A sermon preached at Plimmoth in Nevv-England December 9. 1621 In an assemblie of his Maiesties faithfull subiects, there inhabiting. VVherein is shevved the danger of selfe-loue, and the sweetnesse of true friendship. Together vvith a preface, shewing the state of the country, and condition of the sauages. Written in the yeare 1621.

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A sermon preached at Plimmoth in Nevv-England December 9. 1621 In an assemblie of his Maiesties faithfull subiects, there inhabiting. VVherein is shevved the danger of selfe-loue, and the sweetnesse of true friendship. Together vvith a preface, shewing the state of the country, and condition of the sauages. Written in the yeare 1621.
Cushman, Robert, 1579?-1625.
London :: Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop at the two Grey-hounds in Corne-hill, neere the Royall Exchange,

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"A sermon preached at Plimmoth in Nevv-England December 9. 1621 In an assemblie of his Maiesties faithfull subiects, there inhabiting. VVherein is shevved the danger of selfe-loue, and the sweetnesse of true friendship. Together vvith a preface, shewing the state of the country, and condition of the sauages. Written in the yeare 1621." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A19729.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 31, 2024.


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A SERMON PREACHED AT PLIMMOTH IN NEVV-ENGLAND December 9. 1621. In an assemblie of his Maiesties faithfull Subiects, there inhabiting.

VVHEREIN IS SHEVVED the danger of selfe-loue, and the sweetnesse of true Friendship.

TOGETHER VVITH A PREFACE, Shewing the state of the Country, and Condition of the SAVAGES.

ROM. 12. 10.
Be affectioned to loue one another with brotherly loue.

Written in the yeare 1621.

LONDON Printed by I. D. for IOHN BELLAMIE, and are to be sold at his shop at the two Grey∣hounds in Corne-hill, neere the Royall Exchange. 1622.

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