant Religion. True it is, for some time it was held, as it were in Suspense; but a Testimony most apparent, confirm∣ing what had been Discovered by Dr. Oats, and Dr. Tongue, viz. The Murthering Sir

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Edmond-Bury Godfrey; whose Body was found, with the Neck broke, and a Sword thrust through it, at a place called Prim∣rose-Hill, a Mile or Two out of Town. On the 12th. of October, 1678. after he had been Three Days missing; the King upon notice, was extreamly troubled, and up∣on further Enquiry, it appearing; that he, as a Justice of Peace, for the County of Middlesex, had taken Dr. Oats's Depositions, &c. concerning the Plot he Discovered; it was conjectured, he had been Murther∣ed by some Villains, to stifle that Affair; and the Coroner's Inquest having found him to be Murthered; on the 20th. of that Month, the King Published a Procla∣mation for the Apprehending the Mur∣therers, with the offer of a Reward of 500. l. to any that should make the Disco∣very; and that if any of the Murtherers should discover the rest, whereby they, or any of them should be Apprehended, he should not only have his Offence pardoned, but receive the said Reward; and a few Days after, there being private Intimation, that some Persons who could discover the manner of the Circumstances, and yet were with-held, through fear of the Revenge, the Murtherers, or their Friends might take, the King renewed his Promise, that they

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should not only immediately receive the Reward, but that he would take such Ef∣fectual Courses, for the security of such Discoverers, as they should in Reason pro∣pose; and the same Month▪ a Proclama∣tion was Published for a General Fast, on the 13th. of the following November; and the King acquainted, (upon the Informa∣tions that he had received) the Lords Spiri∣tual and Temporal, and Commons in Par∣liament, of the Design against his Life and Government, which was followed by a Proclamation, commanding all Persons, being Popish Recusants, and so reputed, to depart from the Cities of London, and Westminster, and other Places, within Ten Miles of the same; and the King further Declared in Council, that whosoever should make a Discovery of any Officer or Souldier of his Horse or Foot Guards, who having formerly taken the Oaths of▪ Allegiance and Supremacy, and the Tests, enjoyned by Act of Parliament, for the preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants, and had since, or for the future, should be preverted to the Romish Religion, or hear Mass; the Di∣scoverer upon Intimation given to the Duke of Monmouth, Lord General of His Maje∣sties Forces, should have the Reward of 20. l.

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for every Officer or Soldier; and divers accused and suspected Persons, as well of the Nobility, as others, were taken up and committed.

On the 9th. of November, the King be∣ing seated in his Throne, in the House of Lords, at Westminster, and the Commons attending, he made the following Speech.

My Lords and Gentlemen.

I am so very sensible of the Great and Ex∣traordinary Care, you have already taken (and still continue to shew) for the Preservation of my Person in these Times of Danger, that I could not satisfie my self without coming hither, on pur¦pose, to give you all my most hearty thanks for it.

Nor do I think it enough, to give you my thanks only, but I hold my self obliged, to let you see withal, that I do as much stdy your Preservation to, as I can possibly; and that I am ready to join with you, in all the ways and means that may Establish a firm security of the Protestant Religion, as your own Hearts can wish: and this, not only during my time, of which I am sure you have no fear; but in all future Ages, even to the end of the World: And therefore, I am come to assure you, that whatsoever Reasonable Bills you shall present, to be passed into Laws, to make you safe in the Reign of any Successor, (so as they tend not to Impeach the Right of Succession, nor the De∣scent

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of the Crown in the True Line, and so as they restrain not my Power, nor the just rights of any Protestant Successor) shall find from me a ready concurrence. And I desire you withal, to think of some more effectual means for the Conviction of Popish Recu∣sants, and to expedite your Councils as fast as you can, that the World may see our Unanimi∣ty; and that I may have the opportunity of shewing you how ready I am to do any thing that may give Comfort and Satisfaction, to such Dutiful and Loyal Subjects.

Hereupon a Proclamation was Issued out for the Confinement of Popish Recu∣sants, more distant from London, within five Miles of their Dwellings; and ano∣ther Proclamation for Apprehending di∣vers Persons by Name, accused of the Conspiracy; Likewise an Order of Council for the apprehending Jesuits and Popish Priests, with the Reward of Twenty l. a Head.

One William Staley, a Goldsmith's Son in Covent Garden, and a noted Papist, was Tryed on the 21 of November at the Kings-Bench Bar, before the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs, and other Judges of that Bench, upon an Indictment of High Treason, for saying, He would Kill the King; &c. and be∣ing

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Convicted, was Sentenc'd to be Draw'd Hanged and Quartered, which was ac∣cordingly Executed, and his Quarters be∣ing given to his Friends, a great many Papists crowded to his Funeral, which was Solemnized with much pomp, as ac∣counting him the Proto-Martyr of their Cause: The King was so much Incensed at this proceeding, that an Order was sent to have the Body taken up, and the Head and Quarters afixed upon the Gates of the City of London, which was accord∣ingly performed. And now the Conspi∣racy being more narrowly searched into, and manifested by the Papers seized with Edward Coleman Esq he was Tryed at the Kings Bench Bar, before the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs, on the 27th. of November, upon an Indictment of High Treason, in Conspiring the Death of the King, subverting the Government, and Extirpa∣ting the Protestant Religion; upon which he was found Guilty by a Jury of Gentle∣men of Quality, of the County of Mid∣dlesex, and the next day received Sentence as in case of High Treason, and was Ex∣ecuted at Tyburn, and a reward and pro∣tection was offered to such as would come in within a limited time, and make a fur∣ther Discovery; and to prevent any dan∣ger

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that might from hence arise in any of the other Kingdoms, Expresses were dis∣patched, and such Persons as were accu∣sed, or had been suspected, were Seized, and all due care taken, especially in Ire∣land, where by reason of the number of Papists Inhabiting that Kingdom, the dan∣ger seemed to threaten; and an Order was published, That no Person upon great penalties should resort to the Queens Chapple, or the Houses of Ambassadors, un∣less her Servants, or Servants of such Ambassadors as had Chapples; and strict Inquiry was made upon this occasion, Officers being appointed to have an Eye upon such as came in and out, and some who could give no good account of them∣selves, were carried before the Magi∣strates, and Committed; and a Procla∣mation was Issued out for dis-arming and securing Popish Recusants throughout the Kingdom, which was punctually observ∣ed in most parts.

On the 17th. of November, Letters having been scattered in the Streets of Dublin in Ireland, Intimating a Conspiracy against the Life of the Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdom, to be put in Execution by one Michael Jepson; he was thereupon Seized, and confessed the

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Design; and that he was preverted and incited amongst other Inducements to this intended Murther; for that Alexander Jepson, his Father, had been hanged at Dublin, for the Plot contrived 1663. and hereup∣on Brin and Plunket, two Secular Priests, were Seized, the former being the party that set him on to perpretrate this wick∣edness; and Papers from other Priests, in∣couraging the like, were found upon a strict Inquiry. And now the Parliament of England having made a considerable pro∣gress into the Plot, and the design grow∣ing more and more apparent, by the Testimonies of other Witnesses that came in, they were on the 30th. of December, Prorogued 'till the 4th. of February follow∣ing; upon which the Papists relying for a greater boldness in returning to the Cities of London and Westminster, another Pro∣clamation was Issued out, commanding them to depart, as likewise the Magi∣strates and Officers to make diligent search for such as should lurk about Town, &c. And a Proclamation, commanding the im∣mediate return of the Children of Noble∣men, Gentlemen, and others, that were the Kings Subjects, being in Foreign Semi∣naries, and forbidding relief to be sent to them, according to the Statute made in

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the 20th. Year of Elizabeth, or undergoe the Penalty of that Statute, which is to be adjudged a Traytor, and suffer For∣feit and oss, as in case of High Treason. And another Proclamation for apprehending several Jesuits by Name, viz. John Gaven Vavasor, alias Gifford, Edward Levison; as also Broadstreet, a Popish Priest, and Francis Evers, alias Ireland, forbidding all Persons to Harbour, Conceal, or Shelter them, on pain of being proceeded a∣gainst for High Treason; offering for the lattor 100 l. and for the rest 50 l. a Man; and William Ireland and John Grove, the first a Jesuit▪ being Tryed and Con∣victed at the Old Baily, as Guilty of the Conspiracy, were Sentenced as in case of High Treason, and afterward Executed at Tyburn.

In the Month of February several of the Justices of the Peace being doubtful in putting the Laws in Execution, as to what related in some particulars against Popish Recusants, and proposing several Queries to His Majesty, He referred them to His Judges; who after Consultation, made this return of their Opinions, viz.

I. That Foreigners, being Popish Recu∣sants, and excercising ordinary Trades, but

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not Merchants, are not excused from taking the Oaths, or finding Securities.

II. That Foreigners, though certified by Ambassadors to be their Servants, except they are their menial Servants are not excused.

III. That Foreigners, though settled House-Keepers, being no Travellers, or Foreign Mi∣nisters Servants, are not excused.

IV. That the Kings Native Subjects are not excused from taking the Oaths, by being menial Servants to Foreign Masters.

V. That we find no Law that excuses a Female Covert, being a Papist from taking the Oaths, though her Husband be a Pro∣testant.

VI. That a Popish Recusant having ta∣ken the Oaths, is not bound to find new Suri∣ties unless upon a new tender of the Oaths he shall refuse to take the same. And this was Signed

  • Will. Scroggs,
  • Fra. North,
  • W. Montague,
  • W. Wylde,
  • T. Littleton,
  • Hugh Windham,
  • Robert Atkins,
  • V. Bertie,
  • Fra. Bramston,
  • Tho. Jones,
  • W. Dolbin.

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And the King having approved the O∣pinion of his Judges, ordered, the Justices of the Peace, in their respective precincts, to take notice accordingly in the execution of their dutys, and con∣form thereunto, and ordered the Custos Rotulorum of each County to give them Information, and a further charge given them to put the Laws in Execution where any neglect had been.

The Murther of Sir Edmond Bury God∣frey being by this time fully discovered to have been acted in Somerset House Yard, whi∣ther he had been way-layed, and trained in under pretence of parting a Fray, and there being Strangled by the suddain twisting a Napkin round his Neck, and afterwards breaking his Neck; and that he had been carried to Primrose-bill, where he was found with his Sword run through him, under colour, to make it suspected he murthered himself. Lawrence Hill, Henry Bury, and Robert Green, were on the 10th. of February, tryed for the Mur∣ther at the Kings-Bench Bar, where they were found Guilty, upon the Evidence of Captain William Bedlow, and the positive Oath of Miles Prance, who swore himself to be immediately concerned in the Murther, though since, the popish Priests

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have prevailed upon him to recant, as will appear hereafter; and one Samuel Atkins was likewise Indicted as an Ac∣cessary to the Murther, but acquitted; and according to Sentence, Green, Bury and Hill, were Executed at Tyburn, where they denyed the Fact. And this month Sir Joseph Williamson, giving place, the Earl of Sunderland was appointed Princi∣pal Secretary of State. And now the time being come, for the Judges to go the Lenten Circuit, they had a strict Charge to recommend to the Justices of Peace and other Magistrates, the putting the Laws in execution, against popish Re∣cusants; and to see it done themselves, as much as in them lay. And upon the Kings Command, the Duke and Dutchess of York departed for Holland; and there went Ashoar at Masland-sluyce, and so to the Hague, and were received at the Court.

On the 28th. of March another Pro∣clamation was issued out for a publick Fast, to implore the further Protection of Al∣mighty God, in preserving us from our Enemies, and commanded to be strictly kept, and it was accordingly ob∣served with more than ordinary Devo∣tion and Solemnity: And thus passed over

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the memorable Transactions of the latter part of the year, 1678.

In April 1679. The Knights Citizens and Burgeses in Parliament assembled, having in the Name of themselves, and all the Commons of England, impeach'd William Earl of Powis, William Viscount Stafford, William Lord Petre, Henry Lord Arundel of Wardour: and John Lord Bellasis, Pri∣soners in the Tower, upon divers Articles of High Treason; and other high Crimes and Offences, at the Bar of the House of Lords, &c. The said Prisoners were on the Ninth of April (except the Lord Bel∣lasis, by reason of his illness of the Gout) brought to the Bar of the Lords-House, where kneeling, and afterwards standing, the Articles of their Impeachment were Read; upon which they made several Petitions to the House, that they might have Copies of their Charge, and time to Answer thereto: that they might be allowed Council; and that their Wit∣nesses might be summoned, and have Li∣berty to come and Return: And that that they might have the use of such Re∣cords as they should have occasion for, which were granted them; but with li∣mitation that their Council should only assist them in matters of Law. And the

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Lord Bellasis was allowed, though absent, a Copy of his Charge. After this, those that were present, were remanded to the Tower, and being brought again the 16th. they delivered their Answers to the Arti∣cles of Charge; and were reconducted to the Tower; and on the 20th. of April the King dissolved his Privy Council and called another, putting forth a Decla∣ration to shew his reasons for so doing; appointing his new Council to consist of Thirty Persons, Fifteen whereof were to be certain, and the rest to be Elective at his pleasure; Ten out of the Nobility, and Five Commoners, besides a Lord Pre∣sident, a Secretary of Scotland; and such of the Princes of the Blood as should be at Court: the King acquainting his Parlia∣ment, that next his great Council, he would be advised by that Council; and on the 30th. of April, being seated on the Throne, and the Commons attending, he made a Speech to both Houses, recommending to them three particulars, viz. The Prose∣cution of the Plot, the Disbanding of the Army, and the setting out a Fleet. And after that the Lord Chancellour opened to them the Kings Mind, concerning the securing the Religion and Liberty in future Reigns. And another Proclamation was published

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for Banishing Papists ten miles from London. As also another for the Discovery and Ap∣prehending several Persons, suspected to have contrived and acted in fellonous Burning Houses, in and about the City of London; as Morice Gifford a popish Priest, Roger Clinton, Derby Molrain, alias Fowler, and several others of the Romish Reli∣gion.

On the 13th. of May, a Villanous and Barbarous Murther was committed upon the Person of the Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews, Primate of Scotland, by seve∣ral desperate Ruffians on Horse-back, who Seizing him in his Coach, on the Road, dragged him out, and not giving him, as he earnestly requested, so much time as to say his Prayers, beat out his Brains, for which several of them were afterwards deservedly Hanged, being ridged Sectaries. And now the Parlia∣ment of England, considering the Kings urgent Occasions, granted him a supply of Two Hundred and Six thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Two Pounds, Seven∣teen Shillings and Three pence, for pay∣ing off and disbanding the Forces, raised since the 29th. of September, 1677. And accordingly Commissioners were ap∣pointed to disband those Forces. And the

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same Month he gave the Royal Assent to a Bill, for the better securing the Liberty of the Subject, and for Prevention of Im∣prisonment beyond the Seas: As likewise, a Bill for the Engrossing the Records of Fines burnt in the Fire, that a little before had consumed the greatest part of the Temple.

The latter end of this Month, a great number of discontented People, armed in Scotland, proclaiming the Covenant, and putting out a Declaration of Grievances, burning publickly several Acts of Parlia∣ment, which they seemed to be disgusted at, and many Hostilities ensued, their num∣ber dayly encreasing; but the Duke of Monmouth passing into that Kingdom with an Army, utterly defeated and scattered them in the Fight of Bothwell Bridge; and several of the Ring-Leaders were taken and Executed.

On the 13th. of June, Thomas White, ali∣as Whitebread Provincial of the Jesuits in England, William Harcourt, pretended Rector of London, John Fenwick, Procu∣rator for the Jesuits in England, John Ga∣ven, and Anthony Turner, all Jesuits and Priests, were Tried at the Old-Bayly, where they were found Guilty of High-Treason, in Conspiring the Death of the King, &c.

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And the next Day Richard Langhorn, a Councellor at Law, was Tryed, and found Guilty upon the like Account, and they were all Executed soon after at Tyburn.

In the begining of July, a dreadful Fire happened at East Deerham, and burnt down the greatest part of the Town, destroying Six or Seaven People, and almost all the Substance of the Inhabitants.

On the 12th. the King Published a Pro∣clamation for dissolving the Parliament, declaring his Purpose was to meet his Peo∣ple in frequent Parliaments, giving Dire∣ctions thereupon to the Lord Chancellour, to Issue out Writs for the Calling of ano∣ther Parliament, to Sit at Westminster, the 7th. of October following.

On the 18th. Sir George Wakeman, the Queen's Physitian, William Marshal, Willi∣am Rumley, and James Corker, were tryed at the Old-Bayly; upon Indictments of High-Treason, in Conspiring the Death of the King, &c. But contrary to the Expectation of many; and perhaps their own were found not Guilty: For as soon as they were at Liberty, they went to vi∣sit other Countries. John Evans, and William Lloyd, Two Popish Priests, were condemned at the Assizes, holden at Car∣driff. About the latter end of August, the

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King fell sick at Windsor, and had divers dangerous Fits, of a Tertian Ague, and continued for many days indisposed; inso∣much, that People began to be in doubt of his Recovery: The News of which be∣ing speedily conveyed to the Duke his Bro∣ther, in Flanders; he hasted over, and on the 2d. of September (contrary to the Ex∣pectation of many) arrived at Windsor, and told the King,

'that hearing of his In∣disposition, he thought he could do no less then come to wait upon him, and see how he did; adding, he was ready as soon as his Majesty pleased to return in∣to Flanders, or any other part of the World he should Command him to go to.'

It having amongst other things been dis∣covered, that Four Ruffians were hired to kill the King at Windsor; He put forth his Proclamation for Apprehending them, but they made their escape, till the storm was over: and now the Duke of Monmouth, upon some Matters suggested, falling into the King's Displeasure, had many of his Great Offices, and Places of Trust taken from him, and Ordered to leave the Court: Whereupon, he passed the Seas for Hol∣land; but finding in his Progress into other Parts, that it was not safe for him, consi∣dering

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the Attempts that might be made upon his Person, of which he had warn∣ing, through the many Affronts he had gi∣ven him; he returned soon after, without being sent for: And Writs being issued out for the Calling a Parliament, to Sit at Westminster. On the 7th. of October, a Pro∣clamation was Ordered to be issued out, to Prorogue the Sitting to the 30th. of the said Month: And the Duke and Dutchess of York had Leave to go to Scotland, whi∣ther, upon her Arrival from Holland, they departed in few Days; and a Commission was Ordered for the Prorogation of the Parliament till tthe 26th. of January; and the Earl of Shaftsbury was removed from being President of the Council, and the Earl of Radnor was appointed President; and Sir William Jones getting leave of the King to quit his Place of Attorney Gene∣ral, Sir Creswel Levins was appointed to that Station.

Sir Robert Clayton having been chosen Lord Mayor, for the City of London; he on the 29th. of October, was sworn at West∣minster before the Barons of the Exchequer, and returning, went to Guild-Hall, with the accustomed Splendor and Magnificence, where the Judges, and a great many of the Nobility accompanied him at a Sumptuous

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Entertainment: And this Month the King Ordered a Proclamation to be issued out, for the more effectual and speedy Disco∣very, and Prosecution of the Popish Plot; for now the Papists growing more confi∣dent, began to ply their Instruments for shaming their Plot upon the Protestants; and some dangerous Papers were found in the bottom of Mrs. Celliers Meal Tub, for which she was committed Prisoner to New-Gate; especially, upon Thomas Dangerfield's making his Discovery, as likewise one Mrs. Rugaut, and John Gadbury was committed to the Gate House; the Earl of Castlemain to the Tower, and other Persons accused, were taken into the Custody of the King's Messengers; one great Matter was that Dangerfield had been hired or induced to Plant several Treasonable and Dangerous Papers, in Collonel Roderick Mansel's Cham∣ber, importing a designed Insurrection of divers Protestants, with a List of some de∣signed for Officers, &c. And the Coun∣tess of Powis being likewise accused by Dangerfield, was committed to the Tower; and divers Persons being examined before the Council, acknowledged several Cir∣cumstantial Matters, that strengthened Dangerfield's Evidence; whereupon, he had his Pardon, as likewise had one Serjeant,

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a secular Priest, whom the King on this Occasion had sent for out of Hol∣land: And another Proclamation was put forth for the more Effectual Discovery of Jesuits; and of the Estates belonging to them, or to any Popish Colledge, Se∣minary, or other Popish and Superstiti∣ous Foundation: And the King about this time granted a General Pardon to those concerned in the Late Insurrection in Scotland, except some of the Ring-lead∣ers, and particularly the Murtherers of the Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews, in case they Signed a Bond, upon Condition never to rise up in Arms against Him, or His Authority, the which Five taken at Bothwell-Bridge were so obstinately Foolish, as to refuse, and to justifie their Proceedings; Likewise, to declare the Murther of the Arch-Bishop no Sin; whereupon, after Tryal they were Sentenced by the Lords Justicers, to be Hanged in Chains at the place where the Murther was committed, which was put in Execution; and on the 24th. of Novem∣ber, the Duke and Dutchess of York ar∣rived at Edenburg, and were received by most of the Nobility, residing in those Parts; and he soon after Received into the Privy-Council of that Kingdom.

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On the 12th. of December a Proclamation was Issued out for the prorogation of the Parliament of England, to the 11th. of the ensuing November; and the King appoint∣ed a Committee of the Lords of His Privy Council, to consider the most effectual means for putting the Laws in Execution against Papists, and the suppression of Po∣pery, and other matters tending to that Affair; and that the Justices of Peace should be permitted to Search Somerset-House, at any time in the Queens absence, as also St. James's, for Priests and Papists: And in January David Joseph Kemish, Wil∣liam Russel, alias Nap, Henry Starkey, Wil∣liam Marshal, James Corker, Lionel Ander∣son, alias Munson, Charles Parris, alias Par∣rey, and Alexander Lundsden, were Ar∣raigned at the Old Baily for High Trea∣son, upon the Statute of the 27th. of Eli∣zabeth, who being born Subjects of the King of England, and having taken orders of Priest-hood by the authority derived from the See of Rome, had come and re∣mained in England, contrary to the Sta∣tute; and all but Keemish, whose Sickness rendered him incapable of it, were Try∣ed, and six Convicted of High Treason, and afterwards by Judgment attainted ac∣cording to the Statute; but a special

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Verdict was found for Lundsden, he being a Scotch man, and a Question arising whe∣ther he was within the purvey of the Statute or no; but however being Con∣victed only as Priests, none of them suf∣fered, but after a long Imprisonment in Newgate got their Liberty.

On the 9th. of February, amongst o∣ther Matters Gadbury pleaded his Pardon at the Kings Bench Bar, Westminster, and Sir Thomas Gascoin, a Roman Catholick, ha∣ving been accused by one Baldron and Mobray; he was Tryed upon an Informa∣tion of High Treason, but was acquitted. Sir Lionel Ienkins, upon Mr. Secretary Coventry's request to leave that Station, was appointed Secretary of State.

On the 24th. of February the Duke and Dutchess of York arrived from Scotland, and were received by the King with much Joy and Satisfaction: And the King having released a Judgment, ob∣tained upon a Quo Warranto against the City of London, concerning the duty of Water-ballage, and caused a Nolle prosequi to be entered; the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, Recorder, and Committee of Common Council, went in a Body to pay their dutiful acknowledgment to the King; and afterwards many of them did

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the like to his Royal Highness the Duke.

About this time James Baker, alias Hesketh, and John Naylor, were Tryed at the Old Baily, for being Priests; yet on∣ly the former was found Guilty. And now some Heats arising amongst great Ones, to prevent the danger, the King published a Proclamation, wherein he declared, that he would not Pardon any Person that should Kill another in a Duel. And thus ended the noted Affairs of this Year.

