Four usefull discourses viz. ... / by Jer. Burroughs ...

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Four usefull discourses viz. ... / by Jer. Burroughs ...
Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.
London :: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst ...,

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Christian life -- Congregational authors.
Sermons, English -- 17th century.
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"Four usefull discourses viz. ... / by Jer. Burroughs ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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FOUR Useful Discourses: VIZ.

I. The Art of Improving a full and prosperous Condi∣tion, for the Glory of GOD; being an Appendix to the Art of Contentment: in Three Sermons on Philip IV. 12.

II. Christian Submission, on I Sam III. 18.

III. Christ a Christian's Life; and Death his Gain; on Philip I. 21.

IV. The Gospel of Peace sent to the Sons of Peace; in Six Sermons on Luke X. 5, 6.

By JER. BƲRROƲGHS, Late Preacher of the GOSPEL at Stepney and Cripplegate.

Published by his hand who put forth some of his Books when Mr. BURROUGHS was living by his approbation; and most of those which came forth since his Death.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, and sold at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, and at the Bible on London Bridge, 1675

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