A faithful account, of the present state of affairs, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, or, The remarkable transactions and proceedings that have happened in these kingdoms, since the discovery of the horrid Popish Plot, anno 1678 to this present year, 1689/90 plainly shewing the state of affairs, from time to time, in peace and war : but more particularly what has happened under the government and reign of their present Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, and of our wonderful deliverance from popery and slavery, &c. / by E.C.

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A faithful account, of the present state of affairs, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, or, The remarkable transactions and proceedings that have happened in these kingdoms, since the discovery of the horrid Popish Plot, anno 1678 to this present year, 1689/90 plainly shewing the state of affairs, from time to time, in peace and war : but more particularly what has happened under the government and reign of their present Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, and of our wonderful deliverance from popery and slavery, &c. / by E.C.
E. C.
London :: Printed for Tho. Bever ...,

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Subject terms
Great Britain -- History -- Restoration, 1660-1688.
Great Britain -- History -- William and Mary, 1689-1702.
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"A faithful account, of the present state of affairs, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, or, The remarkable transactions and proceedings that have happened in these kingdoms, since the discovery of the horrid Popish Plot, anno 1678 to this present year, 1689/90 plainly shewing the state of affairs, from time to time, in peace and war : but more particularly what has happened under the government and reign of their present Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, and of our wonderful deliverance from popery and slavery, &c. / by E.C." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A31852.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.


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I Have undertaken this Historical Ac∣count, that the hand of Providence may be the more fully seen, in our many signal and great Deliverances; it being a Collection of such Transactions, as from time to time have publickly hap∣pened, whereby it appears, how all along the Projects and Devices of the Enemies of our Religion have been frustrated, even when they supposed themselves the su∣rest: As likewise, the various turns of Affairs, laid down in such Order, as

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will not only refresh them in the the Me∣mories of such as have been Conversant, and knowing in Matters of this kind, but instruct those that are Ignorant of them, and be a means to convey them to Posterity. I need not much Appologize in a Work of this Nature, but only declare what is done, is faithfully laid down, as it has in the several Periods; occurred, viz. In part of the Reign of King Charles the Second, the Reign of King James the Second; but more largely, since the beginning of our present great and wonderful Deliverance, from Popery and Arbitrary Power; by their present most sacred Majesties, King William, and Queen Mary; and so refering you to what is contained in the following Pages, I Remain,


Your very Humble Servant, E. C.

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