In May, 1680. A prodigious Storm of Hail fell, the Stones being of a vast weight, and 8 or 9 Inches in Circumfe∣rence, did great damage to Houses, Cat∣tle, Fowl, Herbs, Corn, &c. And soon after Mrs. Celier getting herself Try∣ed before the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs, was acquitted by the said Judges, disap∣proving of Dangerfield, as a good Evi∣dence: But not content with this narrow escape, she undertook to publish a Book for shamming the Popish Plot, and particu∣larly Prance's Evidence as to the Murther of Sir Edmond Bury Godfrey; for which She was Tryed at the Old Baily, Fin'd, and Pilloryed. And the Parliament sitting according to prorogation, and the popish Lords in the Tower having been obliged

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to give in sufficient Answers, they pro∣ceeded to Try William Viscount Stafford, who had the whole House of Peers for his Judges, a place being erected in Westmin∣ster-Hall for that purpose; where after a Tryal which held 4 or 5 days, he was by the majority of Voices cast, and attainted of high Treason, for which he lost his Head on Tower-Hill: And soon after his Death, a prodigious beam of Light streamed in the Night-time from the West, and soon after the Star from whence it darted ap∣peared above the Horizon, and grew nightly higher till it had compassed East and West, and was admired by many, who made different Judgments as their Minds lead them. And the Parliament af∣ter a considerable Sitting was prorogued to a further time, but before the time of their appointed Meeting, they were dis∣solved, and a Parliament called to meet at Oxford on the 21th. of March; though the Earl of Essex, and divers Lords petition'd the King to have it sit at Westminster; however they did not prevail, for the Parliament accordingly met at Oxford; where the King in his Speech amongst other things, put them in mind of the r∣lief of Tangier, then pressed by the M••••rs: But they had not sat many days, before

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they were Dissolved, and the King came in great haste for London.

One Edward Fitz-Harris, having been discovered by Mr. Everard, and Sir Wil∣liam Waller, to have contrived a treason∣able and dangerous Pamphlet, since called Treason in Grain; and having other pro∣jects against the Government, he had been Impeached by the Commons, but in fine, was Tryed before the Lord Chief Justice Pemberton, and being found guilty of High Treason, was Executed at Tyburn with one Oliver Plunket, condemned at the Kings Bench Bar, for attempting to betray Ireland to the French: Plunket was a Romish Bishop, and termed the titular Primate of Ireland; and the Wife and Maid of Fitz-Harris accused some per∣sons of Honour, but it came to nothing; but upon Information of several Irish Evi∣dence, and others, soon after the Earl of Shaftsbury was committed to the Tower, as were several other persons, having con∣tinued there a considerable time, a Bill of High Treason was drawn up against him; as likewise Bills against Stephen Colledge, and others, and preferred to the Grand Jury of the City of London, and the Evi∣dence heard in open Court at the Old Bai∣ly; but after a long Examination, the Bills

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were found Ignoramus; but Colledge was soon after carried, by Water, to Oxford, and there being Tryed, for treasonable words. spoke in that City, during the siting of the Parliament there, was found Guilty and Executed; and the following Michaelmass Term, the Earl of Shaftsbury and divers others, were set at Liberty.

A Parliament being called in Scotland, the King sent his Brother to preside as his High Commissioner; and there a∣monst other things, they passed an Act for asserting the right of Succession to the Crown, making it Treason for any to question or object it: and the Earl of Ar∣gyle, for only making some Queries, &c. was committed to the Castle, and in danger of his Life; but he escaped thence, by changing Habit with a Ladies Page that came to visit him; and fled into Holland, where he remained till his un∣fortunate invading Scotland, Anno 1685, of which more hereafter.

The Duke being returned for England, upon the concluding of the Parliament, and leaving his Dutchess in Scotland, whilst he was on his way again by Sea, in the Gloucester Frigat, attended with several Yatchs, to fetch her home; the Frigat, under full Sail, stood in upon the

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Lemmon and Orrey, two dangerous Sands, off the Humber Mouth, where she beat along the Sands till she foundered; and falling off the Sands fell into deep Wa∣ter, where she was swallowed up, and about One hundred Persons lost, besides the Dukes Plate, and a great deal of Treasure. Amongst the Drowned, was the Lord Obrian; the Duke however, with as many as his Barge (which was hoisted Over-board) could hold, got safe to the Yatchts and landed in Scot∣land; and the Pilot being suspected of Treatchery, suffered a long Imprison∣ment in the Marshaseas on this occasion; and soon after this Disaster, the Duke and Dutches returned for England.

Sir John Moore, after the Mayorality of Sir Patience Ward, being Elected Lord Mayor of London, and received with the usual Splendor, at the time of Election of Sheriffs, great Heats and Contests arise among the Citizens, about the Electing two Persons, to serve as Sheriffs for the year ensuing; and it was deferred from time to time; however in the end, Sir Peter Rich and Sir Dudly North were sworn; Mr. Box, who had been declared Elected declining it and paying his Fine, and Si William Pritehard was chosen Lord Mayor

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and upon the occasion of these Con∣tendings, several Citizens, as Sir Thomas Player and others, had Informations in the Crown Exhibited against them as Rioters; and haviug a Verdict found a∣gainst them before the Lord Chief Ju∣stice Saunders at Guild-hall, were the following Term Fined at the Kings-Bench Bar, very considerably. And this year died the Illustrious Prince Rupert; a Prince whose great Services, have all along, been very considerable to these King∣doms. And a thing not known before, two Ambassadors arrived, one from the Emperor of Fess and Morocco, and the o∣ther from the King of Bantam, with rich Presents; and were splendidly En∣tertained, and much admired by the crouding People, for their strange Habits. The first came to treat of Peace and free Traffick. Tangier, an English Ga∣rison, standing in his Masters Countries; and the other to crave Succour for the King his Master, against his Son, who had risen in Rebellion against him, and soon after outed him of his Kingdom, by the help of the Dutch, and our East-India Company of their Trade in that part of the Country. As for the Emperor of Morocco, he kept not the Truce or Treaty his Am∣bassador

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had made; whereupon the King finding one Town very chargeable to keep against a populous Country, and that it turn'd to no great advantage, by reason the Mould could not be finished, as had been proposed, he sent the Lord Dartmoueh to fetch off the Garrison, the Inhabitants, and their Effects, and then fired the Town, and blew up the Works, which had cost a Million of Mony.

And now the Court being disgusted at the proceedings of the City of London, a Quo Warranto was brought against their Famous and Ancient Charter; and the Controversie admitted of many long Ar∣guments and Debates, at the Kings Bench Bar, between the Kings Council, and the Council for the City; but it being over∣ruled in the end, it was declared by the Judges, that the Liberties and Franchises should be Seized into the King's hands; however Judgment was not entered up, but the King appointed the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, &c. to Act by Commission, re∣serving to himself the Nomination of the Chief Magistrates, and the Common Council was laid aside; and so it continu∣ed 'till the Charter was restored, Anno 1688. of which hereafter; for the City finding it in vain to contend, when the

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Opinions of the Judges were against them, found themselves constrained to acquiesce in what was done, as did after∣wards most of the Corporations of Eng∣land; likewise the Companies, or Bodys Corporate of London, &c. whose Char∣ters and Franchises were either Seized or Surrendered.

About this time the Nation was allarm∣ed by the appearing of Keeling, West, and others; who Deposed there was a Design against the Life of the King, &c. where∣upon the Earl of Eslex, the Lord Russel, Captain VValcot, VVilliam Hone, John Rouse, were Imprisoned, and Proclama∣tion published for the apprehending the Duke of Monmouth, and others that fled; many of which upon their not rendring themselves, were attainted by Out-lawry; but the Duke a considerable time after came in, and was received into Favour; the proceedings upon Out-lawry having been stopped by the Kings special Com∣mand; but the Duke out of Discontent, soon after went for Holland, and from thence (after his Fathers Death) Invaded England, of which hereafter. However, this Business proved very Bloody, for the Earl of Essex was found with his Throat cut in the Tower: Rouse, Hene, and VVal∣ot,

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were Executed at Tyburn, the Lord Russel was Beheaded in Lincoln-Inn-Field, Collonel Sidney on Tower-Hill; and Sir Thomas Armstrong, being surprized and brought from Holland, and James Hollo∣way from Nevis, were executed upon their Out-lawrys, by a rule of Court made for their Execution; all of them making very penitent ends; and upon this score divers were Executed after∣wards, as will appear in the Reign of K. James. The Earl of Shaftsbury, a little before this matter broke out, Dyed in Holland, whither he was retired, and his Body was brought over, and Buried in England.

This Storm being a little over, the hap∣py Marriage was Consummated between the Lady Anne, and his Royal Highness Prince George, Brother to the King of Denmark; the Ceremony being perform∣ed by the Bishop of London, in the pre∣sence of the King, Queen, Duke, Dut∣chess, and most of the great Persons of the Court, and followed with great de∣monstrations of Joy and Satisfaction throughout the Kingdom; and a great Muster of the Land Forces was soon af∣ter held on Putney-Heath, where the King and most of the Court went to take a

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view of them. And such a Frost happen∣ed, that the like had never been known in England before; all the Rivers were Frozen over, and the Harbours and Ha∣vens were stopped up; so that Carts and Coaches might move on the Waters, but neither Boats nor Shipping could stir for the space of six Weeks, People keeping Fairs upon the River of Thames, with all manner of Disports, as likewise upon o∣ther great Waters, and divers Fowle and Cattle were starved to Death; many of the Elder sort of People despairing to out-live so sharp a Season; but the Wind turn∣ing it Thawed of a suddain, without much harm.

The King having appointed Sir William Goslin and Sir Peter Vandeput, by Com∣mission under the Great Seal, to be She∣riffs of London and Middlesex, on the 28th. of September, 1684. they were Sworn at Guild-Hall, before the Lord Mayor an Court of Aldermen, and on the 30th. at Westminster in the Exchequer Chamber, tak∣ing upon them the charge of Sherffs 〈◊〉〈◊〉 the ensuing Year.

On the 2d. of October the City of Ox∣ford had a New Charter sent; and there∣upon according to what was nominated therein, Mr. Walker was sworn Mayor,

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and Mr. Baker Town-Clerk; the latter making a large Speech upon the occasion; and afterward great Feasting ensued to Treat and Wellcome the Earl of Abindon, who brought the Charter: And about this time many other Charters were sent down to divers Cities, Corporations, &c. in lieu of those that had been surrendered, or were taken away by proceedings in the Courts of Westmincter; and a new Engine was Invented by sundry Under∣takers to make Sea-water fresh, which was tryed and approved by many persons of Quality of divers Nations, and experienc'd Sea-Commanders, as well as Foreign Ministers of State; and His Grace the Duke of Grafton being appointed Recor∣der of Bury St. Edmonds by the new Char∣ter; he was received there with many de∣monstrations of Joy, and sworn the 20th. of October. And Justice Windham Dying in this Month, Mr. Baron Street was re∣moved to the Common-Pleas, and in his stead Sir Robert Wright was Constituted; and Sir James Smith being Commissiona∣ted by the King to be Lord Mayor for the ensuing Year, was Sworn before the Barons of the Exchequer on the 29th. and the Entertainment was performed with the usual Solemnities.

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Great Storms about this time happen∣ed at Sea and Land, which did considera∣ble damage, breaking many Ships in pieces, and over-setting some Houses: And Dr. Turner being removed to the Bishoprick of Ely, Dr. Sprat, Dean of Westminster was Consecrated Bishop of Rochester, at the Chapple at Lambeth, by the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, aisted by several other Bishops: and two Addresses were presented to the King, the one from the Lieutenant and Governour General of the Collony and Dominion of Virginia, together with the Council of the same; and the other fromt the Burgesses and General Assembly of the said Domi∣nion, in the Name of themselves and the Commons, to congratulate his happy continuance in the Throne, and the sen∣sibility they had of their own Tranquility under his Reign, &c.

On the 6th. of November the Tryal commenced at Guild-Hall, between Sir William Pritchard, formerly Lord Mayor of London, and Mr. Papillion, &c. before the Lord Chief Justice Jefferies; where the Jury gave Sir William, 10000 l. Da∣mages; and on the 18th. of November, Mr. Rosewel was Trayed, and sound Guil∣y of High-Treason, for Speaking words

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in a Meeting-house at Rederiff; and on the 20th, Elias Best received Judgment for speaking certain words, and was Fin'd 1000 l. Ordered to stand Twice in the Pillory, and to find Sureties for good Be∣haviour during Life; and a Rule was made for all Clerks of the Peace, and common Clerks of several Cities, Towns and Burroughs, for Extracting the Names of such as had been Defaulters in refusing to go to Church, into the Exchequer. On the 24th. of November, Dr. Mew was Translated from the See of Bath and Wells, to that of Winchester, vacant by the Death of Dr. Morley.

In this Month several desperate Persons in the Kingdom of Scotland, affixed in the Night time, a Paper on divers Crosses in the Towns and Villages, and doors of Churches, declaring War against the King, under the Name of Charles Stuart, and their Resolution to kill and destroy all that Served and Adhered unto him, and in Pursuance thereunto, about 36 Footmen, and 16 Horse coming in the Night time to a Country Inn called Swiney Abby, Seized on Two of the Kings Horse-Guards in their Beds, and cuting them in peices, carryed away a great deal of their Flesh as in Triumph.

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On the 2d. of December, the Artillery Company kept their Anual Feast at Mer∣chant Taylors-Hall, where their Royal Highnesses the Duke of York as their Cap∣tain General; and the Prince of Denmark were present with many of the Nobility, and other Persons of Quallity, and were Splendidly Entertained: And the Duke of Albemarle being made Recorder of Col∣chester, was received there on the 20th. with great Splendor; and the Earl of Bath was Constituted Governour of Plymouth, to whom the Inhabitants of several Cor∣porations delivered up their Surrenders and Charters, desiring him to lay them at His Majesties Feet, which he perfor∣med with a Petition on their behalf; the King accepted them with demonstrations of his Favour, saying, he very well re∣membered the Duty and Loyalty of that Country viz. Cornwall, and was very well pleased with this fresh demonstration of it by them, and for the better securing the Roads, a Proclamation was put forth for the Apprehending Highway-men, with the Reward of 10 l. upo Conviction. And in Scotland, on the 23d. of December, Robert Baily was Tryed, and found Guilty of endeavouring to stir up Rebellion in the Kingdom, and in the Afternoon was Ex∣ecuted

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as in Case of High-Treason, and his Head and Quarters set up in divers places; and now many of the Cities and Corporations of England having delivered up their Charters, had the same or new ones Restored, as Leeds, Carlisle, Lincoln, &c. and an Order of the Courts of Kings-Bench, and Common-Pleas, was Published that all Clerks and Attorneys should Enter themselves in one of the Inns of Court, or Inns of Chancery, or dwell as near as possible leaving word with the Buttler of the places of their Aboads, upon pain of being put out of the Roles of Clerks and Attorneys.

On the 13th. of January, the King sent to the Lord Mayor of the City of London, a Silver-Box Sealed up with his own Seal, in which, was Inclosed the Receipts of the several Cements used by the Pattentees of making Sea water fresh, as also the Re∣ceipt of the Metalline Composition, and Ingredients certified under the Hand of the Honourable Mr. Robert Boyle, to be kept so Sealed up by the present, and Suc∣ceeding Lord Mayors, least a Secret of so great Importance to the Publick, might come to be lost if lodged only in the know∣ledge of a few Persons herein Concerned.

On the 25th. of January, Dr. Thomas Kenn was Consecrated Bishop of Bath and

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VVells, by the Lord Arch Bishop of Cant∣erbury and other Assistant Bishops, the next day did Homage to the King, but now to the Grief of all Loyal English Men, the Life of this Great Monarch, who had Tryed the Smiles and Frowns of Fortune, and seen her in all her shapes, grew to a Period, for on the Second of February, he was taken as he was rising, with a violent fit of the Appoplexy, and it was given out by some that he was Dead, which caused the Councel on the Fourth, to publish the following Notice, viz.

At the Council Chamber, White-Hall, the 4th. of February, 1684. at Five in the Afternoon, The Lords of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council, have thought fit, for the preventing false Re∣ports, to make known, that His Majesty, upon Monday Morning last, was seized with a most violent Fit, that gave great Cause to fear the Issue of it; but after some hours, an Amendment appeared, which by the blessing of God being improved, by the Application of seasonable and proper Re∣medies, is now so advanced, that the Phy∣sicians have this Day, as well as Yesterday, given this account to the Council, viz. That they conceived his Majesty to be in a Con∣dition of Safety, and that he will in a few

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Days be freed from his Distemper; but they were deceived in their Account, for on the Sixth of February he Dyed, having been pestered and tormented at his Death, by the impertinency of Father Hudleston, and other Popish Priests, who now growing bold, as perceiving this Monarch past Re∣covery, had the Impudence to bring their Trumpery about him; and after his De∣cease, to give out, that he Dyed a Roman Catholick; and Wrote several Pamphlets and Libels, to justifie their Assertions.

Upon the Death of this Prince, his Bro∣ther was immediately Proclaimed King, by the Stile of James the Second, &c. at White-Hall-Gate, Temple-Bar, and before the Royal-Exchange, with the usual Solem∣nity; having caused all the Lords, and Others, of the Deceased King's Privy∣vy-Council, that were present, to be Sworn of His Privy-Council; and an Or∣der was Published, for all that were in Places of Trust, to continue them, till further notice; there being a Clause in the Order, viz. Reserving in his own Judgment hereafter, the Reformation and Redress of any abuse in Misgovernment, upon due Knowledge and Examination thereof: Notwithstanding which, the Popelings (who knew this was their time to play their Cards) soon un∣dermined

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a great many Worthy Persons, and got them out of their Employments; but the Church of England, being at pre∣sent look'd upon, as the main Pillar of the Throne; the King spared not to give that Church, especial promises of his Fa∣vour, &c. in the following Speech made at his first Sitting in Council.

My Lords,

Before I enter upon any other Business, I think sit to say something to you; since it hath pleased Almighty God, to place me in this Sta∣tion; and I am now to Succeed so Good and Gracious a King, as well as so Kind a Brother; I think fit to Declare to you, That I will endea∣vour to follow his Example; and most especi∣ally, in that of his great Clemency, and Tender∣ness to his People: I have been reputed to be a Man for Arbitrary Power; but that is not the only Story that has been made of me: And I shall make it my endeavour to preserve this Go∣vernment, in Churcb and State, as it is now by Law Established. I know the Principles of the Church of England are for Monarchy, and the Members of it have shewed themselves Good and Loyal Subjects: Therefore, I shall allways take Care to defend and support it: I know too that the Laws of England are sufficient to make the King as great a Monarch, as I can wish;

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and as I shall never depart from the Just Rights and Prerogative of the Crown, so I shall never invade any Man's Property. I have often ven∣tured my Life in Defence of this Nation, and I shall still go as far as any Man in preserving it in all its Just Rights and Liberties.

Upon this fair promising Speech, the Lords of the Council became Humble Suitors to the King, that it might be Print∣ted and Published, for the Satisfaction of the People, which was accordingly done: and although some People as yet doubted of K. James's being a Roman Catholick; he now put them out of doubt, by going publickly to the Chappel; so that these Protestant Lords, that waited on him thi∣ther, would not enter with him, but at∣tended his coming out, &c.

On the 9th. of February, a Proclamation was Exhibited, for continuing the Colle∣ction of Customs, and Subsidies of Tonage and Poundage; and Orders were taken for the Funeral Solemnity of the Deceased King; and every one that appeared, or attended at Court, were commanded by an Order of the Earl Marshal to be in the deepest Mourning, except Long Cloaks, and that as well the Lords, as Privy Coun∣cello, and Officers of his Late Majesties,

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as of the present Houshold, should cover their Coaches and Chairs, and cloath their Livery Servants with Black Cloath; and that none presumed to use any Varnish, or Bullion Nails to be seen on their Chairs, or Coaches, except his Majesty, the Queen Consort, Queen Dowager, and their Roy∣al Highnesses; and the Proclamation Ce∣remony was upon notice performed in all the chief Cities, Towns and Places, of the Three Kingdoms, &c. and a great many Addresses of Condolence and Con∣gratulation were presented, from the So∣cieties, and Inns of Court, and from divers parts of the Kingdom, before the Funeral of Charles the Second was performed, to particularize which, would be too tedious to the Reader, and swell this Book at too large a Price; nor was Scotland behind in these Proceedings, for the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and others of the Coun∣cil, proceeded in their Formalities, to the Market Cross, and made the Solemn Pub∣lication, and returned a suitable Answer, to the Letter, the King had sent them, to give notice of what had happened: an other was sent in the Name of the Arch-Bishops, and Bishops of that Kingdom, of Congratulation and Condolence.

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Ireland appeared not behind Hand, for his Grace the Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieu∣tenant of that Kingdom, having received the News on the 10th. of February in the Evening: The next Day, the Ceremony of Proclaiming was performed, and a Pro∣clamation was issued forth, on the 16tb. directing the payment of the Duty, ari∣sing by Excise; and the Right Honoura∣ble Lawrence Earl of Rochester, Lord Presi∣dent of the Council, was appointed Lord High-Treasurer of England; the King De∣claring, the Lord Marquess of Hallifax, Lord President of the Council in his stead: Likewise, the Earl of Clarendon, Lord Privy Seal, and the D. of Beaufort, Lord President of Wales, who were sworn accordingly: The Lord Godolphin was appointed Cham∣berlain to the Queen, and Henry Bulkly Esq Master of his Houshold; Sir Stephen Fox, eldest Clark of the Green Cloth, Sir William Boreman second Clark, Sir Winston Churchil Eldest Clark-Comptroller, and Sir Richard Mason Youngest ClarkComp∣troller; being in the same Places, during the Reign of King Charles the Second. And for some time an industrious Party la∣boured to accost the Court with Ad∣dresses, being the prime subject of pub∣lick Papers: and the great Business of the

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Lord Chief Justice Jefferys, at this time, was against Higlers and Carryers, for carrying Letters; some of which were tryed and fined at the Kings-Bench Bar Westminster. Many Forreign Ambassadors arrived with Complements of Condo∣lance and Congratulation; and the So∣lemnity of the Coronation being appointed on the 23d. of April, being St. Georges day, a Proclamation was issued forth, bearing date the sixth of March, in order to the Preparation on that occasion; and the King resolving to call a Parliament, to sit at Westminster on the 19th of May; great Preparations were made, upon the Writs being issued out, in order to Elect Mem∣bers, for the Shires, Cities, Boroughs, &c: And an Order bearing date the 20th. of March was Published, for the Apprehend∣ing of Highway-men and Robers; any Person so doing, before that Order should be recalled, upon Conviction, to have Ten Pounds as a Reward. And a great many Officers were changed in the King∣dom of Ireland, whereupon sundry Ad∣dresses ensued.

On the 14th. of April, 1685. the Am∣bassadors of the States General of the Uni∣ted Provinces, made their Publick Entery, and had a House made Ready for their

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Reception, in St. James's Square; and had their first Publick Audience, on the 20th. being Conducted to it by the Lord North, and Sir Charles Cotterel, Master of the Cere∣monies: And the 23d. of April being come, the Proceeding of the Coronation Set in Order, passed from VVestminster Hall, to the Abby, and there was performed, with the usual Ceremonies, very Splendid and Mag∣nificent; which ended, it returned to the aforesaid Hall, where a Royal Entertain∣ment was prepared; and the King's Cham∣pion, came in on Horse-Back, and made his Challenge, &c. and most of the Towns throughout England, were that Night filled with Bone-Fiers: And on the same Day, the Parliament of Scotland met at Edenburg, and passed on the 28th. Two Acts, one for settlng the Protestant Reli∣gion, and the other for settling the Excise of Inland and Foreign Commodities, up∣on the King, and his Lawful Heirs and Successors for ever. On the 30th. of April, Sir Roger Le' Estrange, Author of the Ob∣servatr, was Knighted in the King's Bed-Chamber; and on the 6th. of May, his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, was Elected Knight Companion of the Noble Order of the Garter, and invested with the George and Garter, having first been Knighted by the Soveraign.

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The Enemies of Dr. Oats, having by this time prevailed against him, he was tryed on the 8th. and 9th. of May, upon Two Informations of Willful Perjury, at the Kings-Bench Bar, Sir George Jefferys being Lord Chief Justice; and after a long Hear∣ing, a Verdict passed against him, upon either Indictment, and his Sentence pro∣ved very severe, and was put in Execution with all manner of Rigour; yet he lived contrary to the Expectation of Many to weather that Storm, and see the short Tri∣umph of his Enemies.

On the 28th. of May, a Proclamation was Published in Scotland, for the stirring up the several Counties and Shires, for the Defence of that Kingdom.

