Four usefull discourses viz. ... / by Jer. Burroughs ...

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Four usefull discourses viz. ... / by Jer. Burroughs ...
Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.
London :: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst ...,

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Christian life -- Congregational authors.
Sermons, English -- 17th century.
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"Four usefull discourses viz. ... / by Jer. Burroughs ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


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IT may too truly be said of the Ministers of Christ, that it often fares with the Births of their Brains, as with the Fruit of their Loyns; their Books have the same fate with their Children, who though well maintain∣ed, and much respected in the life time of their Parents; yet are afterwards exposed to neg∣lect, and often to contempt; unless their own merits renew the lease of that which none could ever yet call inheritance. The Post∣humous Works of the Servants of Christ, will (like helpless Orphans) suffer by the rough hands of violence and injury, unless they can redeem themselves at more than an ordi∣nary rate of worth. Wherefore this Book, now put into thy hands, hath brought its re∣demption money with it for that purpose.

Though the Name alone of the Author (being among the first Three) might have gi∣ven

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it a reputation in any Age but this, his Works having said that for him in the Gate, which Envy it self cannot gain say: Yet not∣withstanding it bids so high for the acceptati∣on of all, by its own worth and excellency, that he must be condemned for a Man of un∣exercised senses in the matters of good and evil, that shall not embrace it upon its own terms.

The publishing the Labours of such Men of worth, is of an happy tendency to promote our communion with them in the Spirit, whom it may be we never saw in the Flesh; and it is to be reckoned among our mercies, when the dead are made to speak, that the li∣ving may be perswaded to hear: for this thou art indebted to the faithful pen of a rea∣dy Writer, whose indefatigable and (for ought I yet know) unparallel'd industry, hath already blessed the World with so many of the grateful labours of this servant of Christ, whose Name knows no rottenness.

M. M.

Stepney 13 September 1675.

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