On the 19th. of May, the Parliament met at Westminster, pursuant to the Writs of Summons; and the Commons being by the Black Rod sent for up to the House of Lords, the Lord Keeper declared to them, That it was his Majesties Pleasure to defer Speaking to them, till both Houses had taken the Oathes, appointed to be taken by Act of Par∣liament, and then he would Declare his Mind to them, concerning the Cause of Calling them: And further, That the Gentlemen of the House of Commons should go apart, and proceed imme∣diately, to the Choice of a Speaker; and ac∣cordingly,

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they chose Sir John Trevor, who was approved by the King: And on the 22d. of May, the King made a Speech to both Houses, promising to maintain the Government in Church and State, in all its Rights and Priviledges; demanding a Settlement of the Revenue, for Life, and further supplies, &. proceeded, to let them know, he had received News, that the Earl of Argyle was Landed in the VVest Highlands of Scotland, with the Men he brought with him out of Holland; and that he had put out Two Declarations, one in his own Name, and the other in the Names of those he brought over with him, &c. Upon this, the Commons going to their House, Voted, the Revenue should be settled, and that a Bill should be brought in for that purpose: And the Lords and Commons declared their Resolutions, to stand by, and assist him. And the Scots began likewise to stir, to prevent the Dan∣ger that threatned that Kingdom, from a geathering Army, passing divers Acts, and putting forth sundry Proclamations, and raising Forces, especially, in the Highlands; for the Earles Declation spread abroad, many believed, they contained somewhat of Reason; and thereupon, went unto him so, that in a short time, from about 300.

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he brought over with him, he became about 3000. strong; fortefying some Pla∣ces, and keeping the Islands.

On the 30th. of May, Thomas Dangerfield was tryed at the King's Bench-Bar, for Wri∣ting, and Publishing a Book, called his Na∣rative, and a Verdict passed against him; and in the Afternoon at a Nisiprius, held at Guild Hall. Mr. Richard Baxter was Tryed and Convicted, for Writing Notes upon the New Testament; and the same Day, the Act for setling the Revenues on the King for Life, as it was in King Charles's Time, passed the Royal Assent.

On the 1st. of June, about Five in the Morning Her Royal Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark, was Delivered of a Daughter, which in the Afternoon was Christened by the Lord Bishop of London, by the Name of Mary.

The Earl of Argyle, being by this time on the firm Land, sent out his Summons from Campletown, in these Words, viz.

Being by the Blessing of God, came safe to this Place, with a Resolution, according to a Declaration, emitted for the Defence of the Protestant Religion, and our Lives and Liber∣ties, against Popery and Arbitrary Government, and all the Fensible Men of Illa, being come this Length; and this Country being this Day

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together, at a General Rendesvous; these are to require all Heritors, Tenants, and Others; and all the Fensible Men, within the divi∣sion of Cowal, between Sixty and Sixteen, with all their Useful Arms, and Two Week: Loan, to come to Tarbet, against Tuseday, the 26th. Instant, at Twelve of the Clock, without fail, or sooner if possible.

And in Order to this, he sent to Cowal, and di∣spersed divers Letters, and a great many Persons came in; but the Highlanders for the most part, declared for the King: How∣ever, the Earl on the 26th. of June, Mar∣ched from Campletown in Kintaire, with Two Troops of Horse, and 700. Foot, to Tar∣bet; and there met 200. of the Illa Men, and 200. more were expected, and muste∣red on the 28th. and the Three Ships be∣longing to him, the greatest carrying 30 Guns; and other small Vessels afterward taken up, came likewise into the Port; and from thence, he passed to divers other pla∣ces, Sailing round the Islands, and taking in such Men, as would join him; and amongst other Letters, we find the follow∣ing, dated at Campletown, May, 22. 1685▪ and directed to the Laird of Lupe.

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Loving Friends,

It hath pleased God to bring me safe to this Place, where several of both Nations do appear with me, for the Defence of the Protestant Re∣ligion, our Lives and Liberties, against Po∣pery and Arbitrary Government, whereof the particulars are emitted in Two Declarations, by those Noblemen: Gentlemen, and Others, and by me for my self. Your Father and I lived in great Friendship, and I am glad to serve you, his Son, in Defence of the Protestant Religion, and I will be ready to do it in your parti∣cular, when there is Occasion. I beseech you, let not any out of Fear, or bad Principles, perswade you to neglect your Duty, to God and your Country, at this time; or to believe that the D. York is not a Papist or that being one, he can be a Righteous King: Then know, that all England is in Arms, in Three several Places; and the Duke of Monmouth appears at the same time, upon the same Grounds that we do; and few Places in Scotland, but will join; and the South and West, want but till they hear I am Landed, for so they resolved, before I left Holland. Now I beseech you, make no de∣lay, to separate from those that abuse you, and are carrying on a Popish Design; but come with all the Men of your Command, to assist the Cause of Religion, where you shall be

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most welcome to your Loving Friend to serve you.


P. S. Let this serve Young Loigie Skipuag, and Charles Mc. Echan.

By this time, the Charlotte Yatch was arriv'd in the Clyde, and several Men of War were dispatched from England, as the Falcon Mairmaid, &c. and several War∣rants were issued out for Persons in Eng∣land, that had retired from their Houses, and publick notice given in the Gazette, for the apprehending them.

On the 13th. of June, an Express came to the King, at White-Hall, by the Mayor of Lyme; that on the 11th. there appear∣ed Three Ships, off that place; and about 7 in the Evening, the Duke of Monmouth Landed, with about 150. Men, and pos∣sessed himself of that Town, sending some of his Men into the Neighbouring Coun∣ties, to incite the People to Rise: where∣upon, a Proclamation was put forth, for Apprehending him, his Adherents, Ad∣bettors, Accomplices, and Advisers; And the King sent notie of the Dukes Landing, to both Houses of Parliament, then Sitting at Westminster; who severally Addressed him, and promised him in their Addresses,

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to stand by him with their Lives and For∣tunes, intreating him to have more than ordinary Care of his Royal Person, to se∣cure it from any Attempt, &c. And on the 15th. of June, a Proclamation was Publish∣ed, to Suppress the Duke's Declaration; Entituled, The Declaration of James Duke of Monmouth, and the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, now in Arms; for the Defence and Vindication of the Protestant Religion, and of the Laws, Rights and Priviledges, of Eng∣land, from the Ivasion made upon them, &c. and immediately after, viz. the 16th. the following Promise of Reward was publish∣ed by the King, viz. Whereas, an Humble Address has been made unto us, by our Com∣mons Assembled in Parliament: that we by our Proclamation, would be pleased to promise a Reward of 5000. pounds, to such Person or Persons, who shall bring in the Person of James Duke of Monmouth, alive or dead; and whereas the said Duke of Monmouth, stands attainted of High Treason, by Act of Parlia∣ment: We do hereby, by the Advice of our Privy Council, Publish and Declare our Royal Promise: And our Will and Pleasure is, that whoever shall bring in the Body of the said James Duke of Monmouth, either dead or a∣live, shall receive, and have the reward of 5000. l. to be forthwith payed by our High-Treasurer

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of England, for such his or the Service.

During these proceedings at Westminster, the Duke left Lime, with about 60 Horse and a 120 Foot; a party of which came to Bridport, and surprised divers Volunteer Gentlemen in an Inn, between whom there happened a smart Skirmish, in which Mr. Wadham Strangways and Mr. Coaker were killed; but some Forces com∣ing in, the Dukes Party was beaten off, and obliged to retreat with some loss, about 7 being killed, and 23 taken Pri∣soners: and soon after there happened a small Skirmish, between a detach'd Party of the Kings, and some of the Dukes Men near Taunton, where Lieutenant Monaux, who commanded the former, was mor∣tally wounded by a Shot in the Head, of which he dyed; and divers others were killed and wounded on both sides; so that more of the Dukes Party coming in, the Kings Forces were obliged to retire. Whilst these things were trans∣acted in England, the Forces, on both sides, encreased in Scotland, and a hot Skirmish happened, between a Party of 300 Men, under the Command of the Marquiss of Athol for the King, and about 400 Foot and 80 Horse of the Earl of

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Argyles; in which several were killed, and the latter, in the end retired, and marched back to Elengreg, a Castle forti∣fied by the Earl, but upon the Kings Ships of War coming before the Castle, they marched off and abandoned it; so that upon fiing the first Gun, two Men put off with a White Flag, to give notice of what had happened, whereupon the Commanders on Board sent their Men on Shore, and took possession of the Castle, Ammunition, and what they found there, which was very considerable. On the 17th of June the Earls Men passed the River Clyde in the night time, and the Earl of Dumbarton, Commander in Chief for the King, passed the River Leuin, and marched from Glasgow very early the next morning, and overtook them in the Parish of Killerne; the Kings Horse and Dragoons kept up with the Earls men till the Foot arrived; but they being Posted in a strong ground, and it being late in the evening, they stood in battle all night, but before day the Earls men had passed the Clyde, swiming over their Horse, and passing over their Foot in Boats; where∣upon the Kings Forces marched to Glas∣gow, where after they had rested two hours the Earl of Dumbarton, with the

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Horse and Dragoons marched after them leaving the Foot to follow with all con∣venient speed.

Upon this Retreat, part of Argyle's For∣ces took Guides to conduct them to Gal∣loway; but mistaking the way, were led into a Bog, and thereupon obliged to di∣sperse into small Parties, as did the King's Forces to pursue them, which caused great Consternation and Disorder; and the Earl of Argyle returning towards the Clyde, was set upon by Two of Greynocks Servants, but stoutly defended himself, till he recei∣ved a Wound in his Head; upon which, not longer trusting his Horse, he alighted, and betook himself to the Water, into which, a Country Fellow entered after him, upon whom the Earl Fired, but his Pistol missed, and he was beaten down, when in his Fall, He cryed out, Unfortunate Argyle; and thereupon was made Prisoner, and carryed to a commanded Party,; and a Party of 40. Horse, commanded by the Lord Ross, with as many Dragoons, com∣manded by Captain Cleland, fell upon a Patty of the Stoutest, that yet remained in a Body, commanded by Sir John Cochran, who had taken the way to the Sea; They had fortefied themselves in a small Inclosure, in which they had posted themselves, co∣vered

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Breast-high: Notwithstanding which, the Lord Ross, Charged them; but the Ground being too strong for the Horse, and the Captain of the Dragoons being killed in the coming up, the Lord Ross slightly wounded, Sir Adam Blair shot in the Neck, and Sir William VVallock in the Side; before the Dragoons had time to come up on Foot, the Earles Men had got into a Wood, behind the Inclosure, which the King's Forces beset: and Five of the Earl of Arran's Men, took Richard Rum∣bald the Maltster, who ••••ghting desperately, killed one of them upon the Place, and was himself wounded: Collonel Ayloff was likewise taken, and 200. more sent to Glas∣gow, Prisoners; Aylofff during his Impri∣sonment, in a desperate Mood, ripped up his Belly with a Pen-Knife, but the Wound proved not Mortal.

Notwithstanding this Defeat given in Scotland, the Duke of Monmouth held out in England his Forces being very much increased, which created for a time no small fear at Court: all the Militia of the Country were raised; and divers eminent Persons, secured in most Parts of England, especially in London, where all the Halls were filled with Citizens, on whom Guards were set; and it was but branding 〈◊〉〈◊〉

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Man with the Epethite of a disaffected Person, and a File of Musqueteers were sent to take him up; the Roads were eve∣ry where stopped, and no Letters were sent, but such as were unsealed and sent open.

On the 20th. of June, Capt. Trevanion Commander of the Suadadoes a Man of War, coming into the Cob at Lime, found there a Pink and a Dogger left by the Duke, which he seized and 40 Barrels of Powder, there was likewise found in the Town, Back, Breast and Head-peices for between 4 or 5000 Men; he Released likewise those that had been made Pris∣oners for not takeing Arms under the Duke.

On the 25th. of June, a hot Skirmish happened between a Party of a 100 Horse Commanded by Collonel Oglethorp for the King, and a Party of the Dukes Men, in which, about 80 of the latter were kill'd, and the Earl of Newbury was Wounded in the Belly, this happened near Canisham-Bridge between Bristol and Bath; and the next day in the Evening all the Kings Forces Joyned near Bath, upon which, the Dukes Men drew up on the other side the Town, and Marched away, yet the Com∣••••ns got together at Froom Assembled

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from divers parts. Headed by a Constable, and set up the Dukes Declaration in the Market-place, upon Notice of which, the Earl of Pembroke Lord Liutenant of the County of Wilts, Marched theither with 160 Horse, and mounted behind some of them 36 Musketiers, when coming to the end of the Town he heard great Shoot∣ing and beating of Drums, and had no∣tice that between 2 or 3000 of the Com∣mon People, were gathered together from Warminster, and Westury, some with Mus∣kets, some with Pisos, some with Pikes, and some with Pitch-sorks and Scythes; however he Attaged the Town at the head of his Musqueriers, followed by the Horse; the Plebens ••••emed at first very Resolute upon de••••nce, one of them Fi∣ring at the Earl, and commanded the rest to do the like when he was advanced to a certain place he named, yet they were no sooner Charged, but they threw down their Arms and fled for the most part out at the other end of the Town, whereup∣on the Declaration was taken down, and the Constable after he had Renounced what he had done, and Subscribed an Abhorrance, was made Prisoner, and divers others were taken.

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On the 27th. of June, the Earl of Fev∣ersham Leiutenant General of the Kings Forces, designing to fall upon the Rear of the Dukes Men, as they were March∣ing to Philipsuorton, a Detatchment of 500 Foot Commanded by the Duke of Grafton, and of Dragoons and Horse Granadiers, leaving the rest of the Forces to follow with the Cannon; near Philips∣norton Lane, they heard some Shooting, whereupon 20 of the Horse Guards with a company of Foot Grenadiers entered the Lane, the Duke of Grafton being with them, but there found the Hedges lined with Horse and Foot, who Fired upon them very smartly, and many were kill'd and wounded; however they made good the Retreat, though Opposed by the Duke of Monmouth's Horse, after which, the Cannon played from each side for several hours without any considerable Execution, but a great deal of Rain falling, both Parties drew off; and three Scotch Reg∣iments sent from Holland, were recalled on their way to Scotland and sent to the West. And on the 26th. of June, Richard Rumbeld was Tryed in Scotland, and be∣ing Sentenced for High-Treason, was drawn upon a Hurdle to the Cross, and there Hang'd and Quartered, whose

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Quarters were afterward sent to London, and set upon the principal Gates of the City.

On the 29th. of June, Thomas Danger∣ield was brought to the Court of Kings-Bench, and received Judgment, viz. to stand in the Pillory before Westminster-Hall-gate, and the Royal Exchange, to be Whip'd from Ald-gate to New gate, and from New gate to Tyburn, and coming back from the latter, he was run into the Eye with a Cane, by one Francis belong∣ing to Grays-Inn, of which Wound he dyed in New-gate, and for which, Mr Francis was Tryed, found Guilty of Murther, and Sentenced in the Old-Baly, and after∣wards Executed at Tyburn, notwithstand∣ing the Intercession of some great ones at Court to save his Life; and Mr. Baxter the same Term was Fined 500 Marks, and ordered to find Sureties for his good Be∣haviour for seven years, yet after a con∣siderable Imprisonment in the Press Yard, he was Released without paying the Fine.

On the last day of June, the Earl of Argyle was carryed to the Merut-Cross of Edenburg, where he was Beheaded on a Scaffold Erected for that purpose, his Head was ordered to be set upon the

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Tol-booth, and his Body was carried to the Chaple of St. Magdalins in the Cow gate; he was Executed in pursuance of his form∣er Sentence, so that there was no new Process against him; he made no Speech upon the Scafold, but delivered a Paper to the Dean of Edenburg, to be given to the Lord Chancellour, declaring he had neither directly, nor indirectly left any Speech of Paper upon this occasion; ma∣ny other Persons of lesser Note Suffered in Scotland, who had Imbarqued in his Cause. And now the Parliament of Eng∣land having setled the King's Revenue, and Increased it by larger Imposts on Tobac∣co and other Commodities, and several Acts passed: The King on the d. of Ju∣ly, came to the House, and giving his Roy∣al Assent to some Acts that were prepair∣ed: The Lord Keeper Signified it was the Kings Pleasure, that they should Adjourn to the 4th. of August ensuing, with Inti∣mation that it was not His Majesties Inten∣tion that there should then be a Meeting, but that the Sessions should be continued by Adjornment till towards Winter, by such Members as should be about the Town, unless his Service should require their Sitting sooner, which they should know by His Proclamation, and accord∣ingly

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both Houses severally Adjourned to the time mentioned.

On the 1st. of July, the Earl of Fever∣sham Marched from Sommerton to Weston, within three miles of Bridg-water; he Quartered his Horse and Dragoons in the Village, and Encamped his Foot in an advantageous Post near it, fronting to∣wards Sedgmore, having a Ditch before them, and in the Evening he had notice that the Dukes Army was drawing out of Bridg water, which made him keep his Troops in a Readiness, and sent out fe∣quent Parties to observe the Dukes Men; however they so ordered their March that they found an uninterrupted passage into the Mocr; and towards the morning formed their Foot in Battle, to the Numb∣er of between 5 and 6000 Headed by the Duke of Monmouth, but upon their ap∣proach, the Earl of Feversham put the Kings Forces (being about 2000 Foot, and 700 Horse Granadeers and Dragoons) into a Posture to receive them, the Dukes Men begun with a great Volley of Shot and shouts, which were returned in the same manner; in the mean time, the Dukes Horse were coming into the Field to second his Foot, but were hindered by a Party of the Kings Horse Command∣ed

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by Coll. Oglethorp, who Engaged them till the Lord of Oxford's Regiment, and a Detachment of the Guards came in to forme the Line; the Dukes Horse was Commanded by the Lord Grey of Wark, but being the most part unmanaged, they would not stand the Fire, but after a hot Charge they fell into disorder; their numb∣er was between 1000 and 1200 during this Action, the Foot stood firm on both sides and Exchanged great Volleys, but the Ditch that run along the Moor, hind∣ered them from closing; however, the Cannon played violently, and the Horse coming up, after the Dukes Horse had quitted the Field, they broke into his Foot, and made them fall into disorder, which turned afterward to open flight, and great slaughter ensued, so that 2000 are said to be kill'd on the Dukes part, and 300 on the Kings, and a great many Prisoners were taken and Treated with great Rigor, a number of them being Immediately Hang'd up by Marshal-Law, or by the Order of some Commanders.

The Duke escaped the Battle, but was some days after Taken in an Inclosed ground, where he had hid himself in hopes of a favourable oppertunity to pass the Seas.

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During these Transactions, William Disie Councellor at Law, was Tryed by a special Commission of Oyer and Terminer for the County of Surrey, upon an In∣dictment of High-Treason, for Publish∣ing and Printing the Duke of Monmouth's Declaration, and being found Guilty, was Drawn Hang'd and Quartered, and his Head set upon the Bridg gate.

The King upon this Success put out a Proclamation for a Sollemn and Publick Thanksgiving throughout the Kingdom; and the Popish Priests, who began to ap∣pear more Bare-faced than ever, Magni∣fied the Victory in their Sermons and Discourses, Attributing it solely to the Virgin Mary; nay, some of them were so vain, as to afirm that she was seen flying over the Armies with a drawn Sword during the Fight, but we believe they might mistake her for a Meteor that ap∣peared that Evening, with a very swist motion, and spreading light passing quite through the City of London.

The Duke of Monmouth, the Lord Grey, and a German Officer, being brought to White-Hall on the 13th. of July, they were sent by Water to the Tower; and al∣though great Intercession was made for the Duke by the Queen Dowager and o∣thers,

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he was on the 15th. brought upon a Scaffold on Tower-Hill, and after having made a large Speech, and Discoursed with the Bishops that waited on him, shewing much Penitence, and declaring he dyed in the Communion of the Church of England, he layed down his Head, and whether through the the Inability of the Executioner, or a fear that seiz'd him, the Execution was Barbarous, for He receiv∣ed five stroaks before his Head was severed from his shoulders, his Body and Head were delivered to his Servants, who car∣ried them away in a Mourning Herse, in order to its private Interment, and thus fell this great Man who had been so long the Darling of the Multitude, and upon whose Inconstant Breath he to much bore himself, till it brought him to Ruin, as for the Lord Grey, he was afterward Par∣doned, and the Brandenburger dismised, but others fared not so well, for a Bloody Scene ensued, which was Acted with too much Heat and Cruelty, and several Pro∣clamations were set forth, commanding divers Persons that Absconded to surren∣der themselves, and soon after, the Earl of Stamford, the Lord Delamere, and the Lord Brandon, were Committed to the Tower, the first of which was discharged,

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the second Pardoned, and the last Acquit∣ted by his Peers.

Our Ships being on the Coast of Sally to Curb those Pirates, Maned out their Boats and boldly passed their Bar, Bur∣ning their Ships in the Port within Pistol shot of the Town, and notwithstanding the Continual Fire that was made, only one Man was mortaly wounded and five lightly hurt.

On the 12th. of July, Henry Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, Henry Earl of Peterborrough, Groom of the stole to the King, and Lawrence Earl of Roche∣ster Lord High-Treasurer of England, were Installed Knights of the Garter, at the Royal Chaple of St. George within the Castle of Windsor; and on the 30th. the Earl of Feversham was Installed; and the White Staff of Lord Chamberlain of the King's House-hold, was given to the Earl of Aylesbury.

On the 4th. of August, pursuant to the Adjornment, the Parliament met at West∣minster, and the Lord Treasurer whom the King appointed to perform the part of Lord Keeper in his Absence, having de∣clared to the House of Lords, that they should further Adjourn to the 9th. of No∣vember, and the like being Signified to the

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Commons by the Earl of Midleto, both Houses Adjourned accordingly And the French King, and Duke of Orleance sent to Congratulate the King upon his Victory, the first by the Marescha de Humiers, and the last by the Count de Tonnerre; and on the 8th. of August, the City of York had their Charter restored, which was received with great Joy; and a Declaration bear∣ing date the 25th. was put forth to Regu∣late the Soldiers, and prevent any disor∣ders they might commit, the King resol∣ving to keep up his Army, and the Lord Cheif Justice Jefferys and others, being sent into the VVest with Commission to Try those that were in Prison, for taking part with the Duke of Monmouth: Made a miserable Havock of those People, Con∣demning great Numbers, and causing them to be Hang'd in all the principal Towns, and their Quarters to be set up in such a∣bundance, that the stench Infected the Air, and brought a kind of a Contageon; few of those that went from London, except such as turned Evidences against others Escaped, many as well Women as Men, were publickly Whip'd, and others had their Estates seiz'd, and a great many were thrust on Ship-board, and Sold to the Transmarine Plantations, so that there

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was nothing but Weeping and Lamenta∣tion to be heard, yet, it nothing moved the Inexorable Judge to Compassion, for a Proclamation coming forth, forbiding any to Harbour or Relieve any of them that had been with the Duke, they were forced to wander up and down in Woods, their nearest Relations not daring to Re∣lieve them, so that several were Starved to Death, or Perished for Want of Ne∣cessaries; such as could get shiping went for Holland, and other places of Refuge; and on the 3d. of September, Alice Lisle, a very Ancient Lady, was Executed upon a publick Scaffold at VVinchester, by ha∣ving her Head Severed from her Body, pursuant to a Sentence for no other Crime than giving Entertainment in her House to one John Hix, who had been with the Duke, which brought such a Terror upon others, that a Father delivered up his own Son, and those that had concealed any, was forced to dismiss them, and Orders were every where given to search for Sus∣pected Persons, so that the Popish Priests by making Interest for Pardons, got ex∣traordinary sums of money, nor did the Lord Chief Justice less Inrich himself, as since it has appeared by taking 15000 l. of one Person for a Pardon, and no doubt,

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a great deal of many others; and the Lord Keeper North Dying on the 5th. of September, the Great Seal was keept for the Lord Chief Justice till the Bloody Harvest was finished; and this month Dyed that Great and Eminent States-man, Sr. Leoline Jenkins, and was Buried with much Formality and Ceremony in Jesus Colledge Chaple at Oxford, to which he had been a considerable Benefactor.

The Lord Cheif Justice being by this time sufficiently Gluted with Blood, re∣turning to VVhite-Hall, about the latter end of September, having before been made Barron of VVem, had now the Broad Seal delivered to him, with the Title of Lord Chancellour: Sr. Edward Herbert Cheif Justice of Chester, was made Lord Cheif Justice of the Kings-Bench; and Sr. Edward Lutwich Succeeded him in his place of Cheif Justice of Chester; and Sr. Robert VVright was removed from the Exchequer to the Kings-Bench; and many other Alterations were made.

On the 19th. of October, Henry Cornish, Esq was brought to his Tryal at the Old Baily, upon an Indictment of High Treason, and was found Guilty upon ve∣ry slender Evidence: There was likewise Tryed one William Ring, for Harbouring

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and Concealing Joseph Kelloway and Hen∣ry Lawrence, who had been with the Duke of Monmouth in the West; as like∣wise John Ferneley, for Harbouring and Concealing James Burton, a Person Out∣lawed for high Treason; and Elizabeth Gaunt, for Succouring and Assisting the said Burton with Money, and helping him to a Passage, in order to his escape be∣yond the Seas, and were all Three found Guilty, and received Sentence of Death, as in case of High Treason: And on the 23d. of October, Mr. Cornish was taken out of Newgate, and Drawn in a Sledg to Kings-Street-end, by Guild-Hall, and there Executed on a Gibbet erected for that purpose, his Head set upon Guild-Hall, and his Quarters upon the Gates, though since taken down, and his Attainder re∣versed in Parliament; Elizabeth Gaunt was conveyed to Tyburn, and there Burnt to Ashes; the other two got their Pardons, and a Soldier for running from his Colours was Hanged on Tower Hill.

On the 27th. of October Richard Nel∣throp, and John Ayloff were carried from Newgate, to the Kings Bench Bar, and there received Sentence, upon their being Out∣lawed for High Treason, and a rule was made for their Execution on the 30th.

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when accordingly they were executed, the first before Grays Inn Gate, and the last before the Temple Gate, and Quarter∣ed as in Case of High Treason.

On the 29th. of October Sir Robert Jef∣ferys, Lord Mayor of London, was Sworn for the Year ensuing before the Barons of the Exchequer, and the City received him with the usual Pomp, &c. and about the latter end of this Month a great Scuffle happened at Wiggan, in the County Pa∣latine of Lancaster, between the Towns-Men and 4 Companys of Soldiers belong∣ing to Sir William Clifton's Regiment, in which many People were hurt; however the inquiry as to the Agressors being sub∣mitted to a Court Marshal, the Soldiers were excused, and only obliged to remit out of their Pay so much Mony as their Quar∣ters came to, it being alledged, That the Crouds of People pressed upon▪ their Artillery and Carriages, and their endeavouring to keep them off began the Fray.

On the 6th. of November an Order of Council was Published against making Bone-fires, or Fire-works, at, or upon any Festival Days or Times whatsoever, without particular leave first had from the King or Council-Board, or signified to them by the Lord Mayor of London, or

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by the Justices of Peace of the Respective Limmits, upon Pain of Displeasure, and being Prosecuted with the utmost Severity of the Law; and some were taken up and Imprisoned on this occasion, but upon submission and acknowledgment most of them Released. And on the 20th. of November, the King by the Lord Chan∣cellour Prorogued the Parliament to the 19th. of February.

On the 4th. of December, Robert Earl of Sunderland Principal Secretary of State, was declared Lord President of the Council and took his place. And divers new Charters about this time were Gran∣ted to sundry Corporations.

On the 10th. of December, One Charles Bateman a Chirurgion, was Tryed upon an Indictment of High-Treason, for Con∣spiring the Death of King Charles the Second, and to raise Rebellion within the Kingdom, &c. of which, the Jury found him Guilty, and he the next day recei∣ved Sentance of Death, as in Case of Treason, and upon the 18th. was Exe∣cuted at Tyburn, where he made a very Pious End; and his Head and Quarters afterwards set up in divers places. And the King Appointed the Lord Viscount Tiveot, Coll. Robert Phillips, and John Eve∣lyn,

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do in the Absence of his Excellence the Earl of Clarendon, who was made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and on his way theither, being Attended to the utmost Limits of this Kingdom, with a Numerous and Gallant Train, and recei∣ved at Dublin with all the Demonstrations of Joy usual on that Occasion; and the Earl of Huntingdon was appointed Lord Cheif Justice, and Justice in Eyre of all the King's Forrests, Chaces, Parks and Warrens on the South side of Trent. And on the 29th. the Bishop of Durham was Sworn Dean of the Chaple Royal; and the Bishop of Rochester Clerk of the Clo∣set to the King.

On the 30th. of December, John Hamb∣den Esq was Arraigned at the Old-Baily, upon an Indictment of High-Treason, but was afterwards Pardoned. And a Procla∣mation was published for the further Proro∣gation of the Parliament viz. to the 10th. of May, 1689. On the 8th. of February, Thomas Saxton was brought to his Tryal at the Kings Bench-Bar, upon an Indictment of Perjury in wilfully Forswearing him∣self at the Tryal of Henry Lord Delamere, and the Jury found him Guilty without going from the Bar, and afterward recei∣ved

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Sentence to stand in the Pillory be∣fore VVestminsterx-Hall gate, Temple Bar and the Royal Exchange, and to be Whiped from New-gate to Tyburn, and to pay 500 Marks as a Fine▪ and he did stand in the Pillory, and was Whiped.

Phlibert Vernatti, who had been Attaint∣ed by Outlawry, for Murthering Sr. Edmun∣bury Godfry, appeared likewise at the Kings-Bench, and being admitted to Re∣verse the Outlawry by Writ of Error, took a kind of a pretended Tryal, as knowing doubtless no Witness would appear, for that Miles Prance and others being called, and not coming into Court▪ the Jury was necessiated to Aquit him; and the Par∣liament Meeting on the 10th. of February, was Prorogued by Commission to the 10th. of May.

On the 13th. of February, Sr. Thomas Jenner, was Appointed one of the Baro•••• of the Exchequer, in the place of Sr. VVilliam Gregory, and Sr. Henry Bedingfield was Appointed a Justice of the Common-Pleas, in the stead of Sr. Creswel Levens, and Sr. John Holt was Constituted Re∣corder of London.

On the 10th. of March, 1685. The King-Signed a Proclamation of General Pardon; yet full of Exceptions in Sundry

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matters and cases Excluding from the be∣nefit of it, a great number by Name, especially the most considerable Persons that had Escaped the Battle of Sedgmore, or were concerned in the business of the VVest; however divers Addresses followed it, and sundry clusters were granted or restored, and thus ended the most Re∣markable Transactions of the year, 1685.

The year 1686. began with Storms, in which, a great many Ships were cast away, and the shoars in many places were strew'd with Wrecks &c. And on the 21st. of April Sr. Thomas Jones, Lord Cheif Justice of the Common-Pleas, VVilliam Montague Esq Lord Cheif Baron of the Exchequer, Sr. Job Charleton, one of the Justices of the Common-pleas, and Sir Edward Nevil, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, had their Quietus, and others appointed in in the stead, however Sir Job Charleton was made Cheif Justice of Checter; and a Call of Serjeants was made by Writ, and they took their Oaths accordingly at the Chancery-Bar the first day of Easter Term, and performed the Ceremonies usual on that occasion; Presenting Rings with this Motto viz. Deus Rex Lex: And an Order about this time was Published by the King and Council, strictly Commanding any

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one to Betrary or Seduce any Person to the Forreign Plantations in America &c. with∣out their Consent, and being lawfully bound before a Majestrate, or such as should be thereunto Appointed; which for a time, together, with some Examples made of Kidnappers detered▪ those Leud People from puting so great a Wickedness▪ in Practice.

The Earl of Murray, being Appointed the Kings High-Commissioner in Scotland, the Parliament of that Kingdom accord∣ing to Adjournment, met the 29th. of April, where the High Commissioner let them know the Kings Esteem of their Loyalty, and what was further to be done and Ex∣pected, &c. And now the French Pro∣testants coming over in great Numbers, a Book was Published of the Cruelties act∣ed by the French King and his Ministers towards his Subjects of the Reformed Re∣ligion, at which the French Ambassador Residing at the English Court, found him∣self much Agrieved, pretending it Re∣flected upon his Master, whereupon an Oder was put out to Supress it, and to Discover the Translator and Printer, that they might be Prosecuted, and that a Printed Copy in French, and another in English should be Burnt by the Hands of

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Common Hang-man, which was accord∣ingly done before the Royal Exchange.

On the 10th. of May, the Parliament meeting at Westminster, and some Debates Arising about Papists, and other unquali∣fied Persons who had got into Offices of great Trust without taking the Oaths, Test, or Sacrament according as the Law Required under a Penalty of 5000 l. They were further Prorogued to the 22d. of November, and a Proclamation was pub∣lished, forbiding all Persons from using the Trade of a Pedler, or Petty Chap∣man, unless such as should be Licensed or Authorized, and Offices were appointed for that purpose, but the Countries as well as a great number of poor people finding the In-convenience of it, it soon fell and came to nothing.

On Wednesday, May the 13th. Her Roy∣al Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark, was Delivered of a Daughter at Windsor, which was Christened by the Lord Bishop of Duersem, being Named Ann Sophia.

On the 14th. of May, Miles Prance, commonly called the Brass Siver-smith, a person who had been Instrumental in the Discovery of the Death of Sir Edmund Bury Gdfry, was brought to the Kings-Bench-Bar, and an Information there Exhibited

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against him for Wilful and Malicious Per∣jury, as to the Evidence he gave at the Tryal of Green, Bury, and Hill, who were Executed at Tyburn for the aforesaid Murther, where upon the Information be∣ing Read; after some preamble, he Pleaded Guilty, and declared his Sorrow for what he had done, Aledging he had falsly Sworn against those persons, though, but a very few believed, but that fear of Punishment, and hopes of Reward, made him go back and deny what not only in Courts, but other places he had so frequently Avered; and being brought up the last day of the Term, he was Fined 100l. and ordered to Appear before the Courts of Westmin∣ster, with a Paper on his Head Declaring his Offence; and that he should stand in the Pillory before Westminster-Hall, the Royal Exchange, and at Charing Cross, and moreover be Whiped fron New-gate to Tyburn, yet the Fine and Whiping were afterwards Remitted.

On the 21th. of June Mr. Samuel John∣son was Tryed at the Kings-BenchBar, up∣on an Information of High-Misdemeanour for Writing and Publishing a Paper, Ad∣vising the Protestant Soldiers and Seamen not to joyn with the Papist to ruin the Protestant Religion; for which a Verdict

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was given against him, and he received a very severe Sentence, which was exe∣cuted with great Rigour; for about this time the Council of the Priests began o∣penly to prevail, and they gloried to ex∣ert the Influence they had over some Ma∣gistrates to Rigour and Cruelty, against such especially as had opposed their Pra∣ctices, and proceeded to set up and build Chapples, and places for publickly Cele∣brating Mass, and divers were troubled for opposing them, though the Law was expresly against their proceedings.

A great Robbery having in the Kentish Road been committed on the Holland Mail, and as much Dust Gold taken out, as came to about 3000 l. Richard Alborough, Oliver Haly, John Conde, who were con∣cerned in the Robbery, were brought to the Kings Bench Bar, where the first con∣fessed the Fact, and the two others were found Guilty, and received Sentence as in case of Fellony and Robbery, &c.

The Charter of New-England about this time was proceeded against, and Judgment obtained upon Scire Facis, whereupon followed many Alterations in that Collony, Sir Edmond Andrews being appointed Governour; and divers that had formerly held places were dismissed.

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On the 22th. of August, the King Na∣med Dr. Cartwrite, Dean of Rippon, to be Bishop of Chester, and Dr. Samuel Parker, Arch-Deacon of Canterbury, to be Bishop of Oxford; those Sees being Vacant by the Death of Dr. John Pearson, and Dr. John Fell: And the King began his Pro∣gress into the VVest, where he Conferred the Honour of Knight-hood on divers Persons, and laboured to settle the Minds of the People, which were disturbed by the bold attempts of the Popish Clergy, and the continuing many in Office that were no ways Favourers of the Protestant Religion; and Visited Marleborough, Bad∣minster, Bristol, Bridgwater, VVillton, Southampton, Portsmouth, &c. and was very splendidly entertained.

On the 8th. of October the Earl of Tyr∣connel was Sworn of the King's Privy Council, and took his Place at the Council-Board, at VVhite-Hall accordingly: and the Parliament was Prorogued to the 15 day of February by Proclamation; and the 14th of October, the King's Birth-Day, by an express Command was kept with great strictness in London, VVestminster, &c. and on the 17th. Dr. John Lloyd, Bishop of St. Davids, Dr. Samuel Parker, Bishop of Oxford, and Dr. Thomas Cartwrite, Bi∣shop

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of Chester, were Consecrated at Lambeth, &c.

On the 29th. of October Sir John Peak was sworn Lord Mayor of the City of Lodon, before the Barons of the Exche∣quer at VVestminster, and the City re∣ceived him with the usual splendour and magnificence, and on the 22th. of Novem∣ber, the Parliament meeting, was further Prorogued, as specified by Proclamation, to the 15th. of February: And in the be∣ginning of January the King appointed the Lord John Bellasis, Sidney Lord Godl∣phin, Henry Lord Dover, Sir John Earnly, and Sir Stephen Fox, Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Trea∣surers of England; and the Parliament by Proclamation was further Prorogued to the 28th. day of April, 1687.

On the 2d. of February the Lady Anne Sophia, youngest Daughter to their R. High∣nesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark dyed, after about a Fort-nights Illness; and on the 4th. privatelyIntered in the Vault of the Royal Families in K. Henry the VII. Chapple; and unhappily to se∣cond this misfortune, the Lady Mary, Daughter to their Royal Highnesses, dyed the 8th. of February in the Evening, after an Illness of 3 Weeks, and was privately

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Interred as the former on the 0th. And about this time the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon being re-called, the Earl of Tyrconnel (to the little satisfaction of the Prote••••ants) was appointed Lord De∣puty of the Kingdom of Ireland, where after he had been some time detained by contrary Winds he arrived, and was re∣ceived at Dub••••n (by those of his Sticklers) with Acc••••ma••••••••s of Joy; and from that time the I••••sh Papists began to date their hopes of subjectin the Protestants, and bragged, that their Religion should not long co••••inue: And indeed, this Earl did all he could to surpress it, by placing and dis••••••ing Offices and Mi∣nisters in S••••••••ns Military and Civil, by n ncontrolable Power, refusing to shew ny War••••••••, or gve the least reason for his so 〈◊〉〈◊〉▪ and all 〈◊〉〈◊〉 a ••••ddain a Pro∣clamation was sent to the Co••••cl of Scot∣land, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 sed in 〈…〉〈…〉 Letter, for Li∣berty of cons••••ce, as ••••ll for Roman Ca∣••••••licks, as other 〈◊〉〈◊〉, only Field-Convenci••••••••, and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Meetings▪ and such like 〈◊〉〈◊〉, and to suspend all Laws, &c. 〈◊〉〈◊〉 ••••csants and Con∣venticie 〈◊〉〈◊〉 that hould peacefully meet, dis anulling 〈…〉〈…〉 Tests, and other Mat∣ters, 〈…〉〈…〉 were rended unqua∣lified

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or uncapable of holding Places and Trusts in the Government; and appoint∣ing a new Oath to acknowledge his Right and Power, and not to take up, or bear Arms against him, but to oppose such as should attempt it; to which a suitable Letter was returned, Signed by the chief Ministers of State of that Kingdom, pro∣mising Obedience. And now many Ro∣man Catholicks being Commissioned for the Peace throughout England, and Dis∣penced with from taking the Oaths, and Tests of Qualification. The Protestant Justices of the County of Middlesex, de∣sired the same Dispensation might be al∣lowed them. To which the King reply∣ed; He took it kindly their putting Confidence in him, and he would take care of them.

The New Lord Deputy of Ireland, finding his violent Proceedings much di∣satisfied the greater part of the People, and occasioned Reflections on them, the better to palliate the Matter, Isued out Three Proclamations, One to assure the People of his good Intentions towards them, commanding the Magistrates to ap∣prehend, and bring to Justice, the spread∣ers of Reports, tending otherways: Ano∣ther, for preserving the Forces in good Order and Discipline: And a Third, for suppressing Tories and Robbers.

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On the 18th. of March, the King being in Council at White-Hall, Declared his In∣tention further to Prorogue the Parliament, to the 22d. of November, 1687. And that he intended a General Toleration of Liberty of Conscience, to his Subjects; and for that end, he designed to Publish his Declarati∣on, for a general Liberty of Conscience, to all Persons, of what Perswasion soever, &c. The Attorney, and Sollicitor General, were forbidden to suffer Process, to Issue out in the King's Name, against any Dis∣senter whatsoever; and a Proclamation was Issued out for a futher Porogation of the Parliament; and with these Proceed∣ings, concluded the Year, 1686.

On the 4th. of April, 1687. A Declara∣tion for Liberty of Conscience was Signed by the King at VVhite Hall, promising amongst other things, to Protect and Maintain the Arch-Bishops, Bishops, and Clergy, and all others of the Church of England, in the Free Exercise of their Religion, as by Law Established, &c. and that the Penal Laws, and all Tests, should be laid aside; and no longer useful, for distinguishment of Opinion, or keeping Persons of any Perswasion out of Places of Trust; direct∣ing how, and in what manner they should meet in their several Assemblies, and upon

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what notice, &c. Upon this, both Papists and Dissenters, began to spread sundry Scandalous and Malicious Libels, against the Conduct of the Church Established; and doubted not, but this great Engine, would make her totter; but it proved otherwise, and this dividing, made way for a surer Establishment: However, di∣vers flattering Addresses followed from sun∣dry Perswasions, promoted for the most part, by Underhand Insinuation; for the Priests were every where busie in making their Advantage, and several Alterations were made in the Judges, and Ministers of State; many of the Judges having given their Opinions for the Dispencing Power; and it having been carryed for Sir Edward Hales, in the King's-Bench Court, upon an Action brought against him by his Coach∣man, for Five Hundred Pounds, according to the Statutes, for taking upon him a Place of Trust, without being Qualified by the Oathes, &c. On the 22d. of April, the King removed the Lod Chief Justice Her∣bert, to the Common Pleas; and the Lord Chief Justice Wright, to the Kings-Bench; and Sir Francis Withens, one of the Justices of the Kings-Bench, had his Quietus: And now the D. of Buckingham dying, his Gar∣ter was given to the Earl of Sunderland,

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and he was made a Knight Companion of the Order; and Sir Richard Allebone, a Roman Catholick, who had been 〈◊〉〈◊〉 and a Serjeant at Law, by the King's Writ, was sworn on the 28th. of April, one of the Justices of the King's-Bench, before the Lord Chancellor. And the Parliament meeting at VVestminster, were by Commis∣sion Prorogued to the 22d. of November.

The Army being all this while on Foot, and several Campaigns held at Hounslow-Heath, where Two Cnppels were erected; one for the Roman Catholicks, and ano∣ther for the Protestants: The ••••ege of Buda was appointed to be Acted, but it being like to come to earnest, about Priori∣ty; and some Bullets being shot, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 was gi∣ven over; and some of the Judges having given their Opinion, that it was Death by the Law of the Land, for a Soldier ntering into Pay, & Deserting his Colors without Leave, though in time of Peace; divers were tryed and executed: and now d∣dresses, came crouding from all 〈◊〉〈◊〉▪ of Thanks for Liberty of Conscience, &c. The publick Papers being Weekly filed with them, &c. And the Priests proceeded to Build Chaples in St. John's, Limes-Street, Bucklers Bury, Lincolns-sn-Fields; and in most places giving out what Advantages

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they had gained, and how near they were to the Consummating their Wishes; but 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Man Proposes, God Disposes; nor were the Quakers (a thing unusual in those People) behind-hand in their Comple∣ments and Addresses, which induced ma∣ny to believe, that some Jesuits in Disguise were gotten amongst them.

About this time arrived a Ship, very Richly aden with Gold and Silver from the VVest-Indies, Commanded by Captain VVilliam Phillips, who afterward was Knighted for this Exploit; and this Trea∣sure, with several pieces of Canon▪ were the Wreck of a Spanish Galleon, about 40. Years since; and recovered by Diving in 14 and 15 Fathom Water, in a strong Sea, running between divers Rocks and Islands; the Treasure amounted to about 200000 l. and was partnered amongst those that had fitted him out, of whom, the Duke of Al∣bermarle was principal; but others going to attempt the like, returned without Success; and Sir John Narborough dyed in the En∣terprize.

And now contrary to Expectation, the King Published a Proclamation, for the Dissolution of the Parliament, given at Hampon Court, on the Second of July, 1687. and upon an Embassy sent to Rome,

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the Pope sent hither in Quality of his Nuncio, Ferdinand d' Adda, Arch-Bishop of Amasia, &c. who on the 3d. of July, had his publick Audience at VVindsor, and was received with a profound solemnity, and had a place prepared for his Re∣ception.

An other Robery having been committed on the Holland Male, and rough Diamonds taken thence, to the value of 6750. l. a Reward of 500. Guineas, and a Pardon was offered to any that should discover and restore them.

About the middle of July, Commissio∣ners were appointed to Sit in divers Coun∣ties, on sundry Days, for the Sale of the Estates of such as had been in the West with the D. of Monm. and publick notice was given, of the Days and Places of their Sitting, at Eight in the Morning, at the Respective Places, &c. and on the 23d. ar∣rived an Express from Rome, of the Death of the Dutchess of Modena, the Queen's Mother; whereupon, the Court went into Mourning.

And now the Queen to divert her Me∣lancholy for the Death of her Mother, went to the Bath, where in August the King made his Progress, and visited di∣vers places in his way, and giving neces∣sary

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Orders, whilst Addresses were crow∣ded upon him by the Dissenters, who be∣gan to murmure at, and reproach the Church of England Men, for not doing the like. The King going more Wester∣ly, the Earl of Tyrconnel came to wait upon him, giving out, it was only to pay Him his Duty, for the Favours bestowed upon him. This Progress was the longest that had been, and was attended with many splendid Entertainments and Comple∣ments; the Queen in the mean while con∣tinued at the Bath, expecting his retur•••• During these proceedings, a kind of Crea∣tures called Regulators, had been abroad, and new moulded the Corporations, plac∣ing and dis-placing at pleasure, labouring with the People, to give them their word, that if any of them were chosen Members of Parliament they should be for taking away the Penal Laws and Test, &c. Or Vote for the election of such as should do it; however the wiser sort seeing further into the matter, answered but very cold∣ly, and only some that were Hot headed Addressed upon this occasion, promising to do it whenever the King should be pleased to call a Parliament. Father Petre a crafty Jesuit, was already got into the Council, and carried a main stroak at

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Count, unhappy for the King; for his vi∣olent proceedings began to break the Mea∣sures that were taken, the Suspending the Lord Bishop of London, for not Suspend∣ing Dr. Sharp, Dean of Norwich, for ar∣guing against Popery, in a Sermon at St. Giles's in the Fields, the erecting a new Ec∣clesiastical Court, and the Imposing Obadi∣ah Walker, a known Papist, and other Papists, Fellows of Magdelen Colledge, and turning out such Fellows as would not ac∣knowledge Samuel Parker, Bishop of Ox∣ford, President; and the Ministers in di∣vers places being threatned for detecting the Errors of the Romish Church in their Ser∣mons, and commanded not to meddle therein, began to open the Eyes of most, and make them see there was something extraordinary intended. Several new Creations of Honour were made, and many of the Protestant Lords sent on Em∣bassies, and other Affairs beyond the Seas; the Duke of Albemarle was made Go∣vernour of Jam••••a, where some time after he Dyed. Sir Robert Holmes was or∣dered away with a Squadron of Ships to surpress the Pirates in the VVest India's, with a power to destroy all such as would not submit, or come in, within in time li∣mited; and Father Petre was appointed

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one of the Over-seers of the Building of St. Pauls, by whose advice the Founda∣tions were Inlarged, and the Work car∣ied on with more than ordinary pressing, as hoping (no doubt) it should call St. Peter's Church at Rome Couzen. Father Ellis, Father Leyb••••n, and other Popish Bishops took the power of Licensing into their Hands▪ and not only Licensed all manner of Papers that reflected upon the Church and Clergy of England, but in couraged every little Scoundrel that brought and promoted them, allowing Pensions to Mercenary Scriblers for that purpose; so that it might easily be guessed which way things were going. At first, indeed the Popish Clergy were bold to offer open Disputes with our Divines, but finding themselves baffled, and the Ar∣guments they brought Confuted, they (upon second Thought) concluded it dis∣advantagious, and not only Shunned it, but as much as in them lay, Locked up the Press, and prevented the coming out of any Vindications against their Callum∣nies; however, many stole into the World, and especially that notable piece, called, A Letter to a Dissenter; shewing their imminent Danger, which was fell upon with great Fury, and divers insigni∣ficant

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Answers put out, which rather in∣creased than hindred the Peoples good O∣pinion of the unknown Author.

On the 29th. of October Sir John Shor∣ter having been appointed by the King to take upon him the Office of Lord Mayor of London, was Sworn at Westminster, be∣fore the Barons of the Exchequer; and the King, attended by the Pope's Nuncio, the French Ambassador, and other Foreign Ministers and Noblemen, Dined with the Lord Mayor at Guild Hall, where the En∣tertainment was very sumptuous.

On the 10th. of December the Commis∣sioners that had been appointed for Eccle∣siastical Causes, and for Visiting all Cathe∣drals, Collegiate Churches, and Col∣ledges, &c. met, and going upon the Mat∣ter of St. Mary Magdelen Colledge in Oxford; they Declared, Decreed, and Pronounc∣ed, That Dr. Hough, Dr. Charles Alde∣worth, Dr. Henry Fairfax, Dr. Alexander Pudsey, Dr. John Smith, Dr. Thomas Baily, Dr. Thomas Stafford, Mr. Robert Almont, Mr. Mainwarning Hammond, Mr. John Rogers, Mr. Richard Strickland, Mr. Henry Dobson, Mr. James Baily, Mr. John Davis, Mr. Francis Bagshaw, Mr. James Fayzer Mr. Joseph Harwar, Mr. Thomas Bateman, Mr. George Hunt, Mr. VVilliam Cradock,

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Mr. John Gillam, Mr. George Flham, Mr. Charles Penestone, Mr. Robert Hyde, Mr. Edward Yerbury, Mr. Hnry Holding, and Mr. Stephen VVilks, should be Incapable of Receiving, or being Admitted to any Ecclesiastical Dignity, Benifice or Promo∣tion; and such of them that were not as then in Holy Orders, were adjudged in∣capable of receiving or being admitted in∣to the same; and all Arch-Bishops, Bi∣shops, and other Ecclesiastical Officers, were required to take Notice of the Sen∣tence and Decree, and yield Obedience to it: However, these worthy Gentle∣men, though turned out to make way for the Creatures of the Popish Bishops, were kindly received wherever they came, and not a little applauded for their Resolution, rather to relinquish then give a president of Innovation upon that Foundation. And in this Month (as a Fore-runner of the Miseries Ireland has since suffered) an extraordinary Innundation happened at Dublin, Rings-End, Cork, and other places, occasioned by violent Rains, the Water not only breaking down the Bridges; but rising even to the first and second Stories, so that Boats for some days Rowed in the Streets. A great deal of Goods and Cat∣tle were destroyed, and some Persons pe∣rished

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in the Rapidity of the Torrent.

On the 16th. of December a Proclama∣tion was Published for Prizing of Wines, allowing for Canary Wines, by Retail, no more than Nine Pence the Pint, and so proportionably, Land-Carriage being con∣sidered, in any distant place from London: And it being given out, that the Queen was with Child, for which it is reported, a great Offering had been made at th Shrine of the Lady of Loretto; a Procla∣mation was put forth, appointing a pub∣lick Thanksgiving and Prayer throughout the Kingdom, that is, in the Cities of London and Westminster, on the 15th. of January, and ten Mlies thereabout, and on the 29th. throughout the Kingdom; and Prayers were formed and published to that end, and read in the Churches upon the Days mentioned. This made the Papists greatly rejoyce, and not stick to declare before hand it was a Son; and many Flattering Poems were Written and published on that occasion, and the Priests spread it loudly in their Sermons, Attributing it as a Miracle to the Virgin Mary, or as a return of the Offering, &c. And the privy Council of Scotland made an Act likewise for a publick and solemn Thanksgiving throughout that Kingdom,

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to the same end, bearing Date the 17th. of January, 1687.

And now to smooth with the Dissenters, Commissioners were Appointed to Inquire what Monies or Goods had been Received or Seized by any Persons Ecclesiastical or Civil, within the Cities of London or West∣minster, or the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, or Surry, from the 29th. of September, 1677. For matters Relating to Religion, directing them to places where they should be heard and Redressed; and this way of Proceeding, made a great noise through∣out the Kingdom for a while, but in the end it fell a sleep, and came to little or nothing. On the 2d. of March, a Procla∣mation was Exhibited, for-biding the Sub∣jects of England, &c. to go into any For∣reign Service without leave by Sea or Land, as they would Answer it at their utmost Peril; and upon some Complaints that the Soldiers in Pay were Disorderly in their Quarters; a General Court Marshal consisting of General Officers, and Officers of the Army were Appointed to meet at the Horse Guard every Friday morning to hear and Redress Grievances of that kind, and commanded not to spare any for Respect or Favour, that should be found Culpable.

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Upon Notice that the King Intended o Recal his Forces in the Service of the States of Holland, they Circumvented it by Disbanding them, and Listing them a new, such as would be Listed into their own Service; before our Ambassador Re∣ceived his Orders, to Require their being sent Home; or at least had made them known to the States General, so that the King finding himself Disappointed, publish∣ed a Proclamation bearing date the first of March, Commanding the Return of all his Subjects who had taken Arms, or were n the Service of the States General of the United Neitherlands, either by Land or Sea, upon pain of being proceeded against, if Refusing; and the English Ships had a strict Charge to give such free Passage, as would Return, whereupon a great many Officers, though but few of the Soldiers, came o∣er. And now the Mass-Houses growing numerous, the Rable began to Stomack ••••t, who are frequently the first on such occasions, and broke the Windows, where∣upon the Trained-Bands had Orders to be in Arms to prevent it, Especially on Sundays; and several Youths were taken, and Committed to Prison, but upon making Friends, most of them got off without Punishment; and now many who

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had been very forward upon the first Pub∣lishing Liberty of Conscience, appearing more Wavering; the King Renewed it by a Second Declaration, wherein he more Amply Declared his Pleasure as to the manner and management of that Affair, and this was dated the 27th. day of April 1688. but some Ill willers to the Church of England Clergy, finding they were not greatly Concerned at these Proceedings, Resolved to try them further, and thereupon so dealt, that the King caused the following Order to be Pub∣lished, viz.

At the Court of White-Hall, the Fourth of May, 1688.

By the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and the Lords of His Majesties most Honourable Privy-Council.

IT is this day Ordered by his Majesty in Council; that his Majesties Late Gracious Declaration, bearing date the 27th. of April last, be Read at the usual time of Divine Service, upon the 20th. and 27th. of this Month, in all Churches and Chapples, within the Cities of London, and Westminster; and Ten Miles thereabout: And upon the 3d. and 10th. of June next, in all other Churches

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nd Chapples throughout the Kingdom: And t is hereby further Ordered, that the Right Reverend the Bishops, Cause the said Declara∣ion to be sent and destributed throughout their Respective Diocesses, to be Read Accordingly.

Very few complyed with this, for ma∣ny of the Bishops refused to meddle, or end any Declaration or Order of this kind; whereupon the Popish party, and others began to Rant at a high Rate, and Charged them with Disobedience and Disloyalty, puting out many Scandalous Pamphlets on that occasion; yet, at the same time Rejoyced to see this non Com∣plyance, as thinking thereby to gain an ad∣vantage by the Kings being Exasperated; but that which they, thought would have most availed them, broke all their mea∣sures; for the Lord Arch-Bishop of Can∣erbury, the Lords Bishop of Chichester, Bath and Wells, Bristol, Ely, Peterborough, and St. Asaph, thought it neccisary in their lames, and on the behalf of others, humbly to Petition the King to Remit the Order for the Declaration to be Read in Churches in the time of Divine Service; but those of that Reverend Body, that delivered it, had not only a slighting An∣swer, but the afore Named Worthy Men

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were Summoned to Appear before the King in Council at VVhite-Hall, where the Lord Chancellor Jesseries, and divers Popish Lords Sat to Examin them, and after they had given their Reasons, why they could not comply, they were con∣trary to the Expection of a vast number of People, who waited to hear the Issue, sent to the Tower by Water; and whilst they remained there, News was spread a∣broad that the Queen was Delivered of a Son at St. James's, between 9 and 10 in the Morning, when about Noon the Coun∣cil met and ordered, there should be a general Thanks Giving observed in the Cities of London and VVestminster; and Parts Adjacient on the 14th. of June, and in 14 days after, in all other Parts of the Kingdom, and that notice should be given of this Birth to the Lord Mayor of Lon∣don, that Bone-fires and publick Rejoycings might be made, which was performed, and the Tower Guns Discharged, to Signi∣fie it at a greater distance; and Dr. VVal∣grave, the Queens Physitian was Knighted in the Kings Bed-Chamber, for the Skill and Dilligence he had used; and on the 10th. of June, the Marchioness of Powis, was Sworn by the Lord Chamberlain of the House-hold, Lady Governess of their

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Majesties Children, and the Lady Strick∣land under Governess; and a Proclama∣tion was published for a Publick Thanks∣giving, and a Form of Prayer and Thanks∣giving, ordered to be drawn up, and dis∣persed to the divers Churches and Chapples of England, VVales, &c.

On the 15th. of June, the Lord Arch-Bishop, and the other Bishops that were Committed to the Tower, were brought by Habeas Corpus to the Kings-Bench; where the Attorny General had Exhibited an In∣formation against them, for Contriving, Making and Publishing (as they term'd it) a Seditious Libel against His Majesty and the Government; to which, they severaly Pleaded not Guilty; and had that day fortnight Appointed for their Tryal, and upon entering into Recognizance, for their further Appearance; they were Dismissed the Court, and the same day in the Eve∣ning, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, came from the Bath.

The 17th. day of June, Appointed for the Thanks-giving being come, within the City of London, &c. the Conduits were ordered to run with Wine, which ac∣cordingly they did, and the Streets in the Evening every where shined with Fires, the

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Bells Ringing &c. and most of the Cities Towns in England, followed the Exampl of London, as well upon the first News upon the Thanks-giving day.

On the 26. of June, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 was a new 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of Serjeant at Law, out of several In•••• Court, wh were Swo•••• in the Chance•••• Court, performing the usual Ceremo•••••• and ga•••• ings with this Motto, viz. R Princp & Christian Libertas; and th Lord Mayor and his Brethren the Alde mon••••et to 8. Ja••••s's, and Presented th 〈◊〉〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Chamber ain with Gol to be Distributed by the Marchioness 〈◊〉〈◊〉 his Governss as Custom directed; 〈…〉〈…〉 ordered by an Order of Council, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉〈◊〉 for in all publick Prayers fo tho 〈◊〉〈◊〉 amily, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 to the King an 〈…〉〈…〉 ••••ssion of Common prayer, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 commanded to be Printe 〈◊〉〈◊〉 the Alteration.

〈◊〉〈◊〉 now the Bishops coming upo their Tryals, at the Kings-Bench-Court i Westminster, after a long and full hearing on all sides, with many Arguments o Council against Dispensing Power, and th Lawfulness of such a way of Petitioning they were Acquitted, and gain'd to them selves as Worthy Confessors, a lasting Memory in the minds of good Men

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however, it so far displeased some at Court, that Sir Richard Holloway, and Sir John Powel, two of the Justices of this Bench, were Removed, for they had delivered their Opinions in favour of the Bishops, and indeed, only Sir Richard Allebors a devoted Papist, pressed it strongly against them; so that upon notice of their deliver∣ance; the Shouts of the People Echoed in all places; in some places the Bells were rung, and Bone fires made, &c.

This gave a sensible blow to the designs of the Popish Clergy, so that some of them confessed it had broke all the measures they had been taking for many years, and indeed it so opened the Eyes of the People, that their Projects became visible, and they were often Afronted in the Streets, and in their Mass-Houses; and about this time, the Brother of Edward Petre, the leading Jesuit, and now Clerk of the Kings Closet, holding forth at the Chapple in Lime-street, took occasion to Cavel with the Bible, declaring it false, and no rule of Faith, and having one in his hand tore out several Leaves at the same time and threw them amongst the People whereupon one that stood by gave him the Eye in his Pulpit, and there being sideings on both parts, it came to a Scuffle, in

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which, some were hurt, and it had gone very far, had not it been timely appeased; and from that very day, the Priest's might date their no Success in England, for all that were not Papist's, declared against their Practices, and talked loud against the Intreagues of Court; however, curious Machins of Fire-works were prepared on the Thames, to Celebrate the Infants Birth∣day, and performed before the King, Queen and the whole Court, with great variety on the 17th. of July; and the Ambassa∣dours, Envoys and Consuls Abroad, spar∣ed no Cost in the Courts of Forreign Prin∣ces on the like occasion; So that to appea∣rance of what is Related, it Cost the King above 200000 l. but the Joy was some time dashed, by the Infants falling ill at Richmond; where upon a Country Nurse, said to be the Wife of a Tile-maker, was provided for him, to give him Suck, he being before designed to be brought up by hand; And Envoys were sent from most of the Neighbouring Princes, to Congra∣tulate this Birth; but the most Memorable proceeding was at Rome, where Sir John Lydcot the Kings Agent, caused amongst other things, a piece of Painting to be drawn, Representing the Infant, in the Apparrel of a Knight of the Garter, sup∣ported

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by two Angels, surrounded with Lawrels descending from Heaven, and o∣ther Angels holding the Crowns of the Three Kingdoms, and his Sword, with seve∣ral Trophies; over him was a Plum of Feathers with the Device, and below, the Sun rising at a distance, Expressing his Birth, with the Representation of a Sea Battle, wherein the English Admiral was Triumphing over his Enemies. This Piece was hung over the Palace gate, in Rome, all hung with Dammask richly Laced and Fring'd with Gold, the King and Queens Picturs being on each side the piece, and the Popes, after the Roman manner: But all this Joy was soon after dashed by sur∣prizing News from beyond the Seas, as will appear in proper place, &c.

On the 24th. of August, the King de∣clared in Council, that he Intended pursu∣ant to a Declaration he had put forth to call a Parliament to meet on the 27th. of November, and directed the Lord Chan∣cellor to Issue out Writs on the 18th. of September; and the Addressers continued to make large Promises in divers of their Addresses, what they would do towards Chusing such Memers as should answer his Expectation &c. But however, the great Preparation in Holland; to make De∣cent;

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in England being by this time known at Court, a Proclamation contrary to the thoughts of most, was put forth, bearing date the 21st. of September, declaring a∣mongst other things. Involably to preserve the Church of England, by such a Confir∣mation of the several Acts of Uniformity, that they should never be Altered any o∣ther way the by Repealing the several Clauses which ••••flicted Penalties upon per∣•••• not promoted, or to be promoted up∣on any Ecclesiastical Benifice or Promoti∣on within the meaning of the said Acts, for using and exercising their Religion Contrary to the Tenor and Purport of the said Acts of Uniformity, and for the further securing, not only the Church of England, but the Protestant Religion in General; he was willing that the Roman Catholicks should remain Incapable to be Members of the House of Commons &c. this suddain Alteration made many Amaed, till the true cause was known, and then the Wonder ceased; for now as 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Papists as others were dismissed of the•••• Places; the King Authorizing and Im∣powring the Lord ieutena•••••• of the so∣cral Counties, to Grant Deputations to such Gentlemen as had been lately 〈◊〉〈◊〉 from being Deputy Li••••tenants, and

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directions were given to the Lord Chan∣cellor to put into the Commission of the Peace, such Gentlemen as were said aside, and should be Recommended by the Lord Lieutenants.

On the 30th. of September divers of the Bishops were sent for to White-Hall, and received into Favour; and the King let them know, that he would signifie his pleasure for taking off the Suspension of the Lord Bishop of London, which was done accordingly; and a Proclamation was Published, giving notice of the sud∣dain Invasion expected from Holand; and the Writs that had been Issued out for E∣lection of Members to sit in Parliament, were by this Proclamation re-called, and discharged: and all People Commanded to be in a readness fo Defence, and charged on pain of High Treas•••• no to be Corresponding, Aiding 〈◊〉〈◊〉 or Countenancing any of the Inaders, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 And hereupon the Duk•••• of 〈…〉〈…〉 erwick were Elected Knight 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of the Order, and 〈…〉〈…〉 the arter and George, having 〈◊〉〈◊〉 first Knighted by the Soveraign; and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 ew Commissions were given out to raise Men in divers Counties, whlst some oble Men came in to offer their Service. And

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now the Church of England came again into the Thoughts of the Court; the King being pleased to declare in Council on the 5th. of October, That in pursuance to his In∣tention and Resolution to Protect the Church of England, and that all Suspitions and Jea∣lousies to the contrary might be removed, He thought fit to dissolve the Commission for Cau∣ses Ecclesiastical, &c. And accordingly gave Directions to the Lord Chancellour, that it might be forth-with done. And his Grace the Duke of Newcastle was ap∣pointed Lord Lieutenant of the Three Ridings of the County of York.

On the 6th. the City of London had re∣restored to her, all her Ancient Franchises and Priviledges, as fully as she injoyed them before the Judgment upon the Quo Warranto, and the Lord Chancellour Jef∣ferys brought an Instrument of Restitu∣tion and Confirmation under the great Seal of England; and Sir John Eyles, who by appointment succeeded Sir John Shor∣ter (he Dying before the expiration of his Mayoralty) had his Quietus, Sir Iohn Chapman being by this Instrument appoin∣ted Lord Mayor, until the Feast of Si∣mon and Jude, and was Sworn in the Guild-Hall, with the usual Solemnity; and the Aldermen that were in being at the time

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of the said Judgment, were restored to their places, and the Vacancies left, to be supplyed by Election, according to the Ancient Custom. And from this Message no doubt, the Chancellor took a presage of his falling Greatness, for instead of be∣ing received with Shouts and Acclama∣tions, he was affronted in his return by several Inferiour Persons, and took it ve∣ry patiently, contrary to his wonted fiery Humour; yet the Lord Mayor, Alder∣men and Sheriffs, Addressed the King upon this occasion, as likewise did the Lieutenancy of the City. And the Lords of the Privy Council of Scotland, sent a Letter signed by many of them, to let the King know into what a Postu•••• they had put that Kingdom for Defence.

On the 10th. of October the King was pleased to signifie, That having received several Complaints, of great Abuses and Ir∣regularities committed in the late Regulations of Corporations, He thought fit to Authorize and Require the Lords Lieutenants of the se∣veral Counties, to inform themselves of all such Abuses and Irregularities within their Lieutenancies, and to make forthwith Report thereof to himself, together with what they conceived fit to be done for redressing the same; and that then be would give such further Or∣ders

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as should be requisite: And hereupon some few Addresses followed; and the Lord Bishop of Winchester was impowered as Visitor of St. Mary Magdelens Colledge in Oxford, to settle the Society regularly and statutably; whereupon the Popish Tribe was turned out, and those worthy Persons who had been causelesly dismissed, restored to their fellowships, &c. and had power to chuse themselves a Presi∣dent.

On the 13th. of October Sir John Chap∣man was Elected Lord Mayor for the ensuing Year, and Sir Humphry Edwin, and Mr. John Fleet, afterwards Knighted by the King, were Elected Sheriffs, and Si Peter Rich Chamberlain. And a Procla∣mation, bearing Date the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 was pu∣lished for restoring Corporatione to the ancient Charters. Liberties, Rghts and Franchises, and to displace many of those who bore Offices, or ha plces of Truff unduly obtained, by the taking away such Charters, or put in by the Regu∣lators, and leave for 〈◊〉〈◊〉 a had been wrongfully 〈…〉〈…〉 though late, this 〈…〉〈…〉 he had been ab••••ed and Imposed on, by such as sought their own advantage and

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revenge, before his rue Interest, and the well-fare of the Kingdoms.

And now the Infant having before been privately Christened, was Solemnly na∣med at the Chapple of St. James's, amidst the Ceremonies and Rites of Baptism, as used in the Church of Rome, viz. James, Francis, Edward, the Pope by his Nun∣cio standing for God-Father, and the Queen Dowager as God-mother; and di∣vers new Lord Lientenants were appoint∣ed in the Countys, &c. And a Procla∣mation, bearing date the 20th. of October, was published for driving all Cattle of Draught, Oxen, &c. 20 Miles from the Shoar; and that the Coasts should be di∣ligently Guarded, which was given in charge to those that were in power in the respective Counties, as well Civil as Mi∣itary. And although a considerable Ar∣my was on Foot, under the Command of the Earl of Feversham, as also a Fleet at Sea, under the Command of the Earl of Dart∣outh; yet such par••••ck ear had seized the Priests, and such Ministers of State as wore 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of evil Practices, that they were prpar•••• to be on the Wing, and made it a great part of the•••• Business to gaze upon the Weather-Cocks, and ob∣serve which way the Wind stood, and to

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that end a Vane was placed on the highest part of the Banquetting-House, where it yet remains: and Sutlers were Incouraged more than ordinary to follow the Army with Provisions and other Necessaries. And now the Legality of the Birth of the Infant being much discoursed of abroad, an Extraordinary Council was called on the 22th. of October, where by the King's desire and appointment, the Queen Dow∣ager, and divers of the Peers, as well Spi∣ritual as Temporal, that were about the Town, as also the Lord Mayor and Alder∣men of London, and the Judges, with se∣veral of the Kings Council at Law, the Ladies, Lords, and others that were pre∣sent at the time the Queen was held to be in Labour, did likewise appear, and De∣clare upon Oath what they knew con∣cerning or relating to the Bith, &c. which was afterward published at large, and soon after Theirs and other Deositi∣ons were by the Kings Order Inrolled in Chancery: and about this time the Eal of Sunderland was removed from being prin∣cipal Secrecary of State, and the Lord Viscount Preston appointed to take that Office upon him: and the Wind for the most part continued at S. W. and by S. so that though all things were in a readiness,

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and the Dutch Fleet labouring to get to Sea, it was for a time obstructed, which made the Priests Insinuate into the more foolish sort of Biggots, that the Virgin Mary had commanded the Wind not to shift its Quarter till Lady-day at soonest. And various Reports flying abroad, every one freely speaking as they thought, or stood affected, a Proclamation was pub∣lished to prevent the spreading of false News, but the Rumours rather increased, then lessened.

On the 29th. of October, Sir John Chap∣man was sworn Lord Mayor of the City of London, before the Barons of the Ex∣chequer; but the Solemnity was not great at his return, by reason of the Consternati∣on the People were in; also, to prevent Tu∣mults that might have happened, notwith∣standing, the Judges, and several of the Lords of the Privy-Council, dined with him at Grocers Hall.

In the begining of November, the Wind suddenly coming about, the Dutch Fleet weighed Anchor, and got to Sea, consist∣ing of 635. Men of War, Flyboats, Pinks, and Fire-Ships, on Board which, was his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, since King of England, &c. with divers great Commanders, as well English Noblemen,

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as others, and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Horse and Foot and on the 3d. of November, about 10 of the Clock in the Morning it appeared abou half Seas over, between Dover and Callais, steering a Chan••••l Course Westward, the Wind a very fresh Gale at East North East and was between Six and Seven Hours pas∣sing by Dover 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Fleet lying still (the Seame not being willing to sight on this Occasion) Yet a Fly-Boat, and some Stragling Victuallers, were brought into the River, by Scoutships, and such as were cruizing for Discovery; and on the Fifth of November, the Day of our former Deli∣verance from the Powder Plot, about 300 Sail of the Dutch Fleet came into Torbay, and divers into Brixham Key, where they Landed some Souldiers, whilst the rest were snt on Shoar in Boats, without any Opposition: The Country People, who in other cases being timerous and frighted from their Habitations, here, on the con∣trary, came flocking to the Shoar, and brought such Provisions as they hastily could get, to comfort and refresh the Sol∣diers. The Army being Landed, Marched toward Exeter, increasing as it went; and that City upon its approach, opened the Gates, and many of the Towns-Men Li∣sted themselves, only the Bishop left his

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Pallace, and came 〈◊〉〈◊〉 London, where the King appointed him to the Archiepis••••pal See of York, In which his Grace has been since confirmed? and now the Armies be ginning to move, the King 〈◊〉〈◊〉 out an Or¦der for the punctual Payment of Quarters and good Behaviour, &c. and a Proclama∣tion to supp•••••• Declaration omitted by the Prince; and the Train•••• A••••sery was ordered to be in a Readiness to mrch to Salisbury but the Court was extreamly startled, upon News that the Lord Cornbu∣ry was gone over, with a considerable Number of Horse and Dragoons, and that the Noblemen and Gentlemen went in daily; and even the whole Army▪ or the greater part of it shewed an open unwil∣lingness to Fight, against those that came to deliver us from Popery, &c.

Upon these Proceedings, Exetar air, and other Fairs in the West, were 〈◊〉〈◊〉 and on the 17th. of November, in the Afternoon, the King went to Windsor; and from thence continued his ourne to∣wards Salisbury, 〈…〉〈…〉 a General Bnde 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of 〈…〉〈…〉 dering the Privy Council to meet in his Absence, for the dispa•••• of Affirs, as Occasion should require; and the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 For∣ces, held to be 3 or 4000. that wre 〈◊〉〈◊〉

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over a little before by the Earl of Tyrconnel, marched into the West.

Whilst these things were doing, the Lord Delamere mustered a great many Forces upon Boddon Downs, and Declared for the Prince. The King arriving at Salisbury, was Lodged in the Bishop's Pallace, and while he continued there, a Skirmish hap∣pened between an advanced Party of Foot, who had gone too far from the main Body, or else were going to the Prince's Army, and Collonel Sarsefield, who commanded a Party of the King's Horse, Dragoons, and Granadiers, in which, the former be∣ing very unequal in number, were worsted, some being after a resolute defence killed, others taken Prisoners, and the rest esca∣ped; on the Kings part Four were killed, and Two wounded, one mortally; this happened near Wincanton, where the Foot upon the pursuit made after them, had posted themselves in a strong ground, and had had the better, had not a Countrey∣man discovered a place, where the Horse might enter.

The King finding great Numbers, as well Soldiers in his own Pay, as others, to go daily over, Published a Proclamation of General Pardon to such as would return within the space of 40. Days; as also, Par∣don

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and Protection to all such Foreigners, as should do the like; but it little or no∣thing availed, for we do not hear of any that returned. With these Discourage∣ments, the King came hastily from Salis∣bury, having first given Order for his Army to retreat, which was done with great Precipitation, even contrary to Expecta∣tion, considering for several Campaigns, it had attracted the wonder of many, on Hounslow Heath.

The King thus returning, and hearing that several strong Places had declared a∣gainst him, thought it convenient (in or∣der to quiet the People) to Call a Parlia∣ment: and Ordered the Lord Chancellour to Issue out Writs, for summoning a Par∣liament to meet at Westminster, the 15th. of January ensuing; and made Collonel Edward Griffin a Baron of this Kingdom, by the Name and Title of Lord Griffin of Braybrook, in the County of Northampton, after which, he caused his Proclamation to be Published for Calling a Parliament.

On the 9th. of December, his Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of York did Homage to the King, the Ceremonies of his Tran∣slation to that See, having been performed the Day before at Lambeth-House, by the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, assisted

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by the Bishops of St. Asaph, Ely, Rochester, and Pterborough.

Whilst these things happened, Hll, ork, Plimouth, and some other Places, were secured for the Prince's Interest, by divers Noble on and Gentlemen, and the whole Kingdom inclined to his Side, and his Army which was greatly encreased, advanced a pace towards London, when some of the advanced Parties, finding an Opposition in the Town of Reading, by some Scotch and Irish Troops of Horse and Dragoons posted there; they after a hot Skimish, orced their 〈◊〉〈◊〉, and clearing he Town, drove them to ••••yford-Bridge, where the main Guard had taken its Sta∣tion; and those fearing a greater Party 〈◊〉〈◊〉, thought fit to retire, and leave the passage free, though not above Nine or Ten were killed in the skirmish. This News flying swiftly to White-Hall, alarmed the 〈◊〉〈◊〉, and put all into hurry and con¦fusion The 〈◊〉〈◊〉, whose Councils (as it is 〈◊〉〈◊〉 believed) had brought the 〈…〉〈…〉, packed up their 〈…〉〈…〉 themselves; 〈…〉〈…〉 (who in the height of his 〈…〉〈…〉 professed, nothing grie∣••••d him more than that he had not stayed n the Reign of K, Charles the Second, and

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ered with his 〈◊〉〈◊〉) had by this hanged his Mind, and 〈◊〉〈◊〉 no Stomach to be placed as a Martyr in the Roman alender, for having gotten a huge Mass of Money, he timely ••••bbed off with it, and never staid till he had Earthed himself beyond the Seas: The Queen and the In∣fant ant were likewise sent privately away for France, where they arrived, and were re∣ceived by Order of the French King; and King James not thinking himself safe in White-Hall, on the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 of December, a∣bout Three in the Morning, privately left 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Pallace, and wen by Water ••••lenderly ttended) to kent, and o Overland, to ••••e Shoar, in Expectation of Shipping him∣••••lf for France, but a great search being ade by the Country People, for Father 〈◊〉〈◊〉 and others; the King and Sir Edward 〈◊〉〈◊〉 were aken in 〈◊〉〈◊〉 near Peversham, and there plundered by the Mobily, they keeping themselves a considerable time concealed.

Whilst these things happened, most Peo∣ple were ex••••early surpriz'd at th King's Departure; whereupon, the Lords that were in and about Town, both 〈◊〉〈◊〉 nd Temporal, assembled 〈…〉〈…〉 to ••••nsult what was best to be done i so 〈…〉〈…〉, and from thence ad∣journed

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to the Guild Hall, London, where the Lord Mayor had summoned a Com∣mon-Council, and thither sent for Mr. Skelleton Lieutenant of the Tower, and caused him to deliver up the Keys to the Lord Lucas, constituting him as Governour, and drew up a Declaration of their good meaning to the Settlement of the Peace and Tranquility of the Kingdom, which was signed by 29. of them; and thereupon they sent some of their Body to wait upon the Prince with it, as their good meaning and affection towards him, for having ven∣tured his Person, &c. for rescuing the Kingdoms from Popery, &c. The Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and Com∣mon Council Addressed likewise to the same Purpose; and the Multitude got to∣gether, and pulled down the Chapples and Mass-Houses in Lime-Street, Bucklers-Berry, St. Johns, Wild-Street, Lincolns Inn-Fields, &c. committing many Disorders upon the Houses of Ambassadours, especially, that of the Spanish and Florentine Ambassadour, and Envoy, which could not in that jun∣cture of hurry and confusion be remedied, though the Trained-Bands, and Watches were up.

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On the 12th of December, the Lord Jef∣ferys was taken in Hope and Anchor-Alley, in Wapping, Disguised in the Habit of a Seaman, going for Coals to New-Castle, and brought before the Lord Mayor of London, attended by a numerous Rabble; and by him (at his own Request) sent to the Tower, where he soon after was char∣ged with a Warrant, from the Lords at White Hall, and there through Grief and ear, fell into a Mallady that swept him from the Stage of the World, where he had Acted with too much Cruelty.

Notice being given to the Lords at White-Hall, that the King was at Feversham, they dispatched a Messenger to intreat his re∣turn; and accordingly, on the 16th. in the Evening he came to his Palace, and sent the Earl of Foversham to the Prince (who was then at Windsor) to invite him to St. James's; and put out an Order for sup∣pressing Tumults, and disorderly Outra∣ges committed by the Rabble; but the 18th. the King removed to Rochester upon request, and the Prince came to Town, attended with a numerous Train, through the shouts and Acclamations of the People, and the Bells-Ringing, Bonefires likewise made, the Streets shine in the Evening, and the King's Army, at his Command, being disbanded

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by the Earl of Feversham; being ordered by the Prince to repair to their Colours, Quarters were appointed at several Cities, Towns, and Villages, for the English, Scotch, and Irish Forces; and all People to whom any of them had embezled their Arms, &c. were commanded to restore them; and on the 20th. of December, the Lord Mayor being indisposed, the Aldermen and their Deputies waited upon his Highness, being accompanied with some of the Common Council of each Ward, to Congratulate him, upon his Happy Arrival at St. James's, which was performed by Sir George Trebie, their Recorder, in a very Learned and Eloquent Speech, and was very favourably received: And the Sheriff, Nobility and Gentry, of the County of Norfolk, pre∣sented an Address to the same purpose, carrying with it a deep Sense of their Ac∣knowledgment of so great a Blessing.

And now by reason of this great Revo∣lution the Nation being unsettled, and the King having with-drawn himself from Ro∣chester beyond the Seas, it was highly thought convenient that a way should be found out to create a calmness in the minds of the people; whereupon the Lords Spiritual and Temporal were appointed to give their attendance, as likewise such

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Members as had served in the late Parlia∣ments, in the Reign of King Charles the Second, and Court of Aldermen, together with the Members of the Common Coun∣cil of the City of London, the Lords as∣sembled in the Lords House at Westminster on the 25th. of December, and unanimously concluded to Intreat His Highness to take upon Him the administration of Affairs, and dispose of the publick Revenues, &c. and take into his Princely care the con∣ition of Ireland, which by Tyrconnel's means had mostly revolted: They likewise mplored him to Issue out His Summons for the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, being Protestants, as also his Circular Letters to the Counties, Cities, Boroughs, to order the Elections of such a number of Persons to represent them, as are of right to be sent to Parliament; and on the the 26th. the Commons and Aldermen, &c. waited upon his Highness at St. James's; to whom he made the following Speech, viz.

YOU Gentlemen, that have been Mem∣bers of the late Parliaments, I have de∣sired you to meet me bere, to advise the best manner how to pursue the ends of my De∣claration,

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in calling a Free Parliament, for the preservation of the Protestant Religion, and restoring of the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdom, and settling the same; that they may not be in danger of being again sub∣verted. And you, the Aldermen and Mem∣bers of the Common Council of the City of London, I desire the same of you; and in regard your Numbers are like to be great, you may (if you think fit) divide your selves, and sit in several places.

Upon this they agreed to go to the House of Commons at Westminster, where they chose Henry Powle Esq for their Chairman, and resolved upon an Address, which was drawn up to the same purpose; as that of the Lords, and Graciously re∣ceived on the 27th. and the day follow∣ing occasioned the like favourable An∣swer. And now the Election coming on for their Sitting the 22th. of January, least any disturbance should happen by the Soldiers Quartering in Boroughs and Corporations, an Order was Published, That they should March out of those places a day before the Election, Garisons excepted, and not return til the Election was over: A Declaration was likewise Published for the due ordering the Col∣lection

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of the Publick Revenue; and Mo∣ny being wanting, the Citizens of London very liberally upon His Highness's Letter, Lent between 2 and 300000 l. to be re∣payed at Interest, at six Months; and thence as cheerfully continued it for a longer time: And the suddainness of the affairs requiring the Soldiers to Quar∣ter in private Houses, a Declaration was Published to prohibit it, unless such Hou∣ses as were willing to entertain them. And divers of the Sea-men having desert∣ed their Ships, were ordered to return at a set time; and for the better Incourage∣ment of the Navy, the Arrears and Wa∣ges that should grow due, was promised to the Officers and Sea-men serving in the Fleet, according to the known Method. The Royal African Company, out of a sense of their Duty and Respect, on the 16th. of January at a General Court, Unani∣mously chose His Highness to be their Governour for the Year ensuing, and pre∣sented him with 1000 l. in their Joynt-Stock: and the High Sheriff, together with the considerable Gentry of the Coun∣ty of Cambridge, entered into an Associa∣tion, engaging themselves Solemnly to stand by His Highness with their Lives

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and Fortunes, &c. and soon after the like was done by divers others.

The 22th. of January being come, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled at Westminster, the Lord Marquess of Hal∣lifax Executed the place of Speaker in the House of Lords, and the Commons chose Henry Powle Esq to be their Speaker: after which His Highness's Letter was read in both Houses, on the occasion of their Meeting; and the Lords and Com∣mons resolved upon an Address of Thanks, and humbly therein desired him to con∣tinue the Administration of Affairs, till further application should be made by them, to His Highness; and the 31th. of January, was appointed for a publick Day of Thanksgiving in the Cities of Lon∣don and Westminster, and 10 Miles distance, for the great Deliverance; and on the 14 of February all over England: and then the Lords and Commons went to St. Iames's, to present their Address. The Soldiers, as well as the Seamen, were likewise en∣couraged about this time, with promise of their Pay▪ and Arrears, &c. and many Disorders being committed by unruly People in Forrests and Chaces, by De∣stroying the Deer, and cutting down Timber, a Declaration was published for

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the preventing them, Commanding the Magistrates to be strict and dilligent in apprehending the Offenders: and now the Prince having at the supplication of the Lords and Commons sent for His Royal Consort, She passed the Seas, At∣tended by divers English and Dutch Men of War; and was received with great Demonstrations of Joy at White-Hall, where she arrived by Water on the 12th. of February, being that Night Visited by most of the Nobility at Court; and the next Day in the Morning the Lords Spi∣ritual and Temporal being assembled at Westminster, and having agreed upon an Instrument of Writing, for Declaring the Prince▪ and Princess of Orange, King and Queen of England, France and Ireland, with all the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging; and upon presenting it in the Banquetting House, having re∣ceived their consent, about Eleven of the Clock they were Proclaimed at White-Hall, by the Officers at Arms; and afterwards at Temple-Bar, at Wood street-End, and be∣fore the Royal Exchange, with all the Ce∣remonies and Splendour that attends the occasion, the People every where expres∣sing their Satisfaction, by loud acclamati∣ons, and four Regiments of the City

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Militia lined the way. So the Day con∣cluded with Ringing of Bells and Bone∣fires. And hereupon the King and Queen joyntly placed in the Administration of the Government, which King James was Declared to have Abdicated by both Hou∣ses, as also the Succession settled in case of Failure of Issue, a Proclamation was pub∣lished, to continue all Persons (being Pro∣testants) who on the first of the last of De∣cember were in Office of Sheriff, Justice of the Peace, Commissioners, Collectors, and other Offices and Places concerning the Managing, Collecting, Receiving and Paying of the Revenue of the Kingdom, should be continued in the said Office, till their Majesties Pleasure was further known.

The Papists in Ireland, Arming in great Numbers in that Kingdom; committed about this time great Outrages on the Protestants, Plundering, Disarming, and Imprisoning them, so that divers as they could make their Escape fled for England; yet the North parts held out against them, being in Arms under the Lord Kingston and others making a very brave Defence; to prevent the going over of other Papist's and Disafected Persons; the English Ports that lay favourable to that Kingdom were

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ordered to be stop'd. As for Scotland, it had submited it self Voluntarily, to the Protection of King William and Queen Mary, yet the Duke of Gourdon held the Castle against the whole Kingdom, being Guarded by about 100 of his Accom∣plices mostly Papist's, but in the end was Obliged to Surrender, as will appear hereafter.

On the 18th. of February, the King went by Water to the House of Lords, in all the usual Splendor and Majesty, and being Seated on the Throne, and the Commons Attending, he made a very Gracious Speech to both Houses, Relating to the Circumstances of Affairs; and then Returned to White-Hall, and a Privy-Council of Honourable and Worthy Pers∣ons were Chosen, and the Papist's, such as were not House-keepers, commanded to remove from the Cities of London and Westminster, &c. And a Universal Joy over-spread the Kingdom, upon the News of the Proclaiming the King and Queen, all the Cities and most remarkable Towns shined with Fires, the Bells every where Ringing, great Feasting and Drink∣ing of Healths, &c.

The King having frequently Repeated His Good Will towards, and his Resoluti∣on

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to Protect the Church of England; On the 21st. of February, the Lord Bishop of London, with the Clergy of the City, to the Number of 100 waited upon the King and Queen, with an Humble Tender of their Fidelity, and were Graciously Re∣ceived, having the Honour to kiss their Hands; and the King gave them a further Assurance of his Affection to that Church, and of all Protection and Encouragement; Concluding, viz. I Assure you, that you shall ever find it so, and may Depend upon it. On the 23d. the King gave the Royal As∣sent to an Act for Removing and Prevent∣ing all Questions and Disputes about the Assembling and Siting of the present Par∣liament; and afterwards went with the Queen to Divertise himself at Hampton-Court; and in the beginning of March, he was pleased to Constitute Sir John May∣ard, Anthony Kecke, and William Rawleson, Serjeants at Law, since Knighted, Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of Eng∣land; the Lord Willoughby of Ersby, Chan∣cellor of the Dutchy and County Palatine of Lancaster, the Lord Lovelace, Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pentioners, and the Lord Lucas cheif Governour of the Tower of London; and divers other Worthy Persons were put in Places of

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Trust. He likewise Granted a Conge de Elire to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathede∣ral Church of Sarum, with his Letters Missive, for the Electing Dr. Burnet Bishop of that See, void by the Death of Dr. Seth Ward: And Hearth-Money proving grievous to the Subjects, especially the poorer sort, the King upon the humble Request of the Commons was pleased to give his Consent, That the Act should be made null and void, for which they re∣turned him an Address of Thanks; and upon the same occasion the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, made and Presented their Address.

On the 16th. of March the King passed Two Acts, one for Impowering His Ma∣jesty to apprehend and detain such Per∣sons as he shall find just Cause to suspect are Conspiring against the Government; and an Act for anulling and making void the Attainder of William Russel Esq com∣monly called Lord Russel; and then made a very Gracious Speech, requiring them to settle the Oaths, that Papists might be excluded, and Protestants, that were wil∣ling and able to serve, might be admitted to places of Trust.

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About this time we had News, That a great part of the Regiment of Foot, once Commanded by the Lord Dumbarton, had revolted, and seized on the Money, de∣signed for their Pay, and Marching a∣way with some Field Pieces, had Pro∣claimed K. James, commiting several Disorders and Outrages in the County of Suffolk, and other places; whereupon the Parliament besought his Majesty, to Issue out a Proclamation, for apprehending and surpressing them, which was accordingly done, and more Forces sent to quell them; however, at first they prepared to make resistance, but the King's Horse be∣ing ready to attack them, they threw down their Arms and surrendred upon Discretion, and were most of them (the Officers especially) brought up to London; the greatest part of the Soldiers were sent to the English Army, assisting the States General against France; and several of the principal Officers were tryed at the As∣sizes holden for the County of Suffolk, and being found Guilty, cast themselves upon the King's Mercy, expressing a hearty Sorrow for what they had done, and were thereupon Reprieved.

The Coronation Day being appointed on the 11th. of April, 1689. A Procla∣mation

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was published to give Notice there∣of, to such as had Claims, by Tenure of Land, Service, Dignity, Places, Honour, Offi∣ces or Trust, that they might timely make their Claims, in order to have things done regular, upon so great and solemn Occasi∣ons. And the Lord Lieutenants of the respective Countys were perfected. So that all things tended to good order and settlement in England, but the Affairs of Ireland admitted of no such Happiness; for the late King being Landed there with French Forces, and drawn to him a considerable Army of Irish Papists. For a time we had but a Melancholly account of Affairs in that Kingdom; however se∣veral places held out, and put a stop to the Torrent of the Enemy; and such as were uncapable of Resisting, were obliged to take such Conditions as they could get.

On the 22th. of March, Thomas Pil∣kington Esq since Knighted, Elected to be Lord Mayor for the City of London, for the remaining part of the Year (in the room of Sir John Chapman, who Dyed in his Mayoralty) was presented to the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal, and af∣terwards Sworn at the Hustings in Guild-Hall, according to the ancient Custom▪

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and at Five in the Afternoon he was Sworn without the Tower-Gate, by the Lord Lucas, Chief Governour of the Tow∣er, in pursuance of their Majesties Writ directed to him, and of the ancient usuage at such time as the Exchequer Court is not holden at Westminster. And the Day be∣fore an Act passed the Royal Assent, for a present Supply for their Majesties.

The Convention of the Estates of Scot∣land met at Edenburgh, to consult the set∣tlement of the Affairs of that Kingdom, as it had been appointed the 16th. of March; they chose his Grace the Duke of Hamilton their President, and settled their Committee of Five out of every Estate, for Examining the Elections; and then took the matter of the Castle of Edenburgh into their Consideration, and sent to the Duke of Gourdon, who yet held it out, requiring him to put it into their hands, whereupon he required an Indemnity for all that had passed, and a Security for the future, which the Convention conde∣scending to, in so far as he had acted as a Papist, they sent the Earls of Tweedale, and Lothain, with an Indemnity in Wri∣ting, for himself and all that were with him, upon which he desired 24 Hours to consider it; but though this was granted,

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it appeared in the end that he only delay∣ed to gain time, when after several Mes∣sages, sent to and fro, the Convention sent up the Heralds at Arms in their Formali∣ties, to charge him in the Name and Au∣thority of the Convention, Immediately to deliver up the Castle, upon pain of Treason, and upon refusal, he was Pro∣claimed at the Mercat Cross; and all Per∣sons forbid upon pain of Treason, to Con∣verse, Correspond, or Treat with him, or to Aid, Abet, or Succour him, and so they proceeded to Forfeit him. And the King of England's Letter was read with great applause, and a Committee appointed to draw up an Answer in the most thankful and dutiful manner; but there being a Let∣ter likewise sent by the late King James, brought by one Mr. Crane; before they would suffer it to be read, they pas∣sed an Act, by the unanimous consent of the House, asserting the Lawfulness of the Convention, notwithstanding any thing that might be alledged in the said Letter to the contrary, and the Person that brought it, was committed to the Custody of a Serjeant at Arms; but upon his hum∣ble Petition, he in a few Days was set at Liberty, and obtained a Pasport to return to his Master: And the Convention ap∣proved

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proved of all that the Noblemen and Gen∣tlemen at London had done, in praying His Majesty to take upon him the Administra∣tion of the Government. The Viscount Dundee being Discovered to have a secret Conference with the Duke of Gourdon, and upon being Summoned, Flying with between 30 and 40 Horse, stronger For∣ces were raised, and 3 Regiments were sent from England, under the Command of Major General Mackay; and thus pas∣sed over the Material Transactions of the Year, 1688. just a hundred Years since the Spanish Invasion was defeated and brought to nothing.

In the beginning of the Year, 1689. the Lord Ross arrived with a Letter from the Convention of Scotland, which he pre∣sented to his Majesty, viz.

May it please Your Majesty.

AS Religion, Liberty and Law, are the dearest concerns of Mankind, so the deepest sence of the extream hazard they were exposed to, must produce suitable Returns from the Kingdom of Scotland, to Your Majesty, whom in all Sincerity and Gratitude, we Ac∣knowledge to be (under God) our great and seasonable Deliverer; and we heartily Congra∣tulate, that as God has Honoured Your Ma∣jesty

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to be an Eminent Instrument of the Preser∣vation of his Truth. so he has rewarded Your Undertaking with Success, in the considerable Progrese you have made in Delivering us, and in preserving to us the Protestant Religion.

We return our most Dutiful Thanks to Your Majesty, for the accepting the Administration of Publick Affairs, and convening the Estates of this Kingdom; and we shall with all con∣venient Dilligence take Your Gracious Letter into our Consideration, hoping shortly (by the Blessing of God) to fall upon such Resolutions, as may be Acceptable to Your Majesty, secure the Protestant Religion, and Establish the Go∣vernment, Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom upon solid Foundations, most agreeable to the General Good, and Inclination of the People: As for the Proposals of the Union, we doubt not but Your Majesty will so dispose the Mat∣ter that there may be an equal Readiness in the Kingdom of England to Accomplish it, as one of the best means for the securing the Hap∣piness of these Nations, and setling a lasting Peace; we have hitherto, and still shall endea∣vour to avoid Animosities or Prejudice which might disturb our Councils; that as we Design the Publick Good, so it may be done with the General Concurrence and Approbation of the Nation; and in the mean time, we Desire the Continuance of Your Majesties Care and Prote∣ction

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towards us, in all our Concerns, whereof the kind Expressions in Your Gracious Letter has given us full Assurance.
Signed, &c.

On the 31st. of March, Dr. Gilbert Bur∣net, Bishop Elect of Salisbury, was Con∣secrated according to the Form prescribed in the Book of Common-Prayer, in the Chapple, in the Pallace of Fullham, by the Bishops of London, Lincoln, Landaff, St. Asaph, and Carlisle, by vertue of a Com∣mission granted them, by his Grace the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury; and now by Reason of this great Revolution, Hil∣lary Term being omitted, an Act was passed for renewing of Actions, and Processes lately depending in the Courts at Westmin∣ster, and discontinued by the not holding the said Term, and for supplying the de∣fect, relating to proceedings at Law; an Act for exhibiting a Bill in the present Parliament, for the Naturalizing the most Noble Prince George of Denmark; and an other for punishing Officers or Soldiers that shall Mutiny, or Desert their Majesties Service.

On the 3d. of April, at a Chapter held of the most Noble Order of the Garter, Duke Frederick Mareschal d' Schomberge, General of his Majesties Forces, and Ma∣ster General of the Ordinance; and the

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Right Honourable William Earl of Devon∣shire, Lord Steward of his Majesties Hou∣shold, were elected Knights Companions of the Noble Order, and were invested with the Garter and George, having been first Knighted by the Sovereign, with the usual Ceremonies; and the Lord Bishop of Salisbury was sworn, and admitted Chan∣cellour of the Order.

A great many Arms being imbezled by the Soldiers, that had formerly been dis∣banded, or were diserted; a Proclamation was Published for their Discovery, com∣manding the Delivery, and bringing in such Arms, and other Matters relating thereto, with a value set to such as should bring them in or Discover them.

On the 5th. of April, his Grace the Duke of Ormond was Installed in St. Georges Chapple at Windsor, Knight and Companion of the Noble Order of the Garter, with the usual Ceremonies; and about this time, the King published a De∣claration, to assure such English, as were in his Service in the Low-Countries, of full Eng∣lish pay, upon the English Establishment, as full to all Intents and Purposes, as any other Regiment of his Subjects, remaining within the Kingdom of England, and pro∣ceeded to make many Creations of Honour,

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conferring them on worthy Patriots of their Country; and on the 9th. of April, coming to the Parliament House, He passed an Act for the Establishing the Coronation. Oath; an Act for Naturalizing the most Noble Prince George of Denmark, and set∣tling his Precedence; an Act for Natura∣lizing Frederick Count Schomberge, and o∣thers; and Two Regiments were Em∣barqued for Ireland, under Collonel Coning∣ham, and Collonel Richards, and other Preparations made to follow them, in or∣der to relieve the Protestants that yet held out.

The Convention of the Estates of Scot∣land, for several Reasons mentioned in an Act for that Purpose, declared King Iames to have forefaulted the Right of his Crown, and that the Throne was became Vacant, and thereupon Voted, and Ordered, that the Committee for setling the Government, should bring in an Act for setling the Crown upon their Majesties William and Mary, King and Queen of England, and to consider the Terms of Destination of Heirs of the Crown; and likewise, to prepare and bring in an Instrument of Go∣vernment, to be offered with the Crown, &c. And about this time, a Barbarous Murther was committed upon the Person of

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Sir George Lockheart, President of the Sessi∣ons in that Kingdom, one Cheesely shooting him through the Back, as he was going from Church, because he had compelled Cheesely to allow his Wife and Children Maintenance, for which the Murtherer was tortured to oblige him to confess his Accomplices, but he accused noman; where∣upon he was sentenced to have his Hand cut off, and nailed to the Gallows, and then to be hanged, and afterward hanged in Chains, which was accordingly Exe∣cuted.

The 11th. of April being appointed for the Day of their Majesties Coronation at Westminster, great were the Preparations, and their Majesties being come from White-Hall to Westminster, the Nobility, &c. being put in order by the Heaulds, they came down into Westminster Hall, where the Sword and Spurs were presented to them.

After which, the Dean and Prebendaries of VVestminster, having brought the Crowns, and other Regalia, presented them sevarally to their Majesties, which, with the Sword and Spurs, were delivered to those Lords that were appointed to carry them.

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Then the Procession began in this man∣ner, Drums and Trumpets, six Clerks in Chancery, two a Breast, (as all the rest of the Proceeding went) Chaplains having Dignities, Aldermen of London, Masters in Chancery, Solicitor and Attorny General, Gentlemen of the Privy-Chamber, Judges, Children of Westminster, and of the Kings Chapple, Cheair of Westminster, Prebands of Westminster, Master of the Jewel-house, Privy-Councellors, not Peers.

Two Pursuivants, Barronesses, Borons, Bishops, a Pursuivant, a Viscountess, Vis∣counts, twoHeraulds, Countesses, Earls, a Herauld, a Marchioness, two Heraulds, Dutches, Dukes, two Kings of Arms, the Lord Privy-Seal, Lord President of the Council, Arch-Bishop of York, his Royal Highness the Prince of Denmark, two Persons Repesenting the Dukes of Aquitain and Normandy; Then the Lords who bore Their Majesties Regalia, viz. The Earl of Manchester St. Edwards Staff, the Lord Grey of Ruthin the Spurs, the Earl of Clare the Queens Scepter with the Cross, the Earl of Northampton the Kings, the Earls of Shrewsbury, Pembroek and Derby the Three Swords; Then Garter King at Arms, between the Usher of the Black-Rod, and the Lord Mayor of Lon∣don;

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the Great Chamber-Lain single, the Earl of Oxford with the Sword of State, between the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Mar∣shal of England, and the Duke of Ormond Lord High Constable for the Day, then the Earl of Bedford with the Queens Scep∣ter of the Dove, and the Earl of Rutland with the Kings, the Duke of Boulton with the Queens Orbe, and the Duke of Grafton with the Kings; the Duke of Somerset with the Queens Crown, and the Earl of of Devonshire, who was made High Stew∣ard of England for the Day, with the Kings; the Bishop of London with the Bible, between the Bishop of St. Asaph, with the Patten, and the Bishop of Rochester, with the Challice.

Then the King Supported, by the Bi∣shop of Winchester, and the Queen by the Bishop of Bristol, under a Canopy, boren by Sixteen Barons of the Cinque Ports; His Majesties Train boren up by the Master of the Robes, assisted by the Lord Eland, Lord Landsdown, Lord Willoughby, and the Lord Dumblain, and Her Majesties, by the Dutches of Somerset, Assisted by the Lady Elizabeth Paulet, the Lady Diana Vere, the Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, and the Lady Herrieeta Hyde.

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After the King a Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber, and 2 Grooms of the Bed-Chamber; after the Queen a Lady of Her Majesties Bed-Chamber, and 2 of Her Majesties Women; Lastly, the Cap∣tain of the King's Guard, between the Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard and Band of Pensioners, followed by the Of∣ficers and Bands of the Yeomen of the Guards; the Serjeants at Arms going on each side the Regalia, and the Gentlemen Pensioners on each side the Canopy. Thus their Majesties in their Robes of Crimson Velvet, the King with a Cap, and the Queen with a Circlet on her Head, all the Nobility in Crimson Velvet Robes, with their Coronets in their Hands; and the rest of the Proceeding in their proper Habits, Marched on Foot upon blew Cloth to Westminster-Abby.

Being entered the Church, and all du∣ly seated, The Bishop of London, who performed this great Solemnity, began with the Recognition, which ended with a mighty Shout; then their Majesties of∣fered, and the Lords who bore the Rega∣lia, presented them at the Altar. The Littany was Sung by Two Bishops, and after, the Epistle, Gospel, and Niceen Creed. And the Bishop of Salisbury Preached on

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the Text of the 2. Samuel, 23, 3, 4. And after Sermon Their Majesties took the Oath; and being Conducted to their Re∣gal Chairs, placed on the Theatre, they were there Anointed, and presented with the Spurs and Sword, and Invested with the Palls and Orbs, and then with the Rings and Scepters; and about 4 of the Clock the Crowns were put upon their Heads, at which the People shouted, the Drums beat, Trumpets sounded, and the Great Guns were Discharged, and the Peers and Peeresses put on their Coronets; then the Bible was presented to their Ma∣jesties, and after the Benediction, they vouchsafed to kiss the Bishops, being In∣throned: First the Bishops, and then the Temporal Lords did their Homage, and kissed their Majesties Cheeks, whilst the Treasurer of the Houshold threw about the Coronation Medals; then followed the Communion, and their Majesties having made their second Oblation. received the Holy Sacrament: Then the Bishop read the Final Prayers, and their Majesties re∣tired into St. Edward's Chapple, and being new Arrayed in Purple Velvet, returned to Westminster-Hall, wearing their Rich Crowns of State, and the Nobility their Coronets.

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The Nobility, &c. being Seated at the respective Tables, which was Furnished just as they approached; the first Course of their Majesties Table was served up with the proper Ceremony, being pre∣ceded by the great Officers, and the High Constable, High Steward, and Earl Marshal; and before the second Course, Charles Dymoke their Majesties Champion, between the High Constable and the Earl Marshal, performed the Challenge, after which the Heraulds pro∣claimed Their Majesties Stile; and all be∣ing ended with great Magnificence, their Majesties in the Evening returned to White-Hall, and the Streets were crouded with Bone-fires, the Bells every where Ringing; and the next Day in the Afternoon, the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, in Par∣liament Assembled, went from Westminster to the Banqueting-House, where they at∣tended Their Majesties, to congratulate Them upon their Coronation, which was performed by their Speaker, in a most Eloquent Speech; after which all the Members kissed Their Majesties Hands, and the rejoycing soon spread through all the Kingdom. And the Committee of Scotland for settling the Government, having made their report, and the Grie∣vances

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and an Instrument of Government being read, and distinctly considered, the whole Estates (except some few that were absent) with one Voice, Declared King William and Queen Mary, King and Queen of Scotland, in the same manner as had been done in England, Proclaiming it at the Mercat-Cross of Edenburgh, with the usual Form and Solemnity, and afterward at the other Crosses of the Kingdom.

On the 19th. of April the Lords Spiri∣tual and Temporal, and Commons As∣sembled in Parliament, Presented an Ad∣dress to His Majesty in the Banqueting-House, to render him their most Humble and Hearty Thanks for His Gracious De∣claration, and repeated Assurances, that he will maintain the Church of England, as by Law Established, and humbly pray him to Summon a Convocation of the Clergy; to which the King returned a very Gracious and Suitable Answer.

On the 26th. of April, the Commons waited upon the King in the Banqueting-House, and presented Him with the fol∣lowing Address.

WE Your Majesties most Loyal and Dutiful Subjects, the Commons in Parliament assembled, most humbly lay be∣fore

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your Majesty our most earnest Desires, that your Majesty would be pleased to take into your most serious Consideration, the de∣structive Methods taken of late Years by the French King, against the Trade, Quiet, and Interest of your Kingdom, and particu∣larly the Invasion of Ireland, and supporting your Majesties Rebellious Subjects there; not doubting in the least, but that through Your Majesties Wisdom, the Alliances already made with such as may be hereafter conclud∣ed on this occasion by your Majesty, may be Effectual to reduce the French King to such a condition, that it may not be in his power hereafter to violate the Peace of Christen∣dom, nor prejudice the Trade and Prosperi∣ty of this your Majesties Kingdom.

To this end, we most humbly Beseech Your Majesty, to rest assured upon this our Solemn and Hearty Promise and Engagement, That when Your Majesty shall think fit to enter in∣to a War against the French King, we will give Your Majesty such Assistance in a Parlia∣mentary way, as may enable your Majesty, under the Protection and Blessing, God Al∣mighty has ever afforded you, to support and go through with the same.

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To this His Majesty was pleased to re∣turn Answer in the following Words.

I Receive this Address as a mark of the Confidence you have in me, which I take very kndly, and shall endeavour by all my Actions to confirm you in it; I assure you, that my own Ambition shall nver be an Argument to Incline me to engage a War, that may ex∣pose the Nation either to Danger or Expence; but in the present Case I look upon the War, so much already declared in effect by France' against England, that it is not so proper an Act of Choice, as an inevitable necessity in our own Defence.

I only tell you, That as I have ventured my Life, and All that is dear to me, to rescue this Nation from what it suffered, I am ready still to do the same, in order to the preserving it from all its Enemies; and as I do not doubt of such an Assistance from you, as shall be suitable to your Advice to me, to declare War against a powerful Enemy, so you may relye upon me, that no part of that which you shall give for the carrying it on with success, shall be diverted by me to any other use.

And that the Protestants who had Fled from Ireland might not suffer want in Eng∣land,

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great care was taken to provide for them, and most People wherever they came contributed liberally to their relief and assistance; and the King was pleased to put forth a Declaration to encourage the French Protestants, that should Transport themselves, their Families and Estates, in∣to this Kingdom; and a Proclamation Prohibiting the Importation of all sorts of Manufactures and Commodities what∣soever, of the Growth, Production, and Manufacture of France, in way of Trade, &c.

On the 1st. of May His Majesty was pleased to give the Royal Assent, to an Act for raising Money by Pole, and otherwise, towards the Reducing of Ireland; an Act for preventing Doubts and Questions con∣cerning the Collecting the Publick Re∣venues, and a private Act to Sell Lands for Paying of Debts, &c.

For the better Supply and Support of Their Majesties Navies, Two Proclamati∣ons were Issued out, one to Prohibit Sea∣men from Serving Foreign Princes, and the other for Prohibiting them from De∣serting Their Majesties Navies: and His Majesty having been pleased to call by His Writ divers worthy Persons, to take upon them the State and Degree of Ser∣jeants

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at Law; they performed the Cere∣mony with all the Decency and Gran∣dure that usually attends it, and gave Rings with this Motto, viz Veniendo Re∣stituit Rem: and the King was further pleased to Constitute

Sir John Holt, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench.

Sir William Dolbin, Sir VVilliam Gregory Giles Eyers, Esq Justices of the same.

Sir Henry Pollexfen, Lord Chief Justice of the Common-Pleas.

Sir John Powel, Thomas Rokeby, Esq Peyton Ventris, Esq Justices of the same.

Sir Robert Atkins, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

Sir Edward Nevill, Nicholas Lechmer, Esq John Turton, Esq Barons of the same.

John Trenchard, Esq Chief Justice of Chester.

Sir George Treby, His Majesty's Attorney General.

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John Summers, Esq His Majesties So∣licitor General.

During these things, the French Fleet attempting to Land Forces in Ireland, Ad∣miral Herbert, with a Squadron of the English Ships stood over to Kingsale, on the 24th. of April, in hopes to meet them, and on the 29th. his Scouts made a Signal, that they discovered a Fleet keeping their Wind, which caused the Admiral to keep His all Night, to hinder them getting in∣to Kinsale, and the next Morning had no∣tice they were gone into Baltimore, being 44 Sail; whereupon he stood away to∣wards the place, but not finding them there, the Scouts however got sight of them again in the Evening, to the West∣ward of Cape clear whereupon steering af∣ter them, it was sound they had got into Bantry, so that the English Ships lay off the Bay all Night, and by break of Day stood in, where they found them at Anchor, who presently got under Sail, and bore down upon the English, in a Line of 28 Men of War, and five Fireships; and when they came within Musquet-shot of the Defiance, being the head-most of the English, the French Admiral put out the Signal of Battle, which they began with

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small and great Shot; and the English made several Boards to gain the Wind, or engage them close, but that way of working not being advantageous, the English Admiral stood off to Sea, as well to have got his Ships into a Line, as to have gained the Wind of the Enemy; but the French were so cautious in bearing down, that this advantage and opportuni∣ty could not be obtained, so that our Ad∣miral continued Battering upon the Stretch 'till Five in the Afternoon, at what time the French tacked, and stood further into the Bay; and the English Ad∣miral's Ship, and some of the rest being disabled in their Rigging, could not fol∣low them, but continued some time before the Bay, and gave them a Gun at parting. In this Action Capt. George Aylmer of the Portland, with 1 Lieutenant, and 9 Sea∣men were Killed, and about 250 Wound∣ed; and of the French (without doubt) a greater number; and not without good Supposition, one of their great Ships sunk; although they had double the number of Ships, and the advantage of the Wind.

Upon this further Invasion of the French King, made upon the Kingdom of Ireland; Their Majesties of Great Brittain, delayed no longer to Publish Their Declaration of

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War against him, Given at Hampton-Court, the 7th. of May, 1689. Seting forth Reasons, that moved Their Majesties to denounce War; and the Unjust and Perfideous Dealings of the French King, &c. as well against Their Majesties Subjects in Europe, as in Ameri∣ca, &c. And to prevent, upon this Rup∣ture, any Disturbance from Papist's; an Act Intituled an Act for the better Secu∣ring the Government, by Disarming Pa∣pist's, and Reputed Papist's passed. And now the Case of Algernoon Sidney Esq (who lost his Head on Tower-Hill,) being before the Parliament; amongst other Acts, one was passed, for Anulling and making Void his Attainder.

Collonel Lundy, who had been Ap∣pointed Governour of London Derry in Ire∣land, forsaking that place, as supposing it not Tenable upon the Approach of the Irish Army, and it being likewise left by Coll-Richards, and Collonel Coningham, who brought back the Regiments under their Commands, the Inhabitants, and such as came in Arms, from other Parts to Assist them, Resolving however, upon their Defence, Choose that Brave Gen∣tleman Mr. George Walker, a Minister of —their Governour, and Major Baker his Assistant, who, although

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the Irish took Kilmore, a Fort that lies ad∣vantageous to it; defended, they it almost to a Miracle, against above 30000 Men, till it was Relieved by Major General Kirk, with Provision, by Water; the Inhabitants, and Garison, having Eat all manner of unclean things, as Dogs, Cats, Rats, Mice, &c. And thereupon the Enemy, having lost a great number of Men, and some of their best Commanders, found themselves con∣strained to raise the Siege, after they had lain before it, Battering with their Cannon, and Casting in Bombs, from the 19th. of April, to the end of August, and a great party of the Protestants, Fortifying them∣selves in the Isle of Inch, and other Places; made a Resolute defence, beating off such as were sent to Attacque them, and fre∣quently taking great Booties, by which means they Subsisted, and held out, till they were Succour'd and Recruted from England.

About this time the Papist's, were com∣manded by Proclamation, to leave London, and Ten Miles about it, unless such, as were Excepted in an Act, for this purpose; and we had the happy News, of the tak∣ing two French Men of War by the Non∣such Frigate, as likewise, a Privatier, and several of their Merchants, by other Eng∣lish Frigates and Vessels.

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On the 11th. of May, he Commissi∣oners Appointed to offer Their Maje∣sties the Crown of Scotland, viz. The Earl of Argyle, Sir James Montgomery, and Sir John Darlerimple the younger, met in the Coun∣cil Chamber, about Three in the After∣noon. and being Conducted by the Master of the Cerimonies, and Accompany'd by divers Noble Men, to the Banqueting-House; They presented a Letter to the King, (who with the Queen, Sat under a Canopy of State) from the Estates of Scotland; and then an Instrument of Go∣vernment; after that, a Paper containing Grievances, which they desired might be Redressed, and then an Address to His Majesty for turning the Meeting of the Estates, of the aforesaid Kingdom, into a Parliament, all Signed by his Grace Duke Hamilton, President of the Meeting, and were Read to Their Majesties, whereupon the King Returned the following Gracious Answer.

When I Engaged in this Undertaking, I had particular Regard, and Consideration for Scotland; and therefore I did Emit a Decla∣ration in Relation to that, as well as this Kingdom, which I Intend to make Good and Effectual to them: I take it very Kindly, that

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Scotland hath Expressed so much Confidence in, and Affection to me; They shall find me willing to Assist them in every thing, that con∣cerns the Well, and Interest of that Kingdom, by making what Laws shall be necessary for the Security of their Religion, Property, and Liberty, and to Ease them of what may be justly Grieveous to them.

This was Received with the highest sense of Thankfulness and Satisfaction; and the Corronation Oath, thereupon Tendered to the King and Queen; the Earl of Argyle, Speaking the Words dist∣inctly, and the King and Queen Repeat∣ing after him, holding up Their right Hands, after the manner of taking Oaths in Scotland.

This done the Commissioners declared that the Estates of Scotland, had Autho∣rized them, to Represent to His Majesty, that the Clause in the Oath, in Relation to the Rooting out of Heriticks, did not Import the Destroying Heriticks, and that by the Law of Scotland, no Man was to be Persecuted for his private Opinion, and even Obstinate, and Convicted Heriticks, were only to be denounced Rebels, or Out-lawed; whereby their Moveable Estates are Confiscated for His Majesty,

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at his Repeating that Clause in the Oath; did Declare, That he did not mean by those Words, that he was under any Obligation to become a Persecutor: To which, the Com∣missioners Reply'd, that neither the mean∣ing of the Oath, nor the Law of Scotland, did Import it; whereupon His Majesty Declared, He took the Oath in that Sense; And called the Commissioners, and others pre∣sent for Witnesses, and then the King and Queen Signed the Coronation Oath; and the Commissioners, and several of the Scotch Nobility, had the Honour to kiss Their Majesties Hands.

The King taking a Progress to Ports∣mouth, &c. to view the Fleet, put in there: was Pleased, in Consideration of the Service done against the French, in Bantre-Bay, to give a Donative, of Ten Shil∣lings a Man, to all that were in that En∣gagement, which Amounted to the Sum of 2600 l. and Dineing on Board the Elizabeth, he was Pleased as a Mark of His Great Satisfaction, in the Conduct and Service of Admiral Herbert, to De∣clare His Intentions of Confering upon him, the Title, and Dignity of an Earl of this Kingdom; and he was after Cre∣ated Earl of Torrington, &c. His Majesty was likewise Pleased to Confer the Ho∣nour

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of Knight-hood, on John Ashby Com∣mander of the Defiance, and Captain Clowdesly Shovel of the Edgar; and Re∣turned, through the Repeated Acclamati∣ons of the Sea-men, and the Crowds of People that were on the Shoar, gether∣ed from divers Places, to Express the Satis∣faction they had of seeing His Majesty in those Parts.

The Castle of Edenburg, being still in the Hands of the Duke of Gourdon, it was strictly Blocked up, and several Batteries were Raised against it; So that all Com∣munication with the Besieged were cut off, however, the Viscount Dundee being A∣broad, and having strengthned himself, proceeded to open Hostilities, and amongst other Exploits, came with a Party of 50 or 60 Horse, to the Town of St. Johns-Towns, and in the Night time surprized, and carried away the Laird of Blair, a Member of the Convention, and two other Gentlemen; and having a Design upon Inverness, wheither he had sent to demand Mony of the Majestrates, he was prevented by divers Gentlemen, taking Arms, and Raising about 7 or 800 of the Neighbouring People; nor durst he At∣tempt to Enter Dundee, it being in a po∣sture of Defence; and the Committe of

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the Estates, Appointed Persons to Re∣ceive the Duke of Gourdons Rents, for the use of the Publick, forgiving a years Rent to the Tennants, provided they live Peaceably, and did the like by that of the Viscount Dundee's, and Orders were taken to Reduce the Bass, which was held out against the Government; and a Party who had taken up Arms for Dundee, and Attaqued Capt. Young, on his March to Kintyre, with a Detachment of 500 Men of the new Leavys, was Routed, many of them then kill'd, and others taken Prisoners.

On the 24th.▪ of May, His Majesty in the House of Lords at Westminster, gave the Royal Assent to an Act, for Exempt∣ing Their Majesties Protestant Subjects, Dissenting from the Church of England, from the Penalties of certain Penal Laws. An Act for Anulling, and making Void the Attainder of Alice Lisle Widdow, who was Beheaded in the West. And a private Act.

And now the Army being in motion, and War Proclaimed against France. Their Majesties, by Proclamation, Commanded a General Fast throughout the Kingdom, to Implore the Blessing of Almighty God, pon Their Arms, &c. to be Religiously

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and Solemnly Kept and Observed on the 5th. of June, within the Cities of London, and Westminster, and Ten Miles Distance; And on the 19th. throughout the whole Kingdom, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed. And Their Ma∣jesties were Impowred by an Act, to Com∣mit without Bail, such Persons as they should find Just Cause to Suspect Conspiring against the Government. And the Duch Ambassadors Arriving, to Congratulate Their Majesties, upon Their Happy Ac∣cession to the Crown, in the Name of the States General of the United Provinces, were Received at Greenwich, by the Earl of Sussex, Sir Charles Cottrel Master of the Ceremonies, and Six Gentlemen of His Majesties Privy-Chamber; from whence they were Conducted in the Kings Barges to the Landing place; the Tower Standard being Displayed; and at their Landing, they were Complemented by the Lord Lucas, Governour of the Tower, and Sauted with the Dischage of the Cannon; and from thence, being Attended by 16 Pages on Horse-back, and 60 Foot-men in Liveries; they were Conducted, in Their Majesties Coaches, followed by Six Coaches of their own, and about 50 others, be∣longing to the Nobility, to Cleveland-House

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at St. James's, Appointed for their Entertainment, where their Excellencies were Complemented from the King, by the Lord Cornwallis, and from the Queen, by Sir Edward Villers, Master of the Horse to Her Majesty; from the Queen Dowager, by Mr. Sayers, Her Majesties Vice-Cham∣berlain; from the Prince of Denmark, by the Lord Cornbury, Master of his Horse; and from the Princess, by Lieutenant Collonel Sandys, and soon after, had their Audiences, with Regard due to their Char∣racter; and Their Majesties were on the like Occasion, Congratulated by divers other Foreign Ministers.

About this time, happened an Extraor∣dinary Act of Bravery, which for its Pro∣digeous Effect, may well be Incerted viz.

Robert Casn, Master of the Richards Advice a Collier, about 400 Tun, 6 Guns, 12 Men, 2 Boys, and one Passenger, meeting Two French Privatiers of Foul∣ness, one of 18 Guns, and a 130 Men; and other of 4 Guns, 55 Men, who Board∣ing the Advice, were several time beaten off with considerable loss; so that after several Attempts, and a Fight of Four hours, 20 of the French being kill'd, 12 wounded, and two that were left on Board

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taken Prisoners; the Privatiers stood away, and left the Collier to Prosecute his Voyage.

The Estates of Scotland, on the 24th. of May, having Received His Majesties Let∣ter, Signifying to them, that at their De∣sire, he had Resolved to turn them into a Parliament; Authorizing them to Adjourn themselves to the Fifth of June following: That all their Members being Required to be present, they might pro∣ceed to dispatch what Affairs should most Conduce to the Setlement of the Nation; Thereupon they Ordered Unanimously a Letter of Thanks, to be Written to His Majesty, for His most Gracious Letter to them, and then in Pursuance thereof, Adjourned to the 5th. of June. Giving Orders for all their Members to be pre∣sent on that day, and the Privy Council Assembling, during the Interval, took up∣on them, the Care and Management of such Affairs, as properly belonged to their Charge, giving Order for the Raising a new Battery against the Castle, upon the Hill, within the Town Walls; whilst Major General Mackay Opposed the Pro∣gress and Proceedings of the Viscount Dundee, who kept himself in Lochquelabar, to Joyn the High-land-Clans, he expected to come to his Assistance.

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A Declaration was Published about this time, giving great Incouragement to the Officers, Seamen, and Marriners, em∣ployed in the Navy, and divers French Prizes were brought into several Ports of this Kingdom, aden with Wines, Brandy, and other valuable Commodities: And the French Fleet▪ was dared in the Harbour of Brest, into which the greatest part was put for Succour and Shelter from the Eng∣lish, who kept the Seas; and all Persons were forbid (by Proclamation) to Trade or Traffick, with any Person or Persons what∣soever, in the Kingdom of Ireland, with∣out leave first obtained in that behalf, or to correspond, or to have Communication with any Person, in any part or place within the same, except such as are in Obedience to the present Government.

The Convention of Scotland meeting on the 5th. of June, the Duke of Hamilton ac∣quainted them, that his Majesty had been pleased to send him a Commission to re∣present His Royal Person in the ensuing Parliament; and that he had received In∣structions from his Majesty, for turning the Meeting of the Estates into a Parliament, and then to Adjourn to the 17th. and thereafter, not only to consent to such a Law as may Redress the particular Articles

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of Grievances; but likewise to any other Acts they should advise, for the securing the Religion, Peace and Happiness of the Kingdom: After which, the King's Com∣mission, and Letters to the Estates was read; and the Lord Commissioner declared it was the King's Pleasure, that the Earl of Crawford should preside in Parliament, whereupon he was called to the Presidents Seat; and the Estates passed an Act, de∣claring that the Three Estates met toge∣ther on the 5th. of June, 1689. Consist∣ing of the Noblemen, Knights, and Bur∣gesses, are a Lawful and Free Parliament, to all Intents and Purposes soever; and that it shall be High-Treason for any Person to Disown, Quarrel, or Impugne the Dignity and Authority of this Parlia∣ment, upon any pretence whatsoever; And this Act being touched with the Scep∣ter, according to the manner of passing Acts in Scotland; the President, by the Command of the Lord Commissioner, adjourned the Parliament to the 17th. of June; and divers Persons who had been imprisoned upon Suspition of correspond∣ing with the Duke of Gourdon, and the Vis∣count of Dundee, were set at Liberty; and a Party of the King's Forces, upon notice that some of Dundees Men had engaged

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the Laird of Grant, who had 30. Dragoons allowed him to convey him to his House, advanced to the number of 150. Dragoons, commanded by Sir Thomas Levingston, Collonel of the Scots Dragoons, and Lieu∣tenant Collonel Hawley of Berkley's Regi∣ment, who met and encountred, near a Rockey Hill, about 500. Men, most of the Macleans newly come up, whom they beat, and pursued so closely amongst the Hills (whither they retired) that about 100. of them were killed; and on the Kings part, only the Laird of Andgour and a Captain of Berkleys, with 5 or 6 Drag∣goons.

These and other Proceedings, of the like nature, greatly discouraged the Duke of Gourdon, who came to Terms of Ar∣ticles, after several Parlies, which were these.

THE Duke of Gourdon hath so much Respect for all the Princes of King James the Sixth Line, as not to Condition with any of them for his own particular Interest; so he renders himself entirely to King William's Discretion.

I. That Lieutenant Collonel Winderham, Lieutenant Governour of the Castle, shall submit himself to King William's Pleasure, his Life

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being secured, and all the rest of the Garrison, shall have their Lives, Liberties and Fortunes secured; and Passes granted to those that will take Oathes not to bear Arms against the pre∣sent Government.

II. The Garrison is allowed to march out with their Swords and Baggage, belonging pro∣perly to themselves.

III. That all Gentlemen, Voluntiers, Ser∣vants, and Others, within the Garrison, shall have the same Capitulation, with the rest of the Garrison.

IV. That all manner of Persons shall have the benefit of the first Article, who have kept Correspondence with the Castle, and who have not been in Arms, and being at present at E∣denburg, or in the same County, shall be in∣demnified, and have the Benefit of the Capi∣pitulation.

V. The Sick Soldiers shall have Liberty to dispose of themselves as they think best, they behaving themselves as becometh.

VI. That all the Officers and Gentlemen, Servants and Soldiers, shall have the same Benefit, which others have, they living peace∣ably.

VII. A considerable Post within the Castle shall be immediately (how soon security is granted to the Garrison, for the above written

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Articles) put in Possession of those Forces, un∣der the command of Major General Lanier.

Upon these Conditions, the strong Castle of Edenburg, which had for a con∣siderable time been a Terrour to the City, and parts thereabout, was surrendered, and the Duke kept under Confinement, till the King's Pleasure was known. And the Parliament meeting on the 17th. of June, proceeded to pass an Act for the asserting and recognizng Their Majesties Authority; and afterward, all of them, except Two who withdrew, took the Oaths; and the like soon after did most of the Members that were absent; after which, an Act was Read, regulating the Articles; whereupon there rose a debate, and an adjournment of a few days ensued.

The Parliament of England having pre∣pared divers Bills for the Royal Assent: On the 22d. of June, the King went to the Lords House.

And passed an Act for granting of their Majesties an aid of 12d. in the pound, for one year, for the necessary defence of the Realm.

An Act for enabling the Lords Com∣missioners of the great Seal, to execute the Office of Lord Chancellour, or Lord Keeper.

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An Act for reversing the Attaindur of Henry Cornish, Esq late Alderman of 〈◊〉〈◊〉 City of London, and divers others, relating to Trade, and the Affairs of private Persons; and this Month, there being a Paper Spread Abroad in Secret, Intituled a De∣claration of King James the Second; divers Persons were Seized and Imp••••∣soned.

Whilst these things passed in England and Scotland; a pretended Parliament was Convened at Dublin in Ireland, who a∣mongst other things, passed an Act, for Papist's to pay their Yyths to their own Clergy; and an other for Liberty of Con∣science; Repealing Pointings; Acts, as likewise the Acts of Setlement and Expla∣nation; and made an Act, for taking off the Twelve Pence per Pound to Ministers in Corporate Towns; and an Act for Attaindure of several thousand of Persons by Name, and several French Protestants, that had fled theither for shelter, were de∣livered to the Count de Avox, in order to be sent for France; and mony being wanting, a Copper Coin was made, and Ordered by Proclamation, to pass Cur∣rent for six pence, unless in the Treasury and Custom-house, although it was not the value of one of our arthings; by

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which means, most of the Current Mo∣nies was Ingrossed, to the great discour∣agement of the People; and whilst the Body of the English Army, Commanded by the Duke of Schomberg, was preparing to make a descent on that Kingdom, be∣tween 7 or 800 Irish, were sent over into Scotland, to strengthen Dundee's Party, under the Command of Collonel Cannon, in hopes to divert the King's Forces, and retard their passing the Seas; but it had not its desired Ends, for divers other Persons, who were to joyn them, being discovered in a Letter, brought to the Lord High Commissioner, by an unknown Hand, and by other ways, which occasi∣oned the seizing of such as were Accused, or suspected: In the End, the Design dwindled to little or nothing, especially upon Dundee's being Slain, in a Battle a∣gainst Major General Mackay, in which, his Forces were Routed with considerable loss.

On the 24th. of July, Her Royal Highness the Princess Ann of Denmark, was Delivered of a Son, at Hampton-Court, the Queen being present, the whole time of her Labour; and the King, with most of the Persons of Quallity about the Court, came into her Royal Highnesses

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Chamber before her Delivery; and the Young Prince (whom the King was plea∣sed to Declare Duke of Gloucester) was on the 27th. Christened by the Lord Bishop of London, by the Name of WILLIAM; the King, and the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain of his Majesties Houshold, being God-Fathers, and the Lady Mar∣chioness of Hallifax God-Mother; and her Royal Highness's safe Delivery, and the Birth of a Prince, was received with great Demonstrations of Joy and Satisfaction throughout England.

About this time we had the account of the Defeat of Dundee in Scotland, and his being Slain; after which happened another Encounter, briefly thus:

Major General Mackay having received Advice on the 31. of July, That the Ene∣my was gon towards Angus, he marched from Sterlin, with a Detachment of Horse of the Lord Colchester's Regiment, and some Dragoons, and coming the next day to St. Johnstown, he understood that 500 of their Foot, and 2 Troops of Horse had been sent thither, to Seize upon some Stores of Meal that was left there for the use of the King's Forces, and were car∣rying it away to their main Body, where∣upon by speedy March, he over-took

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them in a Plain not far from St. Johnstown, and immediately Charged their Horse, who brought up the Rear, and having routed them fell upon the Foot, who were all killed and taken Prisoners, to∣gether with Capt. Hacket, who Com∣manded them: the which, and the for∣mer Defeat, caused those that were left, to retreat further into the North, and la∣bour for new Succors.

On the 14th. of August the Soldiers near at hand, the better to keep them in Ex∣ercise, and train them in War, marched to Hounslow Heath, and there Encamped, but soon after they broke up, and the Eng∣lish Soldiers were appointed to Mount the Guards at White Hall, &c. and take their Posts and Places as formerly, for the Guard of Their Majesties Persons, &c. And divers Troops and Regiments drew out from their Quarters, and Marched to High-lake, where the Ships for their Transportation into Ireland, lay at An∣chor. And a Declaration of War against France, was Published in Scotland, Pro∣hibiting likewise all Commerce with the Subjects of France.

The Duke d' Scombergh arriving with English Army on the 13th, of August, the Lough of Carickfergus on Bangor-side,

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without any Opposition; he sent 2 Regiments to Bellfast, the Irish th•••• were there retiring before them, and the Coun∣try came in with great store of Provisions, which proved so Cheap, that his Grace sent a great part of what the Ships had brought over, back again. And those in London Derry, the Inskilling Men, and o∣ther Protestants, being hereupon Incou∣raged, and having well provided them∣selves by the Spoils they had taken, upon several Defeats, they had given the Ene∣my, became very Formidable, making In-roads at their Pleasure, and taking great Booties, though the Popish Army upon their retreat from before London-Derry, had Burnt a great many Villages, with much Forrage, destroying what they could not carry away. And the General still advancing with the English Army, the Enemy retreated before him; whereupon having reduced several Places, and re∣stored as he passed the Country to some considerable Settlement, he some time af∣ter Encamped near Dundalk, expecting a Favourable opportunity to set upon the Enemy

Mr. George Walker, late Governour o London-Derry, having been wellcomed an caressed in Scotland, which he took in 〈◊〉〈◊〉

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way, arrived at Hampton-Court, the latter end of this Month, where he was re∣ceived by their Majesties, with many ex∣pressions of the Gracious Sense they have of his Services, and as a present mark of His Royal Favour and Bounty, His Ma∣jesty was pleased to bestow upon him 5000 l. assuring him that this should not at all lessen the Kindness he intended to shew him and his Family; and that he would likewise have a particular care of the rest of the Officers, and other Gentlemen who had so well behaved themselves at Derry. After which Mr. Walker presented his Ma∣jesty an humble Address from the Gover∣nours, Officers, Clergy, and other Gen∣tlemen of the City of Derry, which was favourably received: and care was taken for the supplying the Necessities of such as had been forced to Fly that Kingdom, to avoid the Persecution; and it was ordered by the Lords of the Committee for the af∣fairs of Ireland, that all Persons that do receive half Pay from their Majesties upon the Irish Establishment, should Im∣mediately Transport themselves into Ire∣land, and repair to his Majesties Army, under his Grace the Duke of Schombergh, General of his Majesties Forces.

And now upon the Publication of the

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King's Pardon in Scotland, to such as would come In, in time, and lay hold on the Offered Grace; divers Persons of Note, and others, took the Advantage, and Submitted themselves. The High-landers likewise dispersed, so that Collonel Cannon, who Commanded in Cheif, was Reduced, for the most part to the straightness of the Isle of Mull, and greatly distressed for want of Provisions and other Necessa∣ries, and to straiten him the more, General Mackay Garrisoned divers places in the North; and divers of the Heads of Clans, that had stood out, came in, and took the Oath to the King and Queen, giving sufficient Surites for the Peace; and all things seemed to promise a pros∣perous Issue to the Affairs of that King∣dom.

On the 20th. of September. the Parlia∣ment met ar Westminster, pursuant to their late Adjournment; and His Majesty ha∣ving Signified his Pleasure to both Houses, that they should further Adjourn to the 19th. of October, the two Houses Adjourned accordingly; and had further notice to meet by Proclamation. The Parliament of Scotland was likewise Adjourned by Pro∣clamation, from the Eighth of October, to the 20th. of December. And the King going

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to New-Market, was Highly Comple∣mented by the Vice-chancelor of the Uni∣uersity of Cambridge, and the Heads of the Houses, the Doctors &c. in their Forma∣lities; to which, His Majesty returned a very Gracious Answer; and then they were one, by one presented by his Grace the Duke of Somerset, their Chancelor, and Admitted to kiss the King's Hand; and the next day His Majesty went to Cambridge, and was very Splendidly En∣tertained; and divers Addrsses were Humbly Presented in this Progress, from Sundry Corporations &c. which were very Favorably Received,

The Army in Ireland, being about this time Advanced some what near the Ene∣my, a design was discovered in the Camp, Carried on by some French Papists, Ms∣qing themselves under the Pretext of Pro∣testants; for a Captain in one of the French Regiments, being Informed by a Soldier, that four other Soldiers, and a Drummer, that were Papist's, designed to go over to the Irish Army; he caused them to be seized, and found Letters a∣bout one of them, to Mounsieur de Avaux; who upon Examination, Confessed he had a Letter from one du Plessy a Papist, ser∣ving as a private Centinal, in one of the

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French Regiments; though he had been formerly a Captain of Horse in France, from whence he was forced to retire upon account of a Murther, he had committed there, who being likewise seized, upon Examination, Confessed that he had Written to the late King and de Avaux, giving them an account, that there were divers Papist's in the French Regiments, and promising withal, to bring them over to the Irish Camp, upon condition he might have the Command of them, and a Pardon in France; whereupon he and his five Accomplices, being Tryed before a Council of War, and the design being Apparrent, they received Sentence of Death, and were Executed accordingly; after which, the three French Collonels made a strict Inquiry, what Papist's there were in their Regiments, and found 150 who by order of the General, were Secured, and sent Prisoners to Carling∣frd, in order to their being Transported for England, and most of these had de∣serted the French Service this Summer, and passed into Holland, and from thence to England, where they Listed themselves in the Regiments of French the Protestants that were then Leavying; the Officers Rai∣sing their Companies in so much hast, that

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they had not time to Examine them strict∣ly; and perhaps their Disserting, and coming over, might be a French Trick, to Embroyl our Army, but however, it was timely discovered, and defeated.

On the 13th. of October, Dr. Edward Stilling flet Bishop Elect of Worcester, Dr. Simon Patrick, Bishop Elect of Chichester; Dr. Gilbert Ironside, Bishop Elect of Bristol; were Consecrated in the Chapple of Full∣ham, by the Bishop of London, St. Asaph, and Rochester, by vertue of a Commission Granted to them, on that behalf; and the next day, Thomas Earl of Pembroek and Montgomery, was Sworn one of the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council, and took his place at the Board accordingly. On the 19th. the Parliament met at Westmin∣ster, whither the King went Attended with the usual Solemnity, and being in His Royal Robes Seated on the Throne, in the House of Lords, made a very Gra∣cious Speech to both Houses on the oc∣casion of their Meeting, and after a short Prorogation of three days, the Parliament met again; and His Majesty Refered them to what he had said to both Houses, on the 19th And for the better Encour∣agement of erchants, and others that should carry Necessaries into Ireland, for

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the Service of the King's Forces, an Or∣der was Published to excuse the paying any Duty or Custom from the first of November, for 3 Months ensuing.

On the 29th. of October, Sir Thomas-Pilkington being continued Lord Mayor for the Year ensuing, went toi Westminster in the Morning by Water, attended by the Companys in their Barges, after the usual splendid manner, and being Sworn before the Barons of the Exchequer, re∣turn'd to Black-Fryers Stairs, where he Landed, and passed to Guild-Hall, where their Majesties were pleased to Dine with him, as did a great many of the Nobili∣ty, and Members of the House of Com∣mons, with the Privy Councellors, Judges, Bishops, &c. The whole Entertainment being to the high Satisfaction of all; and the King and Queens Pictures were set up the Night before in the Court of Hustings, as also a Triumphal Arch, &c.

The King about this time was pleased to Create Richard Lord Coot, Baron of Coloony in the Kingdom of Ireland, an Earl of that Kingdom, by the Name of Earl of Bellemont. And a French Man of War of 15 Guns, Laden with Arms, and bound for Ireland, was taken by the St. Albans and Dover Frigats, and brought into Fal∣mouth

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the 6th. of November; and they narrowly missed another of 36 Guns, on Board which were reported to be the Ld. Dover, and the Marquess d' Albyville, go∣ing to King James. On Board the Prize taken were 4000 small Arms, and a con∣siderable quantity of Powder, with several French Officers. And several French Prizes were brought into other Ports.

Although the greatest part of the English Army in Ireland was in Winter Quarters, yet Charlemont was kept Blocked up; and divers Skirmishes happened between Par∣ties, in which the Irish were worsted, as at the Hills before Charlemont, and at Newry Bridge and Town, &c. Loosing a great many of their best men.

On the 16th. of December, the King went to the House of Lords at Westmin∣ster, attended with the usual Solemnity, and gave the Royal Assent to, An Act granting to their Majesties an Aid of two Shil∣lings in the Pound for one Year.

An Act for Declaring the rights of the Subject, and settling the Succession of the Crown. And some other Acts for Naturalizing Per∣sons, &c.

On the 23th. of December, the King pas∣sed an Act, to prevent Doubts and Que∣stions

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concerning the Collection of the Publick Revenue.

An Act to punish Officers and Soldiers, who shall mutiny or desert their Majesties Service, and for punishing false Musters. And a private Act for settling a Joyn∣ture, &c.

On the first of January a Chapter be∣ing held by the Soveraign, and Knights Companions of the most Noble Order of the Garter, Frederick Elector of Branden∣burgh was chosen a Knight Companion of the Order, into the Stall of the Late Elector of Brandenburgh his Father.

The King of Denmark having sent a∣bout 6000 Horse and Foot to assist their Majesties of Great Britain, Shipp'd in a very considerable Fleet, they, notwith∣standing the projects of the French to dis∣appoint it, arrived safe in England and Scotland, and were kindly received, and care taken for passing them into Ireland, to which Service they were chiefly de∣signed, being all well Disciplin'd and well Accourtred Men.

On the 16th. the King came to the House of Lords, and being Seated on the Throne, the Commons attending, gave the Royal Assent to

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An Act for a Grant to Their Majesties of an additional Aid of 12d. in the Pound for one Year.

An Act for the Charging and Collecting the Duties upon Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate, at the Custom-House: and a private Act.

And for the firmer settlement of the Kingdom of Scotland, by putting the pla∣ces of greatest Trust in confiding Hands, His Majesty has been pleased to Constitute Lords Commissioners

For the Great Seal.
  • The Duke of Hamilton,
  • the Earl of Ar∣gyle,
  • and the Earl of Southerland.
For the Privy Seal.
  • The Earl of Forfar,
  • the Earl of Kintore,
  • and the Lord of Carmichael.
For the Treasury.
  • The Earl of Crawford,
  • the Earl of Cas∣sels,
  • the Earl of Tweddale,
  • the Lord Ruth∣uen,
  • and Mr. Melvil.
For the Clerk Register's Office.
  • The Lord Betheaven, the Master of Bur∣leigh,
  • Sir Duncan Campbell of Auclimbreak,
  • Sir Thomas Burnet of Lays,
  • and John Hay of Park.
  • Sir George Campbell of Cesnock, Lord Justice Clerk.

On the 27th. of January, His Majesty

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being seated on the Throne in the House of Lords, sent for the Commons, and gave the Royal Assent to

An Act for the renewing of the Poll Bill, and for an additional Poll.

An Act to prevent Vexations Suits against such as acted in order to the bringing in their Majesties: and Four private Acts. And then proceeded to make the following Gracious Speech.

My Lords and Gentlemen.

I Am very sensible of the readiness you have shewed to supply me with Money for the carrying on the Wars I am engaged in; That I am glad of this occasion to give you Thanks for your careful dispatch of that matter, which was absolutely necessary for the common safety.

The best return I can make your Kindness, is to assure you, that, as far as it will goe, it shall be imploy'd to the purposes it was given.

It is a very sensible Affliction to me, to see my good People Burthened with heavy Taxes; but since the speedy recovering of Ireland is, in my Opinion the only means to ease them, and to preserve the Peace and Honour of the Nation, I am resolved to go thither in Person, and with the Blessing of God Almighty, en∣deavour to reduce that Kingdom, that it may o longer be a Charge to this, And as I have

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already ventured my Life for the Preservation of the Religion, Laws, and Liberties of this Nation, so I am willing again to expose it, to secure you the quiet enjoyment of them.

The Spring draws on, and it being Requi∣site I should be early in the Field, I must im∣mediately apply my Thoughts to give Orders for the necessary Preparations, which that I may have the more leisure to do, I have thought convenient to put an End to this Sessions.

Then Mr. Speaker, by His Majesty's Command, said

My Lords and Gentlemen,

IT is His Majesties Pleasure that this Par∣liament be Prorogued to the second Day of April next; And this Parliament is Pro∣rogued to the second Day of April next.

And thereupon His Majesty returned to his Palace.


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